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Toilets In Thailand


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I hate them, i dont think im in the right position though.

I have my feet on each side of the toilet (on the ground) and 1 hand on the back wall stoping me from falling in.

Sometimes i just sit on it.

are you suppose to put your feet on the grooved part?? because i feel like my shit might go in my shorts.

I also never used the water gun or water bucket. I usually got a toilet roll everywhere i go.

Also doesnt the shit go everywhere if you just spray it?? thats on thing that made me no use it.

Also the bucket, do you just splash it on your ass??? does it clean it well???

We should have a manual on how to use this toilet as my first encounter with one of those toilets was very confusing, i was thinking <deleted> is that suppose to be??

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A couple of years ago, we had a long thread on this.

It ran for 7 pages.


Talking of 'reaching new heights', somebody posted a photo of how to dump in an Asian toilet without having to bend your knees. I will try to find it.

The link above supplies an excellent manual on how to use a squat toilet. Read it learn the culture.

squat toilets are for peasants. especially when you have to clean yourself with rain water from the three foot high 'bath' next to the thing .........

Under NO circumstances get into that 'bath'! :o

Edited by Lourens
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I dont agree with certain posts. I like to dump in a crouch position like a caveman. I do not like the thought of someone pishing on the seat and it riddled in germs!


Science will tell you that you should be more worried shaking anybodys hand or giving them a kiss on the cheek, since it's more then 500times more 'bad' bacterias there, then anywhere on a toilet-seat. Even if someone deliberetly pee'd on it.

People need to stop being paranoid over things that aint gonna hurt you.

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Somebody said:"squat toilets are for peasants"

Of course they are----what else could peasants do, (or hunter-gatherers, come to that) when they 'felt the urge' when out in the fields, except squat?

So it was logical to squat over a hole in the ground, when all living together. (Though in Nepal, many villagers go out in the fields near their village to dump.)

As a happy peasant, I am endlessly amused by all these elites (schoolteachers, bureaucrats, technologists and so on) who try to find a more comfortable life by serving or exploiting the peasantry and then try to kid themselves that they are superior.

some of us have moved on pal, and the fact you are posting on an internet site vastly undermines your point!

shouldn't you be chalking on a cave wall somewhere????

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The question is alot of Thai toilets do not have any loo roll in!!!

So as I asked many a thai person, how do they dry their ass after washing it down with water? There must be alot of wet pantys out there with skiddys on!

Arguments in favor of squat toilets

* Squatting is the normal mode of human elimination and is believed by some to prevent virtually all colorectal disorders and disorders of the pelvic floor (constipation, Crohn's disease, colitis, etc.);

* They are cheaper to clean and maintain;

* They induce rapid user turnover (no time lost due to people reading newspapers, resting, etc...);

* The splashing of water on the buttocks after a heavy defecation does not occur; and

* They do not involve any contact between the bare skin and a potentially dirty surface.

Arguments against squat toilets include:

* If one is not balanced properly, one can easily slip and fall;

* The toilet and the floor around it can be soiled by explosive diarrhea or simply bad aim;

* Problematic for people with osteoarthritis of the knee;

* Splatter on legs and feet;

* Dangerous for obese people;

* Inconvenient when wearing pants that don't slip off over shoes;

* One could get leg cramps;

* One common toilet injury in India is achilles tendon rupture, in which a person accidentally keeps the foot in the basin and the heel slides into the hole, resulting in abnormal bending of foot(dorsiflexion) and this results in the rupture of the achilles tendon.

A common argument against the squat toilet is that if toilet paper is used where there is no flushing system installed (Common with Turkish squat toilets), it is easy for the inexperienced user to clog the toilet. Those unfamiliar with the squat toilet should be sure to ask the location of the flushing bucket before attempting use.



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I have moved on, indeed: to hygienic squat toilets which also put less strain on your 'system'.

"Peasants" supply the food you eat, and do know what an internet connection is. No need to be condescending, unless you need to this to feel better about yourself. :o

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I have moved on, indeed: to hygienic squat toilets which also put less strain on your 'system'.

"Peasants" supply the food you eat, and do know what an internet connection is. No need to be condescending, unless you need to this to feel better about yourself. :o

I agree zzap. Why does he/she call people peasants although they get waited on and treat with hospiatlity. He/she clearly has the mind of a peasant!


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Arguments in favor of squat toilets

* They do not involve any contact between the bare skin and a potentially dirty surface.

Arguments against squat toilets include:

* Inconvenient when wearing pants that don't slip off over shoes;

A common argument against the squat toilet is that if toilet paper is used where there is no flushing system installed (Common with Turkish squat toilets), it is easy for the inexperienced user to clog the toilet. Those unfamiliar with the squat toilet should be sure to ask the location of the flushing bucket before attempting use.

I disagree that there is no contact between bare skin and a potentially dirty surface. It's pretty common for people to remove their flip-flops when entering, especially if it's an outhouse. Same goes for loos inside the house. The idea being that they won't track in dirt from their shoes. Some of the outhouses have no electric lights, and even though vent slits may allow light to pass in, some are still pretty dark and hard to tell how 'clean' it is.

Another addition 'Against' the squat pots: They can be rather difficult and cause a prolapse for people with hemorrhoids.

Regarding clogging a squat pot with TP, some use a basket to collect soiled tissue. YUK! I know of one stilt house that simply has a hole in the floor. It's a pretty messy sight on the ground below.

And then, thee's the classic about handprints on the ceiling.

How you'd explain that one? :D

Must be hard on the head when you stand up after you've done the job. :o

Also the bucket, do you just splash it on your ass??? does it clean it well???

Splash it on your bum, then use your hand to scrub off those stubborn cling-ons to avoid skid marks.

Edited by AmeriThai
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For the benefit of those who may not be able to fully envision the squat pot, here’s one in all its splendor installed in fancy tile surroundings. The bowl on the ledge is used to scoop water out from a basin at the right (not seen). The water is then sloshed into the squat pot to flush the contents down the drain.


Woops! There goes all the change!

Oh no, there go the keys!

Nooooo, not the wallet!


To avoid the risk of having to fish your valuables out of the bowl,

removal of pants is highly recommended before doing the deed.

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If you are having one built, make sure the builders use big diameter pipe from the loo to the cesspit.

(To save a few baht, it has been traditional to use narrow pipe, but it gets blocked very easily by toilet paper.)

Westerners will appreciate a toilet-roll holder (otherwise the toilet roll gets put on the ledge of the water pond and, inevitably, falls in).

Also a shelf to put wallet, keys etc on, and coat hooks to hang up trousers etc.

And make sure the wall and the side of the pond are close enough for wobbly westerners to reach out and support themselves!

If you know you are going to have both Thai and Western guests, why not instal one of each type? Building costs are so low, compared to the West, that it won't 'break the bank'.

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squat toilets are for peasants. especially when you have to clean yourself with rain water from the three foot high 'bath' next to the thing .........

And how about your toilet my Lord? Image6.jpg

Is it a bucket made entirely of gold held by a servant? Does someone clean your butt for you by splashing champagne on it and then on with the puffy white powder treatment while the whole court watches in awe? :o

For those enjoying this stinking topic, you will surely like this previous winner. :D

The Battle Over The Wipe

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If you know you are going to have both Thai and Western guests, why not instal one of each type? Building costs are so low, compared to the West, that it won't 'break the bank'.

I agree. I have a squat toilet with "mandi" shower tub which has an outside access, and western style inside the house. My wife said that if we only had western style, some local visitors would be uncomfortable using it (and some would not know how to use it) so they would use the garden instead. This sales pitch sold the idea to me very effectively.

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Hi there,

When i first came to Thailand i was staying in a Tourist Style Hotel and did hang out on Places where Farang usually hang out....Nana Area or so..

Now that i am married and living in Nakhon Sawan i am getting very often confronted with the " Spread your legs and kneel " Toilets. I am not really getting along with those :D . I often drive from Nakhon Sawan into BKK and my favorite Place to stop is at the Shell Petrol Station in Singburi . It has nice (Thai) Food there at Nongpeal Restaurant too. And "regular" Toilets as well...they even got those Lamps to make it smell nice there... :D

Does anybody ever get used to this kind of Toilets? Or even better tell us the favorite Place to stop over when you Travel in Thailand?

Thx for your feedback,

rcm :o

They are not "Thai" style toilets - they are French style......

Sqatting (not kneeling!) is a much healthier way to do your business, it emptiies the bladder better and helps to prevent constipation.

Unfortunately us Westerners spend all our life sitting on chairs and usually by the age of about 11 have lost the ability to squat comfortably...I suggest that you practice this position as it has many physiological benefits. Look at Thai people sitting by the road or eating or whatever....

PS - I don't think I could live anywhere now without an arse squirter....however I think in Northern Europe I would link it to the warm tap!!!!!

Edited by wilko
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QUOTE(zzap @ 2006-03-05 15:44:29)

I have moved on, indeed: to hygienic squat toilets which also put less strain on your 'system'.

"Peasants" supply the food you eat, and do know what an internet connection is. No need to be condescending, unless you need to this to feel better about yourself.

I agree zzap. Why does he/she call people peasants although they get waited on and treat with hospiatlity. He/she clearly has the mind of a peasant!

some people are peasants, and peasant use squat toilets because the peasant areas they live in don't have adequate sewerage systems.

you may try to kid yourself you use one for hygenic reasons but my guess is you live in a part of the world alongside, and probably in the same house as, peasants. up to you :o

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OT I know but just saw this on Yahoo News about dunnies in Oz!

Maybe Aussies would be better off with the squatters! :o


Hefty Aussies flush out dunny review


The changing shape of the Australian population has led to a review of the load-bearing capacity of toilets.

Standards Australia says as the community's weight increases, and many more Australians are in the heavier categories, toilet regulations have to be updated.

General manager of standards development Colin Blair says toilets are currently required to meet a rigidity test of 45 kilograms - which accommodates most people's weight in a seated position.

He says a committee including manufacturers and consumers will assess whether that is still adequate.

"They will re-look at what the statistics are on weights of people, they will re-look at that rigidity load and then that document will go to public comment, so obviously the experts out there will have an opportunity to re-look and see whether that load is appropriate," he said.


Edited by Youbloodybeauty
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QUOTE(zzap @ 2006-03-05 15:44:29)

I have moved on, indeed: to hygienic squat toilets which also put less strain on your 'system'.

"Peasants" supply the food you eat, and do know what an internet connection is. No need to be condescending, unless you need to this to feel better about yourself.

I agree zzap. Why does he/she call people peasants although they get waited on and treat with hospiatlity. He/she clearly has the mind of a peasant!

some people are peasants, and peasant use squat toilets because the peasant areas they live in don't have adequate sewerage systems.

you may try to kid yourself you use one for hygenic reasons but my guess is you live in a part of the world alongside, and probably in the same house as, peasants. up to you :o

What an extraordinary attitude....these tiolets don't originate from the peasantry....

It's a bit off topic but I'm reminded of a friend who went to his doctor complaining about his bowels....when the Doctor asked him what the problem was he said that he had a movement every morning at 7 o'clock. The Doc pointed out that that was perfectly OK, to which my friend replied:"Yes, but I don't get up 'til 7.30.."

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As a staunch member of the peasantry, I am offended that 'leftcross' uses the word 'peasant' in a way that implies that he sees it as a derogatory term.

However, that is 'off topic'; so I will put up a topic "Please stop implying that 'peasant' is a rude word" and we can discuss it there.

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