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In the condo where I live there was a whole load of break-ins, not heavy stuff just cash/gold/watches.

Simple detective work by the residents led to a bloke in the second floor hooked on drugs (Thai). But his luck ran out, he was mysteriously found dead.

I reckon, never leave cash or gold around, they won't take the TV and Fridge. It is the shock and personal threat I, and particularly my Mrs. would feel. Top tip: get a reliable woman to house-sit for short trips away overnight.

They (reliable women) do exist in Pattaya, so use your loaf.

I often wonder about home contents insurance, but I bet it wouldn't work out, or would it? Comments please.

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In the condo where I live there was a whole load of break-ins, not heavy stuff just cash/gold/watches.

Simple detective work by the residents led to a bloke in the second floor hooked on drugs (Thai). But his luck ran out, he was mysteriously found dead.

I reckon, never leave cash or gold around, they won't take the TV and Fridge. It is the shock and personal threat I, and particularly my Mrs. would feel. Top tip: get a reliable woman to house-sit for short trips away overnight.

They (reliable women) do exist in Pattaya, so use your loaf.

I often wonder about home contents insurance, but I bet it wouldn't work out, or would it? Comments please.

Under my home insurance with AIG I have a section for 'Burglary, Robbery and Gang Robbery Insurance which covers me for 100,000 Baht per occurrence, per year. However, the cover is limited to a maximum of 10,000 Baht per occurrence for the theft of mobiles, lap tops/notebooks/clothes/cameras and video cameras. The reason for such low coverage on these items is that these are the things that a burglar will be after and the risk is very high! Gold,jewelry and cash are not covered at all. The premium for this section is 1000 Baht. Not sure if it's really worth it, but it is part of my overall buildings policy.

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