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Thai Police To Blame For Construction Delay: Police Station And Housing Project


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Police to blame for construction delay: PCC


BANGKOK: -- Speaking publicly for the first time since being engulfed in a corruption scandal over a nationwide police station and housing project, chief contractor PCC Development and Construction Co Ltd yesterday blamed construction delays on the Royal Thai Police (RTP) for their tardiness in handing over the sites.
At a press conference in Chiang Mai where the company is based, PCC chairman Phibool Udomsitthikul denied the allegations of corruption against his company, and dismissed speculation that it had ties with Democrat MP Suthep Thuagsuban and Bhum Jai Thai de-facto leader Newin Chidchob. Both politicians were influential figures in the previous Democrat-led administration, under which the construction contract was handed to PCC, in 2010.

Phibool said that in many cases, the hand-over of sites had been delayed by 600 days, while the average delay had been 100 days. He said the police were not entirely to blame in many cases, which had been complicated by civil planning regulations.

Phibool said PCC's image had been tarnished by allegations it had abandoned construction work, and was involved in bid-rigging and fraud. "We have two options now: to forge a compromise to extend the deadline so we can complete the project, or to deal with the legal action and, as the aggrieved party, recoup our reputation." He did not elaborate.

Countering an allegation that PCC had misappropriated Bt1.596 billion in advance funds for the Bt5.848-billion project, Phibool said Bt403 million was paid to subcontractors while another Bt455 million was in its bank accounts, with deductions of withholding tax and value added tax worth accounting for a further Bt19 million.

"The company acquired another Bt719 billion between 2001 and this year, through several payments for construction progress. These payments were approved by the RTP on proof of progress provided. So it was not possible for the company to cheat the police on this," he said.

Meanwhile, Rak Thailand Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit has submitted a complaint to the National Anti-corruption Commission of negligence of duty against national police chief Adul Saengsingkaew, former chief Prewpan Damapong, RTP Logistics Bureau chief Pol Lt-General Suphorn Phansua, and several senior policemen responsible for the project.

-- The Nation 2013-02-22

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The absence of any criminal or civil charges against Phibool or his company up to this point, tells me there many culprits in this case that would just rather see this case quietly vanish. The culprits would include the Police mentioned as well as ranking party officials.

It does not appear that Phibool has to many worries about bringing this case to court.

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This will just quietly vanish, as mentioned above.

There's obviously too many importants involved to be allowed to go the full course.

Already the DSI has started to slowly report that things are above board....Suthep is gone...Pongy has no case to answer...(even though he signed the contracts)....I guess now it needs to be revealed exactly how much money is actually left in the kitty......my guess would be very little....but we will probably never get to hear.

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The absence of any criminal or civil charges against Phibool or his company up to this point, tells me there many culprits in this case that would just rather see this case quietly vanish. The culprits would include the Police mentioned as well as ranking party officials.

It does not appear that Phibool has to many worries about bringing this case to court.


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This will just quietly vanish, as mentioned above.

There's obviously too many importants involved to be allowed to go the full course.

Already the DSI has started to slowly report that things are above board....Suthep is gone...Pongy has no case to answer...(even though he signed the contracts)....I guess now it needs to be revealed exactly how much money is actually left in the kitty......my guess would be very little....but we will probably never get to hear.


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The absence of any criminal or civil charges against Phibool or his company up to this point, tells me there many culprits in this case that would just rather see this case quietly vanish. The culprits would include the Police mentioned as well as ranking party officials.

It does not appear that Phibool has to many worries about bringing this case to court.

As suspected DSI chief Tarit is trying to clean things up. He no longer is calling in opposition leaders for questioning. He finally realized or more than likely told, there is a lot of dirt on his PTP Masters and ranking Police hands. Story in the other paper.

The DSI, most probably under orders from Thaksin, had to abandon its "investigation" because it was becoming clear that the Police and in particular Bangkok governor candidate Pongsapat are responsible for this mess.




Good luck to the Thailand

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