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At 10.30 pm , I receive a txt , saying sorry I miss dinner with you , love you very much . for me this was too little too late .

Quote from the OP above ^

She was probably doing some other guy mate. Wake up.

Must admit the ''Love you very much'' clinches it for me. Same as ''You hansum man'' , sweetener:( .

Yeah, she was getting her meat and two veg somewhere else

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You can shoot me down in flames, don't care, but from my perspective and what l have witnessed, an older guy taking a young bird to farangland is a mistake. LOS is soon forgotten (except the family) and new ventures (cash) by what ever means are soon revealed. sad.png

But the OP's wife is at least in her late 30's, maybe 40-ish.

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You can shoot me down in flames, don't care, but from my perspective and what l have witnessed, an older guy taking a young bird to farangland is a mistake. LOS is soon forgotten (except the family) and new ventures (cash) by what ever means are soon revealed. sad.png

But the OP's wife is at least in her late 30's, maybe 40-ish.

My mrs is in her mid forties and would be very giggle.gif in the UK to us guys. Age has nothing to do with it. Loads of scenarios but a young or old guy with cash and promises in the land of ''free cash'' for all, hmmmmmm, big problem for some. Sorry if I go on but seen it, still seeing it. How, cos LOS ladies love to brag, daft yes, but my mrs tells me all the gossip which makes me angry, BUT glad l know and can talk here so ALL can keep their eyes open. thumbsup.gif

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You can shoot me down in flames, don't care, but from my perspective and what l have witnessed, an older guy taking a young bird to farangland is a mistake. LOS is soon forgotten (except the family) and new ventures (cash) by what ever means are soon revealed. sad.png

But the OP's wife is at least in her late 30's, maybe 40-ish.

My mrs is in her mid forties and would be very giggle.gif in the UK to us guys. Age has nothing to do with it. Loads of scenarios but a young or old guy with cash and promises in the land of ''free cash'' for all, hmmmmmm, big problem for some. Sorry if I go on but seen it, still seeing it. How, cos LOS ladies love to brag, daft yes, but my mrs tells me all the gossip which makes me angry, BUT glad l know and can talk here so ALL can keep their eyes open. thumbsup.gif

I was just referring to your "older guy / young bird" description.

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Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but if you have to ask on a public forum about how to fix your relationship then really you shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place !!!

it would appear that the OP has only tried to contact his missus via the phone or social netwerks,grow some balls and get it sorted out face to face.....at least then you will know for sure.

If it has all gone tits up then get yourself a Yorkshire terrier,easier to handle,cost less in maintenance....and most of all a lot more faithful.

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my mrs is actually 48 years old , and I am 64, so its not an old guy young wife scenario she works 6 days a week , sunday off , so today is not a good day to turn up at her place of work , but I will go there , and I will speak to her and see exactly where I stand

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micky......stand down. This thread is now like taking a scrubbing brush to a bleeding wound.

Leave things till tomorrow, wander down to the shop and see if she's there, if she is take her in a bunch of flowers and a little note saying that you want to talk, go home and wait.

When ( if ) she walks in give her a chance to talk........whatever she says to you get her to repeat it two or three times. Let her talk herself out then deal with what has been said. If you listen then things may be repairable, if you don't listen then that's unlikely. So no more ranting.

Just go and give your wife an invitation to talk to you the old fashioned way and see what transpires.

Good luck.

That's nice......really, and I hope that can work for Micky. I would admit that at 48 it is a little less likely that she has been playing around but I think it would be wise to have a Plan B in the background.

Worse comes to the worse and in one year's time he can get an over 65 visa just by showing his pension statement.

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micky......stand down. This thread is now like taking a scrubbing brush to a bleeding wound.

Leave things till tomorrow, wander down to the shop and see if she's there, if she is take her in a bunch of flowers and a little note saying that you want to talk, go home and wait.

When ( if ) she walks in give her a chance to talk........whatever she says to you get her to repeat it two or three times. Let her talk herself out then deal with what has been said. If you listen then things may be repairable, if you don't listen then that's unlikely. So no more ranting.

Just go and give your wife an invitation to talk to you the old fashioned way and see what transpires.

Good luck.

That's nice......really, and I hope that can work for Micky. I would admit that at 48 it is a little less likely that she has been playing around but I think it would be wise to have a Plan B in the background.

Worse comes to the worse and in one year's time he can get an over 65 visa just by showing his pension statement.

We can guess, second guess and triple guess to our hearts content but at the end of the day it's a matrimonial problem, and it will only be fixed by giving the couple space to breathe and space to talk.

That's not to say there hasn't been plenty of good advice on the thread already, and plenty of food for thought for micky, but the bottom line is.......( and I think we would all agree this ) he has to talk to his wife, and even more importantly.......listen to what she says.

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Your wife works a full day and travelling to and from work takes 3 hours. If she is working 6 days a week, even with her regular job, I would think that you hardly have any time together.

Sometimes she will work an extra 3 or 4 hours. Well, she is either a workaholic or she really wants to spend the absolute minimum time with you.

The question is, on her 1 day off per week, does she spend it with you or does she go and see her friends?

If she goes to see her friends, then you should realise that you are unimportant to her. You don't have a wife, you have a lodger.

Don't threaten her about her settlement application, if she comes back because of that, she will leave you as soon as she has it in the bag.

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Some good points made by Simple and The Blether. I have often heard comments about negative influences, particularly with meeting new Thai friends in the UK. I remember when Ms T was in the UK 9 years ago, and we met up with a few Thais that were in our area, she was not too impressed, something along the lines of what Simple1 has mentioned. She didn't really bother much with them and was quite happy.

Either way, it's not an ideal situation and don't be a doormat.

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I gotta say

At 48, she's too old for you to be chasing.

At 64, you are still young enough to find a 'thirty-something' replacement.

Always look on the bright side of life.

Yep that's the answer - put himself right back in the same position with a younger bird even more likely to bin him when he drags her back to Newcastle.

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Yep that's the answer - put himself right back in the same position with a younger bird even more likely to bin him when he drags her back to Newcastle.

Why would I suggest any person take a younger Thai woman back to the UK.

Stay in Thailand and enjoy mining the mother lode.

Yeah but the guy obviously wants to live in Blighty so, for him, it's not really good advice is it?

Besides, being in Thailand is hardly any guarantee of a smoother ride. Sure, it'd be easier to find replacements but he doesn't come across as the kind of guy who wants to be recruiting new talent every few months

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Yep that's the answer - put himself right back in the same position with a younger bird even more likely to bin him when he drags her back to Newcastle.

Why would I suggest any person take a younger Thai woman back to the UK.

Stay in Thailand and enjoy mining the mother lode.

Yeah but the guy obviously wants to live in Blighty so, for him, it's not really good advice is it?

Besides, being in Thailand is hardly any guarantee of a smoother ride. Sure, it'd be easier to find replacements but he doesn't come across as the kind of guy who wants to be recruiting new talent every few months

It certainly wouldn't be advisable for him to have a condo, unless its on the ground floor.

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Yep that's the answer - put himself right back in the same position with a younger bird even more likely to bin him when he drags her back to Newcastle.

Why would I suggest any person take a younger Thai woman back to the UK.

Stay in Thailand and enjoy mining the mother lode.

Yeah but the guy obviously wants to live in Blighty so, for him, it's not really good advice is it?

Besides, being in Thailand is hardly any guarantee of a smoother ride. Sure, it'd be easier to find replacements but he doesn't come across as the kind of guy who wants to be recruiting new talent every few months

I'll have to agree with you on this.

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Yep that's the answer - put himself right back in the same position with a younger bird even more likely to bin him when he drags her back to Newcastle.

Why would I suggest any person take a younger Thai woman back to the UK.

Stay in Thailand and enjoy mining the mother lode.

Yeah but the guy obviously wants to live in Blighty so, for him, it's not really good advice is it?

Besides, being in Thailand is hardly any guarantee of a smoother ride. Sure, it'd be easier to find replacements but he doesn't come across as the kind of guy who wants to be recruiting new talent every few months

yes, but....... why ??


... it's warmer - and the beer is cheaper.

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Yep that's the answer - put himself right back in the same position with a younger bird even more likely to bin him when he drags her back to Newcastle.

Why would I suggest any person take a younger Thai woman back to the UK.

Stay in Thailand and enjoy mining the mother lode.

Yeah but the guy obviously wants to live in Blighty so, for him, it's not really good advice is it?

Besides, being in Thailand is hardly any guarantee of a smoother ride. Sure, it'd be easier to find replacements but he doesn't come across as the kind of guy who wants to be recruiting new talent every few months

yes, but....... why ??


... it's warmer - and the beer is cheaper.

That should read,

and the beer is cheaper.... But only just

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