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lamb or goat is very healthy, a friend of mine who is a doctor actually said lamb or mutton meat is more healthier than any other meat....

when i first moved to chiang mai i got the frozen meat from Makro, but after settling down, fresh farm meat is avaialble at good price here in chiang mai. i m their regular customer. I buy them from Hamza Farm, they do organic, halal meat.

Would you please tell me where to find Hamza Farm - or even a telephone no will do. I am very keen to find a source of fresh lamb - or ideally, goat - meat in Chiang Mai.

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this is an interesting thread...I'm curious as to what 'venison' actually is....my understanding is that the term refers to wild four hooved meat like deer, elk, etc. It has a 'gamey' flavor as it doesn't have much fat. Now, where I useta work in the US NW woods a colleague removed from his freezer an elk steak as we were drinking beer one afternoon. He grilled up two and I thought that I went to beef heaven...magnificent flavor and texture...not what one would associate with venison.

Elk in the wild are herd animals and are fat and look like cattle...very elusive as they blend in with the scenery and are hard to spot (in the crummy one morning in Oregon on the way up to the show we pulled over and the others were peering out the windows and admiring a herd...I said 'What??? I don't see nothing???' one of the old uns spat tobacco juice and said 'tutsi, yer from fckin' California and don't know much either'...I focussed and could see them...perfectly blended in to the background, grazing peacefully...

I had deer and wasn't impressed...tough and flavorless...

Venison in the UK is a very tender tasty meat, not at all gamey, we bought deer meat in Freindship Pattaya(thinking deer=venison) and were very disappointed, nothing at all like venison (deer meat in the UK) tasteless and very tough!!!


in the UK venison is widely available in Scotland...but on the large estates up there it is almost like cultivation as game wardens make sure that all the animals on the estate are looked after for the pleasure of the 'baird' and his hunting buddies (Jockstar, get in here and correct me). In the wild areas of the US like the NW you got grizzlies, you got wild fish and migrating herds like elk. The law of the jungle applies.

I don't like the US much but there are wild places within a few hours drive of LA and SF....places where there is still danger and where you can be dead in a minute if you are not careful. Animals live there...loads of them...for every scene in a film with a majestic 14 point stag I've seen 2 or 3 just traipsing around wid me boots and sleeping bag. The naturalist John Muir used to head up to the Sierra with just a dirty overcoat and some scraps of bread...but he was a vegetarian...

(check out Kerouac's 'Dharma Bums' where the writer - attempting to recover from alcoholism - finds himself with the poet Gary Snyder running naked thru the raw beauty of the California Sierra with just hiking boots on. He gave up and wanted to find some ham and eggs...his rejection of Snyder's love of 'Nature' is heart wrenching...'he gave me a black look'...says it all :o )

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