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Street Food Vending Business In Los?


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Now knowing a bit more about the product its not to bad an idea, every bussiness is a risk.for this idea alot depends on how reliable, hardworking and dedicated the girlfriends family are, i dont think it will work in pattaya to much competition and mafia kickbacks to pay.the guy obviously knows what his doing and has a bit of cash to play with my advise start small with one or two carts and see how it goes.

I could think of better and easier ways to earn money here with not as much work involved or staffing problems but that involves buying land and you are then back to the cant have in your name scenario and having to trust someone else with your investment.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

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That video of the French guy was a great find - he must really love his wife to do that. What a nice guy. The lesson the OP could take from that is how the stall started to do better due to the novelty of the French guy selling - franchise it out with Thai workers and the advantage is lost. Now I've thought about it, I'd still love to see a New York-style hot dog cart selling corn dogs - that would appeal to Thais and foreigners; it's hard to find either in Bangkok.

There ya go.


corn dog maker less than 10K baht.

Don't know where you get decent hot dogs in LOS though, they are disgustingly tasteless and very low quality here.

Missing the horse meat you are used to. beatdeadhorse.gif

One question that comes to mind with this horse meat 'scandal' .

Why would they substitute pork, beef atc for horse meat?

As far as I am aware, horses are a lot more expensive than meat animals in the west, and horse meat is not simple to disguise, it is a lot different.

Just asking.

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That video of the French guy was a great find - he must really love his wife to do that. What a nice guy. The lesson the OP could take from that is how the stall started to do better due to the novelty of the French guy selling - franchise it out with Thai workers and the advantage is lost. Now I've thought about it, I'd still love to see a New York-style hot dog cart selling corn dogs - that would appeal to Thais and foreigners; it's hard to find either in Bangkok.

There ya go.


corn dog maker less than 10K baht.

Don't know where you get decent hot dogs in LOS though, they are disgustingly tasteless and very low quality here.

Missing the horse meat you are used to. beatdeadhorse.gif

One question that comes to mind with this horse meat 'scandal' .

Why would they substitute pork, beef atc for horse meat?

As far as I am aware, horses are a lot more expensive than meat animals in the west, and horse meat is not simple to disguise, it is a lot different.

Just asking.

Romanian workhorses

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That video of the French guy was a great find - he must really love his wife to do that. What a nice guy. The lesson the OP could take from that is how the stall started to do better due to the novelty of the French guy selling - franchise it out with Thai workers and the advantage is lost. Now I've thought about it, I'd still love to see a New York-style hot dog cart selling corn dogs - that would appeal to Thais and foreigners; it's hard to find either in Bangkok.

There ya go.


corn dog maker less than 10K baht.

Don't know where you get decent hot dogs in LOS though, they are disgustingly tasteless and very low quality here.

Missing the horse meat you are used to. beatdeadhorse.gif

One question that comes to mind with this horse meat 'scandal' .

Why would they substitute pork, beef atc for horse meat?

As far as I am aware, horses are a lot more expensive than meat animals in the west, and horse meat is not simple to disguise, it is a lot different.

Just asking.

In Australia when a horse is too old they send them to the abattoirs and turn them into dog food , and yes they do use them salami in Melbourne as some butchers have been caught using horse meat. by the time they add spices you cannot tell the difference

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The people his family (as he will be in the background) will have to deal with in order to set up and keep their carts up and running in both spots mentioned in BKK are not noted for their fairness nor modest ongoing and regular demands. Have no idea about pattaya.

he probably has "the bottle" based on his experience but he isnt going to be "on the frontline" in this case and so is he going to be happy potentially watching someone else getting rolled and seeing his profits and investment diminish? Cause the minute he pops his head up the people he will be dealing will move to a whole new level of interesting business practices.

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Hi Klubex,

Good luck to your friend with his business.My advise would be to make hay while the sunshine.If his idea is a good one and he can make good money...be sure of this,it will be noticed by people and copied and eventually he will be out numbered and under priced.

My thinking is baked potatoes and he is waiting for the oven carts to be shipped.

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Outside the 7/11 on Lamai Beach, Samui is one of the most profitable vending carts i've seen here.

stacked 1 foot high with bbq chicken legs/kebabs/pork/beef/sping rolls and sells out every night.

15,000bt a night 365 days a year.

No chance of a farang turning up a musceling in though.

In the wife's home town market all vendors sell veg/salad etc no meat!

That could be an business possibility in the future for our part time retirement.

Your friend needs a niche market and location, but beware as soon as others see the sucess the competition will start following suit unless they have no clue about your product ie potato as Shaggy sugested(They are completely alien to Thai's because they carn't wok or bbq them.

All the best.

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The Chinese have also perfected a chemical marinade that turns pork into beef, with the same colour, flavour and texture.

Is there nothing the Chinese won't counterfeit!

They would glue horns on a pig if there was a market for it.

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The Chinese have also perfected a chemical marinade that turns pork into beef, with the same colour, flavour and texture.

Is there nothing the Chinese won't counterfeit!

Is there nothing the Chinese wont eat?

Someone once told me, the only thing with four legs the Chinese cant eat, is a table.

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The friend is probably OP and the supposed business in the UK probably does not exist.

I was thinking the same ....it is like a james bond story

Must be all lies then.

James Bond? I am stumped, how do you arrive at this thread being like a James Bond story?

I don't mind you walking around thinking this is all lies, you have the right to suspect that, but you have really confused me with the second line and I am sure I am not the only person.

Just thinking Kevvy, maybe its about time you spent a little less time in the sun.

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The friend is probably OP and the supposed business in the UK probably does not exist.

I was thinking the same ....it is like a james bond story

Must be all lies then.

James Bond? I am stumped, how do you arrive at this thread being like a James Bond story?

I don't mind you walking around thinking this is all lies, you have the right to suspect that, but you have really confused me with the second line and I am sure I am not the only person.

Just thinking Kevvy, maybe its about time you spent a little less time in the sun.


maybe you are in the sun daydreaming wow its like a suspense story , like a novel written by ian flemming

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I've always fancied a vegetarian hot-dog business. I'd call them "Soy Dogs". Has a familiar ring to it.


On a serious note, the tourist market is pretty vulnerable to copy-cats. Targeting the local Thai/expat market gives the opportunity to come out on top through quality.

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maybe you are in the sun daydreaming wow its like a suspense story , like a novel written by ian flemming

Oh right.

I see now, you are the type of farang who sits all day in the sun, doing nothing thinking about nothing and you really hate it when some dare come here to do things that could knock your own personal Thai adventure into a cocked hat???

Am I getting close?

Anyway, it doesn't really matter to me what you think., just get on with your artificial dream. It's no biggie.

I have sent a link to this thread to Ben, I have done all I am willing to do on this matter now. I am far too busy with my own businesses both here and overseas. Far too busy to even consider street food stands..... really.

Got to go to the UK on Tuesday to sort out a few things. I will tell my friend that as far as I am concerned, just go ahead and do it, listen to nobody but your own gut, and the bigger you go, as long as you are a fully registered company, nobody will f^^k with you. If they do,. you have a lot of protection here..... Don't kid yourself before you chirp in.... Registered companies that do things the right way have a LOAD of protection from the chamber of commerce and that is also including corruption at both street and official level.

Thanks for all your input my friends, and to a few others..... carry on dreaming and one day, a dream may come true, you might even sit and watch a farang fail so you can stick your nose back in your Chang and snigger to yourself.

I will end by saying this.

I have met a lot of farangs in the past 3 years, and I know a lot have businesses here, and with the exception of a small one or two..... on the whole..... They have all been very successful, but then again, they probably don't read this forum.

toodle pip.

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