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Facebook Lockout And Spam?


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My mrs can't log into facebook on chrome now as it says her account is temporarily locked due to a malware infection of the browser, her account works in other browswers. She downloaded an extension to deal with it as facebook suggested and still no good. When she looks at her account in another browser it's full of spam from eastern europe by the looks of it, even though her security setting are only to get posts from friends. I ran a scan with malware bytes and anti virus but they come up with zero problems.

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Yep, FBook been hit hard http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-02-16/facebook-hit-by-sophisticated-hack-attack/4522836.

Maybe suggest to better half to create new acct. with more sophisticated p'word. I know this would be a major hassle,

but at least that would get her up and running, with new acct. she should be able to import from old acct. with great caution. AA

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