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Thai Pm Gambles On Poll Results


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Thai PM gambles on poll results

Source: BBC

Mr Thaksin's rural support appears to be holding firm

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has said he will resign if his party does not win at least 50% of the vote in upcoming elections.</quote>

If Thai Rak Thai are the only party in the election then he must be on a pretty sure thing - or am I missing something? :o

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He also said he'd camp outside the new airport until it was finished, if it wasn't completed on time...

Possibly someone should give give him the website: www.tentsforyou.com

Surely he will simply have one plane land there again to save face.

It would be interesting to see some sort of number in relayion to how much black money, bribes and the rest have gone into this white elephant.

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He's said a lot of weird things...

Part of his solution when faced with traffic problems in Bangkok was to use Sykorski helicopters to remove broken down cars from street and highways... :D

He even proposed hanging himself along with a protester last night! :o

Good luck with the poll results and loosen up that shirt collar in the meantime.

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Thai PM gambles on poll results

Source: BBC

Mr Thaksin's rural support appears to be holding firm

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has said he will resign if his party does not win at least 50% of the vote in upcoming elections.</quote>

If Thai Rak Thai are the only party in the election then he must be on a pretty sure thing - or am I missing something? :o

It is not a sure thing as I understand it. If he doesn't get at least half of the 19 million votes, he will resign. If there are enough people who support the opposition and abstain from voting he will get less than 50%. As I recall, there is even something like an "abstain" choice on the ballot in Thailand.

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets most if not all of the 19 million votes. His support is very strong upcountry.


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If he doesn't get at least half of the 19 million votes, he will resign.

He also said that if opposition doesn't get enough MPs he will let them to start impeachent proceedings against him.

Is there anyone who believed him then?

Was it half of 19 million last time voted for him or half of all eligible voters, or half of those who actually will go to polling stations?

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Thai PM gambles on poll results

Source: BBC

Mr Thaksin's rural support appears to be holding firm

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has said he will resign if his party does not win at least 50% of the vote in upcoming elections.</quote>

If Thai Rak Thai are the only party in the election then he must be on a pretty sure thing - or am I missing something? :D

It is not a sure thing as I understand it. If he doesn't get at least half of the 19 million votes, he will resign. If there are enough people who support the opposition and abstain from voting he will get less than 50%. As I recall, there is even something like an "abstain" choice on the ballot in Thailand.

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets most if not all of the 19 million votes. His support is very strong upcountry.


There is indeed, a box to check for "no candidate" on the ballot. If the numbers of these ticked PLUS the totals of the oppostion parties running (granted they are mostly fringe political groups) add up to 50%, Thaksin will resign.

errr.... until he thinks up another condition and goes back on his promise.

Not that THAT has ever happened before.... :o

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