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Whilst everyone should of course carry on with their own personal efforts, it should be realised that the UN, various International Human Rights Organisations and numerous NGO's have been banging their heads against a brick wall for 10 years. Although there was a slight effort to improve the situation recently. Mobile ID units were established primarily due to the King's efforts, but corruption is rife with numerous documented cases of "favours" being requested by local officers.

It was in fact only less than a year ago that the 1st Shan Stateless person was awarded Thai citizenship!

I don't know if anyone involved has yet contacted an NGO, but the Mirror Art Group in Chiang Rai should be able to point you in the right direction. Possibly "FORUM ASIA" or "UNPO"

Good Luck!

Thank you 'Dragonman' for the information. I will try and find the NGOs you speak of, but I will wait to see if the Nai Ampur has any success, first. I will give him a couple of weeks (he said 1 week!) and then if nothing happens I'll try the NGOs.

As I stated in one of my other 'posts', I have never in all my working life ever been put in the position of having to beg for anything, except here in Thailand. It' not fun!

Again, Thanks

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Thanks for the good info Dragonman!

Keep your chin up ChiangRai! Keep on their butts, keep them honest and explore the story with NGO's and the UN.

This is a royal pain, I know. You are in the right and the Thai bureaucracy and corruption is clearly wrong. Let truth and love prevail!



  • 3 months later...

hi, i am new here.

i have a thailue gf too from kyiangtong and i am comtemplating bringing her over to Thailand, (i am not a citizen) to stay and try to get a thai ciitizenship, for hopes marriage since burmese cannot marry foreigner?

can u pros here please advise me on how to get it done?

my GF is 20.


unless she has a basis of aquiring Thai citizenship (eg via already meeting residency requirements), or she is entitled to Thai citizenship by birth, then she has no basis to claim Thai nationality.

Thus your only option if for her to use the usual visa channels.

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