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Thai Men Assault Drunk Scottish Teacher In Nakhon

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Thai Men Rape Drunk Scottish Teacher In Nakhon


A 20-year-old Scottish tourist was raped by two Thai men in Nakhon Si Thammarat province. She had been drinking heavily with her Scottish boyfriend, who went back to their room to sleep. As she was walking, a pickup truck of Thai men stopped and dragged her to a nearby building and raped her.


NAKHON SI THAMMARAT – February 16, 2013 [PDN]: a report of a tourist raped by four Thai men was received by Pol. Col. Somphong Thiparphakul, Superintendent, Meuang police station, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. He notified the Protection and Subduing police and detective police to investigate further and arrest the four troublemakers.

The incident occurred at 5 a.m. on the balcony on the second floor of a building beside Robinson Ocean department store, Tambon Klang. The victim was identified as Ms. Amanda Napolee, age 20, a tourist and English teacher from Scotland.

Officers arriving at the scene found the victim sitting and crying on the 2nd-floor balcony. She was wearing a long skirt with a white T-shirt, and had scratches on her body from the sexual assault. The victim was still drunk, so she could not talk clearly. But the officers tried to understand her, as she described what happened.

She told police she had been drinking beer with her Scottish boyfriend at the “Rock 99” restaurant in Thawang market. Then they tried to go into the “Nakorn Viengjan” restaurant behind Robinson Ocean department store. But the security guard didn’t allow them inside, saying that she and her boyfriend were too drunk. So her boyfriend went back to their room, and let her walk around in front of the store alone.

Suddenly a pickup truck with four young Thai men stopped in front of her. The men dragged her to the upstairs balcony in the next building to rape. But she resisted, so she was punched in her belly until she could not fight against them. She was raped by two men until they reached climax, then the four men escaped.

Full Story: http://www.pattayada...cher-in-nakhon/

--Pattaya Daily News 2013-02-17

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After 13 years here, I always had this sense that tourists were more or less off limits to criminals to commit crimes upon, as it would impact tourism and hurt the country overall. So there was an understanding between the police and the bad people. After reading reports like this one on an ongoing basis here, apparently that implied agreement is no longer in force....

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Someone should tell the government. This is what is really bad for Thailand's image. This kind of thing is what foreigners care more about. A lack of safety.

Apparently it is the NOk Airline calendar that does more harm than trivial little incidents like rapes, bashings, roberies and murders against farangs.

I hope they catch this scum, but sadly I think when she flies out the matter will be put to bed.

Ironically enough, Nok fly BKK-NST 4 or 5 times daily.

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she has to identify them.Can she do this?If they have a good lawyer unfortunately not much will happen to them.Who was involved in the rape out of the 4?

Once she's able to point out the guys dna tests will proof the rest. No lawyer will be able to refute dna test results

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Two issues here:

1) Really stupid, stupid woman and equally stupid boyfriend . . . and an English teacher at the age of 20???


the four troublemakers.

Ah yes, the scallywags . . . naughty little boys but so troublesome.

Um, nope. They are rapists, not troublemakers

Edited by Sing_Sling
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I hope for her sake she hasnt contracted HIV from these low lifes. Quite a few European women have been raped here in the past few years but we never get any feed back on the final outcome.

There was a Scandinavian raped on the beach recently by some Burmese fisherman. I think she was in for a shock when getting the results back from the vd clinic... dont walk around topless in thailand.

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No woman asks to be gang raped especially in a country that has a high aids ratio.

If she is now HIV+ what would the charges be?

They were quick enough to arrest and imprison a German man who had infected a few Thais (he didn't rape any of them).

was that the guy in chiaphum?

remember how long he got?

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Apparently after being refused entry into a restaurant because she was so drunk, she became angry and abusive and threw her wallet containing 6,000 baht into the restaurant!

Absolutely stupid.

If you can't handle your drink, don't drink.

Inexcusable behaviour form the Nakhon Sri Thammarat dogs but it's a town noted for its thugs and gunmen. Dorothy ain't in Kansas now.

When I read this article I thought it was a case of mistaken identy. I thought surely this is my ex-wife.
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Yes Sing_Sling, that caught my eye too!

A teacher at aged 20? Impossible!!

More incorrect reporting and, therefore, that makes the rest of the of the report doubful in many areas, even if it is truth in all areas.


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Apparently after being refused entry into a restaurant because she was so drunk, she became angry and abusive and threw her wallet containing 6,000 baht into the restaurant!

Absolutely stupid.

If you can't handle your drink, don't drink.

Inexcusable behaviour form the Nakhon Sri Thammarat dogs but it's a town noted for its thugs and gunmen. Dorothy ain't in Kansas now.

Where are you getting that info from? I don't see anything about wallet throwing in the article.

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Yes Sing_Sling, that caught my eye too!

A teacher at aged 20? Impossible!!

More incorrect reporting and, therefore, that makes the rest of the of the report doubful in many areas, even if it is truth in all areas.


Not impossible at all. There are people teaching English at that age, especially in rural areas. In many places they are happy to just have a warm body show up on time. They may even instruct the teacher to lie about their age to parents as no one can tell how old farang are anyway.

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