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Not all Thai women are tattooed hookers, and shame on you for going indicating that

In China only the criminal classes have tattoos. (Not sure if that includes hookers or not)

We were talking about Chinese, I was commenting on Chinese dating habits.

Your floundering......it was obvious what you meant.

You think too much!

Tink too mutt if you don't mind........

anyway that'll teach you for heading down hooker alley again. coffee1.gif


theblether, all jokes aside, have you been or are you currently drinking alcohol ? It's just not cool to post while pissed, and it's clear that you are reading roughly every third word in my posts, so I'll leave it there.


theblether, all jokes aside, have you been or are you currently drinking alcohol ? It's just not cool to post while pissed, and it's clear that you are reading roughly every third word in my posts, so I'll leave it there.

Nope totally sober, just go pick out the weeping statements that you mentioned. coffee1.gif


No worries for most of the westerners here, most Chinese man still look at a Chinese bride as the best choice for themselves for loads of reasons , language, food and parents. Most Chinese parents are not open minded to foreign brides irregardless of the nationality There is no doubting they have huge discussions on the business and investment fronts and are already here buying everything they see a return on However marrying a Thai Chinese is another scenario altogether. If they are fair skinned, speak reasonable mandarin the marriage between a Thai Chinese family and a Chinese family is very desirable and looked upon favorably. Most of the Chinese business partners ask me where to find fair Thai ladies and for now the north is their first choice so all those stuck in Issan and Pattaya can break your next beer, they are not coming to compete with you With the Chinese mentality, their way of taking care of the family is attractive to the Thai families. When a man married a woman they firmly believe the one with the most money should be responsible for everything from buffaloes to cars to houses to whatever the girl wants some may think its spoiling the girl but you only need to date a shanghai girl to know what being a man is all about. However it comes at a price where they are chauvinist and do not take woman's opinion strongly on most matters except child rearing and domestics affairs. So in the Chinese mans eye ...you behave like a woman and I will be all the man you want me to be Hope I don't offend the ladies here in this forum but for most man that is the way they think which is very much like a Thai man.

Finally, a post about Chinese and potential marriage partners from someone who :

a. knows what he is talking about

b. isn't drunk

Thanks you, Lawrence


anyway that'll teach you for heading down hooker alley again. coffee1.gif

I've never actually been up that particular alley.

Yes Tommo, we know that.....you're the only farang in the World that went to Pattaya to play pool. coffee1.gif


anyway that'll teach you for heading down hooker alley again. coffee1.gif

I've never actually been up that particular alley.

Yes Tommo, we know that.....you're the only farang in the World that went to Pattaya to play pool. coffee1.gif

I once went to Pattaya for a sex holiday (taken by a friend for my first visit to TL) .......... but when it came down to it, could never actually bring myself to buy sex. Just sat in bars and played pool. As you already know. It just seemed so wrong. Guess it never bothered you.


No worries for most of the westerners here, most Chinese man still look at a Chinese bride as the best choice for themselves for loads of reasons , language, food and parents. Most Chinese parents are not open minded to foreign brides irregardless of the nationality There is no doubting they have huge discussions on the business and investment fronts and are already here buying everything they see a return on However marrying a Thai Chinese is another scenario altogether. If they are fair skinned, speak reasonable mandarin the marriage between a Thai Chinese family and a Chinese family is very desirable and looked upon favorably. Most of the Chinese business partners ask me where to find fair Thai ladies and for now the north is their first choice so all those stuck in Issan and Pattaya can break your next beer, they are not coming to compete with you With the Chinese mentality, their way of taking care of the family is attractive to the Thai families. When a man married a woman they firmly believe the one with the most money should be responsible for everything from buffaloes to cars to houses to whatever the girl wants some may think its spoiling the girl but you only need to date a shanghai girl to know what being a man is all about. However it comes at a price where they are chauvinist and do not take woman's opinion strongly on most matters except child rearing and domestics affairs. So in the Chinese mans eye ...you behave like a woman and I will be all the man you want me to be Hope I don't offend the ladies here in this forum but for most man that is the way they think which is very much like a Thai man.

Finally, a post about Chinese and potential marriage partners from someone who :

a. knows what he is talking about

b. isn't drunk

Thanks you, Lawrence

Who has confirmed everything I said......amazing that eh? coffee1.gif


I went for the temples - unable to find any, I resorted to whoring and getting so drunk that even whoring became impossible, as did standing whilst urinating. Terrible, terrible place. ;)

  • Like 1

anyway that'll teach you for heading down hooker alley again. coffee1.gif

I've never actually been up that particular alley.

Yes Tommo, we know that.....you're the only farang in the World that went to Pattaya to play pool. coffee1.gif

I went to Pattaya for a sex holiday (taken by a friend) .......... but when it came down to it, could never actually bring myself to buy sex. Just sat in bars and played pool.

As you already know.

I didn't know you had gone to Pattaya for a sex holiday sad.png ..........I thought you had just gone to play pool. blink.png

Oh Tommo you've burst my bubble, I didn't expect that of you. sad.pngcoffee1.gif


Who has confirmed everything I said......amazing that eh? coffee1.gif

You said they were coming here to find brides.

He says they aren't.

How did he confirm what you said?

Have you lost the ability to read? read Lawrence's post again.

Most of the Chinese business partners ask me where to find fair Thai ladies and for now the north is their first choice


TB, unless you restrict your version of the 'pick of the crop' to Chinese-Thais who speak Mandarin reasonably well, I'm stuffed if I see how Lawrence's post supports your earlier sweeping statements. In any case, I much prefer Indonesian-Chinese women, but I'm sure you'll tell me that the Chinese horde is sweeping south, much like the invading Japanese in 1940 ? I'd best warn Jakarta - at least we know which direction the invasion will come from ....

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Quite right theblether. The Chinese 'one child' policy has had a great influence on their population, not only on numbers but also on the gender balance. The preference for male offspring has resulted in a huge male 'surplus' and I expect many young Chinese males will look to Thailand as a prospective place to look for a wife, or maybe just to 'get water off chest'.

There's a gender imbalance of over 20 million already in approx the 20-30 age group.

This is just BS, they don't want hookers for wives, they don't marry girls with tattoos.

No scam, because they don't buy Thai girls houses or cars.

Chinese are one of the biggest 'racial purity' groups in the world, they don't want to marry outside their racial group.

But I guess they might use a Thai girl as a one night sex toy ........ but I haven't seen that so far.

Your showing your pedigree Tommo, we all know that it was your hooker sister in law that recruited you out of a bar in Pattay and set you up with your wife, so your not exactly qualified to comment on the dating habits of Thai women.

Not all Thai women are tattooed hookers, and shame on you for going indicating that.

I think you'll find that the Chinese are already in country looking for suitable Brides and the visa offices are issuing visas in a heartbeat.

...the blether you are pissing in the wind with this lot ...cantankerous is the word in Scotland for them....getting to be a joke on here lately and most topics end up with the usual suspects being like my little daughter when she does not want to admit she is wrong .... I have family in shanghai and I have been a regular visitor lately there and for sure they are coming to Thailand ...when they find out my wife is thai they are all over me ....this years smash hit movie in china is about 3 men going on tour to THAILAND alone ....you get it and that,s all that matters ..you are trying to educate people I would not bother with!!!! As for tommos assumption that all thai women are tattooed hookers I would love him to say that to my wife as she would leave him black and blue and in need of urgent medical help
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This is Asia's century - we can either embrace it or be steamrolled by it -

I don't agree with many of your statements ... though I concur 100% with that.


Thanks very much blackdug..........I was due to travel to Shanghai on business next month, a city that I love ( except for the Chinese habit of driving with their hands pressed on the horn ), however the trip has been postponed.

I'll be over sometime in May / June, and I can't wait......the nights I've had in Shanghai have been superb.


As for tommos assumption that all thai women are tattooed hookers I would love him to say that to my wife as she would leave him black and blue and in need of urgent medical help

Your comprehension skills are poor.


theblether, all jokes aside, have you been or are you currently drinking alcohol ? It's just not cool to post while pissed, and it's clear that you are reading roughly every third word in my posts, so I'll leave it there.

.......another one who if you don,t agree with they get like my little daughter ....mr worldwide my ass more like mr head up ass....don,t get personnel and just stick to believing you are the man in your avatar picture..
  • Like 1

The Aussies are laughing ... laugh.png

No exchange issues there ... near an all time 10 year high against the Baht.


You should never ever say things like that.

just around the corner and all.


I am more worried about what Wen Jia Bao the outgoing PM is saying. For many he is the moderate in the party and normally the barometer for the politics to come

He has hinted strongly in his outgoing speech that in future business language in china should and must remain mandarin speaking

So farmgirl niece is on the right track for her future

And for those who pan for the days of old glories sorry to prick your bubble ...even at the Hermes store in Paris the number of mandarin employees have outnumbered the French speaking ones and at about every country that counts tourism is courting them

I spent my last 10 years doing business there and they have gotten richer not poorer and god knows the Chinese loves to save for a rainy day

Even opening my nanna tin biscuit safe, she has stashed enough for today's inflation and had a good life

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blackdug - that isnt how I interpreted tommo's post - I think you are being a tad harsh. Of all the hookers I've been with, only one has had a tatt, and that was one of those small Thai tattoos on the back of her neck. If anything, I associate large visible tatts with katoeys ....

As for the notion that theblether may be 'casting pearls before swine', I disagree. Wanting to meet Thai women is one thing - wanting to marry one another. .You have clearly chosen well - not everyone is so fortunate and their jealousy isnt restricted to 'tattoed hookers' and ladies from Isaan ...

  • Like 1

1) Pay yourself first.

2) Invest regularly in THB assets with the money from 1)

3) Continue (or for some people start) spending less money than you have coming in, each and every year.


4) Do some part-time work to earn extra money. I'm currently earning a nice extra income from Amazon Kindle and a few blogs. You always need to be thinking ahead. Most on here seem to have come without any plan for the future.

  • Like 2

theblether, all jokes aside, have you been or are you currently drinking alcohol ? It's just not cool to post while pissed, and it's clear that you are reading roughly every third word in my posts, so I'll leave it there.

.......another one who if you don,t agree with they get like my little daughter ....mr worldwide my ass more like mr head up ass....don,t get personnel and just stick to believing you are the man in your avatar picture..

Don't get 'personnel' ? <deleted> - are you drinking too ? I could never be the man in my avatar picture - he's Cuban.


As for tommos assumption that all thai women are tattooed hookers I would love him to say that to my wife as she would leave him black and blue and in need of urgent medical help

Your comprehension skills are poor.

..yeh and you are a cantankerous person that would argue that white paint was black

As for tommos assumption that all thai women are tattooed hookers I would love him to say that to my wife as she would leave him black and blue and in need of urgent medical help

Your comprehension skills are poor.

..yeh and you are a cantankerous person that would argue that white paint was black

Never argue with a black dog.

He'll end up biting!


1) Pay yourself first.

2) Invest regularly in THB assets with the money from 1)

3) Continue (or for some people start) spending less money than you have coming in, each and every year.


4) Do some part-time work to earn extra money. I'm currently earning a nice extra income from Amazon Kindle and a few blogs. You always need to be thinking ahead. Most on here seem to have come without any plan for the future.

... and worth a +1 to get us back to the OP ... clap2.gif


  • Like 1

The Aussies are laughing ... laugh.png

No exchange issues there ... near an all time 10 year high against the Baht.


You should never ever say things like that.

just around the corner and all.

As much as it pains me, I agree. Still, its nice to look at the charts on xe.com and cross one's fingers.


theblether, all jokes aside, have you been or are you currently drinking alcohol ? It's just not cool to post while pissed, and it's clear that you are reading roughly every third word in my posts, so I'll leave it there.

.......another one who if you don,t agree with they get like my little daughter ....mr worldwide my ass more like mr head up ass....don,t get personnel and just stick to believing you are the man in your avatar picture..

Don't get 'personnel' ? <deleted> - are you drinking too ? I could never be the man in my avatar picture - he's Cuban.

...nope but after reading this post I could do with one!!!!! I fact <deleted> it I,m of to crack one open and laugh to myself about YOU...bye bye as i don,t do educating tools

In the case your describing, all the foreigners that are thinking of spending their Holiday in Thailand can't afford to come anymore. And I don't think that Thailand will let that happen as Thailand needs Tourists.

That`s wishful thinking.

Considering that today the £ is down to 45 baht and the Euro down to 39 baht, it appears that Thailand has already let this happen.

This must be having a devastating affect on Thailand’s Western tourist industry, which will also have knock on effects to those businesses that are Western tourist orientated, plus if this trend of the ever decreasing bahts for Western currencies continues and I cannot see any improvements in the foreseeable future, than many ex-pats living here who obtain their incomes from abroad, will not be able to hack it in Thailand much longer.

We the ex-pats are really up against it. High inflation in Thailand, especially since the increasing of the minimum Thai wage, ever dwindling bahts for Western currencies and low to mediocre bank interest rates. It appears the squeeze is on and the situation is going to get tighter

The outlook is grim and be prepared to tighten up your belts up to the very last buckle.

You are right, but aren't they (BOT) just starting implementing measures to Tackle the strong Baht ??


which wont work

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