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What Is Ur Education?


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high school dropout.. Extremely hard worker ever since, in Sixcountries over four continents since... Many cultural "university of Life" experiences... That´s my education.

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To be honest, I don't think its anyone's business what my education was or is but to keep up with the others -

High school educated - International Baccalaureate

College dropout

Have never regretted it, have had some good and some bad jobs

At the moment just enjoying life and living it to the full.

Would hate to turn out to be one of the ones that retires at 60-65 and falls down dead two years later.

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I actually got out of the business when they also started pushing air filters.

Below is a website for anyone that has a product or is interested.




You were an NSA distributor? They tried to get me into that system many years ago in Germany. Would have required buying various filters worth about a thousand Deutschmark to start with...Actually, I borrowed an airfilter from those guys, brought it with me to a party and remember we blew cigar smoke into it. It came out of the other side in about the same amount as it went in. Maybe not a fair test for the device, but in our eyes it completely failed.... :D


oh ... this is also for "the gent." :D

the gent

NSA (National Safety Associates) from the perspective of an MBA, in 1990 the company actually looked like a good way to make a fast buck as long as you had at least $10,000 USD to get things rolling.

Being MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing), the only people that really make money are those who start the company.

Let me tell everyone that I know many people that never went to college/university but were great entrepreneurs and some of them made fortunes before they were 40 years old.

However, the average high school graduate lacks drive and the ability to see the "Big Picture." They end up just happy working in a factory and staying in the town they grew-up in. They will never be rich in a monetary way but in a family perspective they are living a very rich quality of life.

Most of the people that I recruited were high school graduates trying to show they were as smart as their high school friends that went to college.

They would use credit cards to purchase several thousand dollars of product so they could get the title "Manager" or "Director."

We would set-up training seminars and provide guidance on how to recruit people.

If you wanted to make money, the product had very little to do with it.

You had to be able to get people to join your group (Down-Line) and you made a percentage of all product purchases of those in your group.

90% did not make it in the business.

I helped each and every one sell the products they had to other new distributors so that none of them lost very much money.

10% of them did make it and turned into real marketing whirlwinds.

The water filters were OK. I got in with $5,000 USD which made me a Director. The air filters were not worth much to me as they were noisy. When NSA started requiring all Directors to push heavy on getting new distributors to invest in the air filters, I got out as a Senior Director with 20 times my starting investment



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The under-educated people in the workforce are just as important as those who are highly degreed/decorated. Look around you at the sheer size of Bangkok and its structures, as well as the machines that give it life. Who physically put their sweat and blood into the physical creation of human civilization, or its maintainance? Think of the physical man hours it took to bring the city to where it is today. That is just as impressive as the level of knowledge achieved to create this technology. Not everyone has the "luxury" of education. Those who are educated are trained to do specific things which were discovered by their predecessors. It doesn't make them geniuses. Most anyone can understand the theory behind subatomic particle physics if taught to them in a language they can understand. Either you do something to contribute to the maintainance or "advancement" of civilization, by cerebral, physical, or cerebro-physical means, or you don't.

Edited by papaya9
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QUOTE(GuestHouse @ 2006-03-07 19:06:13) *

Understanding the teachings of the Lord Buddha or any other religious works: following their teachings to the letter is not much use if you know nothing of stress engineering and you want to design aircraft.

And the point is?

The point is that we would all be much better off if we knew how to build aeroplanes. :o

Please enlighten us.

It's nothing to be ashamed of if you didn't have an education or couldn't pass the exams.

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In my experience the educated ones at masters degree level ect are like headless chickens when it comes to sorting out a problem in a practical manner.

They need a diagram to thread a nut and bolt together, ( all us non educated ones have seen it. )

marshbags :D:D:D

So from the top of your head what's the tightening sequence with a torquewrench for a 36"x300lb flange assuming all bolts are numbered clockwise starting from #1? :D

Is that the disconbooberating sequence, or the the "I am a pretentious silly bugger trying to score points over some one less fortunate than myself" sequence?

Either way, marshbags seems to have benefited more from his education than you have.

Thanks for your comments Thomas.

It,s the very point i was making with the nuts and bolts situation.

My old company was full of clever Dicks like meom the majority of which lack the basics to complement there education, practicle skills and common sense.

I used to bail them out on a regular basis. :o

By the way meom i could very easily put questions to you of a technical nature relating to different disciplines but then again i haven,t got the inclination to stoop to your sarcastic level.

You must have heard of the quote " bullsh*t baffles brains and common sense "

marshbags :D:D:D

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It seems that some people here feel less than people who have an a education with a diploma.

I think builders are as important as doctors, street cleaners are as important as chemist (think about how your city will look like without them) and so on...I have studied a degree and keep going with my honours studies, i don´t think i am more intelligent than anyone, i only have more knowledge in the matter.

I am study environmental studies (ecology), I have chosen to focus in the political, social and economical issues related with environmental problems. Sometimes people will come and tell me about how we are destroying the environment and how we should do this and that. Many times they only have one version on the problem. Things are not as easy as they look.Well my studies have allow me to see things from different angles so that i can have different ways to deal with a problem. My studies has showed me that not everything is good (in ecology) or everything is bad.

My diploma only says that i have knowledge in certain environmental aspects...many people who have not diploma may have the same knowledge or even more than me but they can´t prove it. I don´t think is fair, but when it comes to knowledge is difficult to prove that you got it, that´s why you have a diplome. A builder can show how good he is just in few days. It is like a dancer to show if you are good or bad you only need to dance. However how will people know that i have the knowledge that i say i have? My diploma shows the subjects that i have study so that give a rough idea of my knowledge in that field. that´s all.

I find annoying people who think they are more intelligent than other because they have a degree but also i find annoying when non-educated people have to prove to university people how intelligent they are and that university studies are pointless because you can be as clever without them. You don´t need to prove it, just be.

I am very happy to have gone to Uni I don´t regret a bit even though i disagree with European education system.

ps stupid people is everywhere with or without diploma...

Edited by Glauka
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What's in an initialism? You smell just as sweet in any of them......

Coincidence is quite startling though, what were the chances of that?

How's the morse? :o

Ps. Pyramid selling only works in USA and Albania.....and look what happened to them.

Edited by the gent
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In my experience the educated ones at masters degree level ect are like headless chickens when it comes to sorting out a problem in a practical manner.

They need a diagram to thread a nut and bolt together, ( all us non educated ones have seen it. )

marshbags :D:D:D

So from the top of your head what's the tightening sequence with a torquewrench for a 36"x300lb flange assuming all bolts are numbered clockwise starting from #1? :D

Is that the disconbooberating sequence, or the the "I am a pretentious silly bugger trying to score points over some one less fortunate than myself" sequence?

Either way, marshbags seems to have benefited more from his education than you have.

Thanks for your comments Thomas.

It,s the very point i was making with the nuts and bolts situation.

My old company was full of clever Dicks like meom the majority of which lack the basics to complement there education, practicle skills and common sense.

I used to bail them out on a regular basis. :o

By the way meom i could very easily put questions to you of a technical nature relating to different disciplines but then again i haven,t got the inclination to stoop to your sarcastic level.

You must have heard of the quote " bullsh*t baffles brains and common sense "

marshbags :D:D:D

The comment I made was meant to be tongue in cheek that's why I put the smilie there but obviously it fell on deaf ears :D

Regarding my own education I never completed anything more than highschool and through work gained more practical skills than theoretical.

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Well, dont take it very seriously, this is just one attempt to find out the general level of education of people here. So dont take it personally, no offence intended.

so what's your education seeing that you are a school teacher making a min of 30k. must have a masters. congrats on your success

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How's the morse? :D

Ps. Pyramid selling only works in USA and Albania.....and look what happened to them.

the gent,

Do I know you? :D

Are you from Nebraska?

Were you one of the boys in my Boy Scout troop? :o

I used to teach flag signals, Morse code, and pioneering (knots) to the boy scouts when I was an Explorer Scout. I never received formal training in any of these areas but became highly proficient in all as a Boy Scout by the age of 14. This education was through early life experience which we all know is the best form of learning. :D

I still “Do a good turn daily.”

I have and will continue to try my best to abide by the Boy Scout Law:


A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part of his code of conduct. People can depend on him.


A Scout is true to his family, Scout leaders, friends, school, and nation.


A Scout is concerned about other people. He does things willingly for others without pay or reward.


A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He seeks to understand others. He respects those with ideas and customs other than his own.


A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows good manners make it easier for people to get along together.


A Scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. He does not hurt or kill harmless things without reason.


A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them.


A Scout looks for the bright side of things. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.


A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for unforeseen needs. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.


A Scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at or threaten him.


A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes around with those who believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean.


A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.

Maybe you have me confused with someone else?


ChiefBEM :D

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The comment I made was meant to be tongue in cheek that's why I put the smilie there but obviously it fell on deaf ears :o

Regarding my own education I never completed anything more than highschool and through work gained more practical skills than theoretical.

I was inclined to take it as a joke but usually when there,s a wink smiley i always take it as

a kind of smug sign. ( I tried to put a reference to posters who will remain nameless after clever Dicks but couldn,t edit it, along with correcting any spelling. )

You are definitely on my wave length as far as humour goes, unfortunately i have to be careful sometimes when i post as it gets taken the wrong way also, then it is taken out of context unfortunately.

No offence taken and non intended and i,m sure that goes for Thomas who,s comments also have a humerous tone with certain words and for me the way he puts it over has made his point relevant as well.

For the record i have the highest respect for education of all forms that i have been associated with

and judge someone by there presentation ( not dress ) and what they have achieved from it.

Some are more priviliged than others, especially in our countries and i am constantly learning from the less fortunate ones all the time in many many ways and have great admiration for them.

Thanks for your return post meom.

As with social status, it is ones attitude that counts and not what you have or have not in these areas.....i.e. rich, poor. educated, uneducated. privilidged ect. ect. and how you use things.

marshbags :D:D:D

Edited by marshbags
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As with social status, it is ones attitude that counts and not what you have or have not in these areas.....i.e. rich, poor. educated, uneducated. privilidged ect. ect. and how you use things.

marshbags :D:D:D

:D marshbags you hit the nail on the head!

What really counts in life are:




Respect for others

:o ChiefBEM

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BA in History (Latin America and Recent US) in early 70s then BSME 10 years later. I was briefly an English major but gave it up as it was bourgeois. The former gave me an appreciation of the human aesthetic sensibility and an ability to make decisions based upon the prevailing ethic of the time that I still adhere to. The latter was vocational training…a brutalising experience that left me with delayed stress syndrome (recurring nightmares about not being prepared for an examination). Students of technical subjects are the wretched of the earth but deserve their fate as they are dumb and due to the money grubbing perceived monetary gain to be realised upon graduation. Studying engineering put me off formal education forever.

That being said there is an intellectual attraction to studying math and physics…unfortunately lost on engineering students…

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What Is Ur Education?
Good enough not to write "ur" in a forum when I mean "your".

Sorry, Ajarn Mark, but I had to say this. It annoys me a lot when people write on a computer as if they were writing an SMS (short text message) on a mobile phone. Sounds worse than Esperanto to me, and that wouldn’t be allowed on ThaiVisa, either.



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