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Dual Pricing Is Just Fine!


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Yes, i'm serious, i read that its estimated that over 50% of woman in thailand at some point sold sex for money

You "read" it somewhere? Heck, I can make up anything and say I "read" it somewhere. Perhaps it was one of your post on TV. Are you married to a Thai woman? Oh, but she's the exception, isn't she. Please.

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They have dual pricing in my country. Special price for locals, full price for tourist. Do you think the locals want to return at full price after visiting the same attraction twenty times?

Go home and cry to your nanny.

Problem is more when you live here have a long term visa and a drivers license and you still have to pay tourist price.

I get this for government places and such not for privately owned ones.

Not in my experience. 9/10 times you get the local rate by showing a drivers license or something else to prove you're not a tourist.

I wont argue there because your right, though the percentage is a bit lower but more as 50%. That is why i only hate it on private places where they wont allow you to prove your a local.
Last time I visited the Crocodile Farm here in Bkk, I paid Thai price, I think 60 baht as opposed to tourist/farang price of 300.

Last I visited Khao Yai national park, I paid Thai price of 40 baht instead of tourist price.

For poanoi,

"Cunning, since the edge is directed towards those who cant read thai, very cunning, street-smart even"

I would say the edge is directed at those who have taken the time to learn to read Thai and are able to converse in Thai to ask for the local price, which I have been given on more than one occasion.

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Which goods/services/establishments tend to be the subject of dual pricing practices?

For me, it's only been motorbike taxis and in those instances, I've always taken my business down the street.

I only ask because I can't imagine many situations where the afore-mentioned recourse wouldn't apply. If I went to a national park or other establishment where I was asked to pay more than a local, I'd vote with my feet.

Edited by HardenedSoul
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Dual pricing is a fact of life. I personally dont like it, especially when I am on the sticky end of it. However it is up the venue itself to set the prices.

For example their is a "waterworld" complex in Hau Hin in the hills which charges a price to foreigners and a cheaper price to locals. If they didnt do this then either the complex wouldnt make enough money to survive or it would become a tourist only resort which no one really wants.

Dual pricing is fair if it propotional and clearly displayed so the consumer can make a informed choice.

Obviously the dual pricing in Waterworld isn't working, and they had to slash prices by 33% to get some visitors. I have been there several times with my kids but I never saw any locals, only farangs and tourists.

Dual pricing is never fair and don't tell me that locals pay taxes which is why they should pay less. Farangs (and other tourists) also pay taxes in Thailand. It's called "Value Added Tax" is for some items it's hefty. Although I don't pay income taxes, the VAT I have paid to the Thai government certainly exceeds what the average Thai pays in income taxes. And just a thought: Does Waterworld get subsidized with tax money?

Besides that, Dual Pricing by government institutions, is in my view against the Constitution which guarantees equality before the law.

You say, it's fair if proportional. Proportional to what?

Exactly, dual pricing is not fair.

To counter the situation I cook at home, grow my own vegetables and maintain my own motorcycle. I iron my own shirts and do my own laundry, just so I don't give them any money. thumbsup.gif

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Dual pricing is a fact of life. I personally dont like it, especially when I am on the sticky end of it. However it is up the venue itself to set the prices.

For example their is a "waterworld" complex in Hau Hin in the hills which charges a price to foreigners and a cheaper price to locals. If they didnt do this then either the complex wouldnt make enough money to survive or it would become a tourist only resort which no one really wants.

Dual pricing is fair if it propotional and clearly displayed so the consumer can make a informed choice.

Obviously the dual pricing in Waterworld isn't working, and they had to slash prices by 33% to get some visitors. I have been there several times with my kids but I never saw any locals, only farangs and tourists.

Dual pricing is never fair and don't tell me that locals pay taxes which is why they should pay less. Farangs (and other tourists) also pay taxes in Thailand. It's called "Value Added Tax" is for some items it's hefty. Although I don't pay income taxes, the VAT I have paid to the Thai government certainly exceeds what the average Thai pays in income taxes. And just a thought: Does Waterworld get subsidized with tax money?

Besides that, Dual Pricing by government institutions, is in my view against the Constitution which guarantees equality before the law.

You say, it's fair if proportional. Proportional to what?

Exactly, dual pricing is not fair.

To counter the situation I cook at home, grow my own vegetables and maintain my own motorcycle. I iron my own shirts and do my own laundry, just so I don't give them any money. thumbsup.gif

Do you also bitch and moan about paying the same (Gov't Subsidised) price for water and electricity as Thais pay?

When you get on the red bus #60 for free, paid by the (Thai) peoples taxes do you also have a whinge?

Edited by rgs2001uk
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Dual pricing is a fact of life. I personally dont like it, especially when I am on the sticky end of it. However it is up the venue itself to set the prices.

For example their is a "waterworld" complex in Hau Hin in the hills which charges a price to foreigners and a cheaper price to locals. If they didnt do this then either the complex wouldnt make enough money to survive or it would become a tourist only resort which no one really wants.

Dual pricing is fair if it propotional and clearly displayed so the consumer can make a informed choice.

Obviously the dual pricing in Waterworld isn't working, and they had to slash prices by 33% to get some visitors. I have been there several times with my kids but I never saw any locals, only farangs and tourists.

Dual pricing is never fair and don't tell me that locals pay taxes which is why they should pay less. Farangs (and other tourists) also pay taxes in Thailand. It's called "Value Added Tax" is for some items it's hefty. Although I don't pay income taxes, the VAT I have paid to the Thai government certainly exceeds what the average Thai pays in income taxes. And just a thought: Does Waterworld get subsidized with tax money?

Besides that, Dual Pricing by government institutions, is in my view against the Constitution which guarantees equality before the law.

You say, it's fair if proportional. Proportional to what?

Exactly, dual pricing is not fair.

To counter the situation I cook at home, grow my own vegetables and maintain my own motorcycle. I iron my own shirts and do my own laundry, just so I don't give them any money. thumbsup.gif

Do you also bitch and moan about paying the same (Gov't Subsidised) price for water and electricity as Thais pay?

When you get on the red bus #60 for free, paid by the (Thai) peoples taxes do you also have a whinge?

Nope, I don't bitch about the price of water or electric that "may be" subsidized. I take advantage of it, because governments everywhere cheat people. Didn't you know?

As for the #60 bus, I pay the same taxes as a Thai person, and I don't take the bus. I ride a motorcycle. Didn't you read my post?

Is bitching and moaning about people who understand the racism and cheating that happens in, and completely permeates, Thai culture toward foreigners really your posts intention? Look around, I'm not alone...

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Of course this Durston smarmy character, has been given a boring subject to write about by his Editor,to earn his corn. So he makes the story as sensational as he can,and upset as many as he can,all BS of course,but it sells papers and magazines.

let's hope he earns considerably less then the Journalist in the next booth to him,for doing the same hacks job,I don't think he would get much sympathy from most others,for that form of double pricing.

The bottom line is:Journalists have never been known for having principles and Integrity,so he's hardly one to give lectures on other peoples ideas of fairness!

Edited by MAJIC
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Dual pricing is a fact of life. I personally dont like it, especially when I am on the sticky end of it. However it is up the venue itself to set the prices.

For example their is a "waterworld" complex in Hau Hin in the hills which charges a price to foreigners and a cheaper price to locals. If they didnt do this then either the complex wouldnt make enough money to survive or it would become a tourist only resort which no one really wants.

Dual pricing is fair if it propotional and clearly displayed so the consumer can make a informed choice.

If your Avatar is anything to by you are probably too young to have gone through the discrimination era's,but i'm sure you wouldn't agree with discrimination, if the subject was about something other than Farangs being ripped off.

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I lived in an area where there was a major tourist attraction, as a local I got free entry, and often if accompanied by a pretty (non local) female they would be allowed in free, as I always knew the gate man. Never once thought there was anything wrong or peculiar about this arrangement. I guess the Thai think the same way, why wouldn't you?

Of course you didn't see anything wrong in it.... you were not being charged any price, let alone a double price...... Doh!

True and I didn't care what the charge was for others......apologies if that was not obvious enough for you to take on board.........people receiving the benefits of being a 'local' don't give the situation any thought, they accept this is the way it is, and why not? It's those who don't have these 'rights' that whinge........but then they were happy enough to give them up and move to Thailand.......and then start to moan

In the UK we don't have double pricing, it's illegal,and those that have a genuine case for being charged more,just because they are a foreigner can expect redress in British Courts,and a nice little sum in discrimination compensation to go back home with.

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Oh for the Love of God not this again....please....no...please.....please....please...

Agree. But I gotta say....excellent article. I'm in 100% agreement with James Durston and his sentiments.

Durston and you are unfortunately not the only ones that do not understand the T in VAT.

Also, This CNN writer calls dual pricing the "white tax", and surely he is not being sarcastic. How about levying a N..... tax? Would that be acceptable?

What do you mean "a N..... tax"?

If you don't agree with dual pricing, you have a choice - don't go to places or engage in activities where it's practiced, <deleted>.

I will never understand why this infernal topic keeps coming up like a U-bend floater when the remedy to the issue is so fuggin' obvious.

The reason why this topic keeps cropping up is: some people are happy to surrender without fighting,and others are prepared to go down fighting for what's right, a big difference!

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"its ok for a GOVERNMENT to give more rights to its own"

euhhh I understand your point, but try saying that in The Netherlands...

Yeah but we are talking about Thailand now aren´t we?

Or we are, Greetings form the Netherlands

Edited by Dancealot
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"its ok for a GOVERNMENT to give more rights to its own"

euhhh I understand your point, but try saying that in The Netherlands...

Yeah but we are talking about Thailand now aren´t we?

Or we are, Greetings form the Netherlands

Good one,

It does bother me a bit but the only place i get into contact with it is Bungsamran fishing park. Now there its 400 for Thais and 2000 (used to be 1000) for foreigners. However with a valid thai drivers license yo get in for Thai prices so i don't complain but when i take my brother and father there it does feel a bit bad.

Goverment nature parks I either decide against it (especially if during a boat trip where you just spend an hour there) or go if its the purpose of the trip.

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I have a problem cause i am embarrassed on their behalf of showing my driving license to get a lower price,

i rather pay over price but even more rather do i skip it all,

it feels like hassling

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Dual pricing is a fact of life. I personally dont like it, especially when I am on the sticky end of it. However it is up the venue itself to set the prices.

For example their is a "waterworld" complex in Hau Hin in the hills which charges a price to foreigners and a cheaper price to locals. If they didnt do this then either the complex wouldnt make enough money to survive or it would become a tourist only resort which no one really wants.

Dual pricing is fair if it propotional and clearly displayed so the consumer can make a informed choice.

Obviously the dual pricing in Waterworld isn't working, and they had to slash prices by 33% to get some visitors. I have been there several times with my kids but I never saw any locals, only farangs and tourists.

Dual pricing is never fair and don't tell me that locals pay taxes which is why they should pay less. Farangs (and other tourists) also pay taxes in Thailand. It's called "Value Added Tax" is for some items it's hefty. Although I don't pay income taxes, the VAT I have paid to the Thai government certainly exceeds what the average Thai pays in income taxes. And just a thought: Does Waterworld get subsidized with tax money?

Besides that, Dual Pricing by government institutions, is in my view against the Constitution which guarantees equality before the law.

You say, it's fair if proportional. Proportional to what?

Proportional to income. My income far exceeds that of the average Thai Worker.

I am aware they slashed prices, this was a pull factor for my 6 visits in August.

I went on the weekend, plenty of Thai People there and Farangs and a good time was had by all.

I dont know about government incentives, thats not really the point, the point is is it fair to have dual pricing and my point is, yes it is as long and we know about it up front, so we can make a consumer choice to frequent the establishment or not as the case may be as well as proportional to income approximatly.

Surely you dont expect a person earning 100thb a day to pay the same as someone like me who earns in excess of £300 GBP per day. No, but if dual pricing allows us to spend time in the same place at the same time, I am up for it.

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Dual pricing is a fact of life. I personally dont like it, especially when I am on the sticky end of it. However it is up the venue itself to set the prices.

For example their is a "waterworld" complex in Hau Hin in the hills which charges a price to foreigners and a cheaper price to locals. If they didnt do this then either the complex wouldnt make enough money to survive or it would become a tourist only resort which no one really wants.

Dual pricing is fair if it propotional and clearly displayed so the consumer can make a informed choice.

Obviously the dual pricing in Waterworld isn't working, and they had to slash prices by 33% to get some visitors. I have been there several times with my kids but I never saw any locals, only farangs and tourists.

Dual pricing is never fair and don't tell me that locals pay taxes which is why they should pay less. Farangs (and other tourists) also pay taxes in Thailand. It's called "Value Added Tax" is for some items it's hefty. Although I don't pay income taxes, the VAT I have paid to the Thai government certainly exceeds what the average Thai pays in income taxes. And just a thought: Does Waterworld get subsidized with tax money?

Besides that, Dual Pricing by government institutions, is in my view against the Constitution which guarantees equality before the law.

You say, it's fair if proportional. Proportional to what?

Proportional to income. My income far exceeds that of the average Thai Worker.

I am aware they slashed prices, this was a pull factor for my 6 visits in August.

I went on the weekend, plenty of Thai People there and Farangs and a good time was had by all.

I dont know about government incentives, thats not really the point, the point is is it fair to have dual pricing and my point is, yes it is as long and we know about it up front, so we can make a consumer choice to frequent the establishment or not as the case may be as well as proportional to income approximatly.

Surely you dont expect a person earning 100thb a day to pay the same as someone like me who earns in excess of £300 GBP per day. No, but if dual pricing allows us to spend time in the same place at the same time, I am up for it.

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Yes comrade I think it's been tried.

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Dual pricing is a fact of life. I personally dont like it, especially when I am on the sticky end of it. However it is up the venue itself to set the prices.

For example their is a "waterworld" complex in Hau Hin in the hills which charges a price to foreigners and a cheaper price to locals. If they didnt do this then either the complex wouldnt make enough money to survive or it would become a tourist only resort which no one really wants.

Dual pricing is fair if it propotional and clearly displayed so the consumer can make a informed choice.

Obviously the dual pricing in Waterworld isn't working, and they had to slash prices by 33% to get some visitors. I have been there several times with my kids but I never saw any locals, only farangs and tourists.

Dual pricing is never fair and don't tell me that locals pay taxes which is why they should pay less. Farangs (and other tourists) also pay taxes in Thailand. It's called "Value Added Tax" is for some items it's hefty. Although I don't pay income taxes, the VAT I have paid to the Thai government certainly exceeds what the average Thai pays in income taxes. And just a thought: Does Waterworld get subsidized with tax money?

Besides that, Dual Pricing by government institutions, is in my view against the Constitution which guarantees equality before the law.

You say, it's fair if proportional. Proportional to what?

Proportional to income. My income far exceeds that of the average Thai Worker.

I am aware they slashed prices, this was a pull factor for my 6 visits in August.

I went on the weekend, plenty of Thai People there and Farangs and a good time was had by all.

I dont know about government incentives, thats not really the point, the point is is it fair to have dual pricing and my point is, yes it is as long and we know about it up front, so we can make a consumer choice to frequent the establishment or not as the case may be as well as proportional to income approximatly.

Surely you dont expect a person earning 100thb a day to pay the same as someone like me who earns in excess of £300 GBP per day. No, but if dual pricing allows us to spend time in the same place at the same time, I am up for it.

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Yes comrade I think it's been tried.

Yes I know, but since 2008 the number of boats leaving Cuba for Florida (USA) has decreased to trickle. Says something.

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Obviously the dual pricing in Waterworld isn't working, and they had to slash prices by 33% to get some visitors. I have been there several times with my kids but I never saw any locals, only farangs and tourists.

Dual pricing is never fair and don't tell me that locals pay taxes which is why they should pay less. Farangs (and other tourists) also pay taxes in Thailand. It's called "Value Added Tax" is for some items it's hefty. Although I don't pay income taxes, the VAT I have paid to the Thai government certainly exceeds what the average Thai pays in income taxes. And just a thought: Does Waterworld get subsidized with tax money?

Besides that, Dual Pricing by government institutions, is in my view against the Constitution which guarantees equality before the law.

You say, it's fair if proportional. Proportional to what?

Proportional to income. My income far exceeds that of the average Thai Worker.

I am aware they slashed prices, this was a pull factor for my 6 visits in August.

I went on the weekend, plenty of Thai People there and Farangs and a good time was had by all.

I dont know about government incentives, thats not really the point, the point is is it fair to have dual pricing and my point is, yes it is as long and we know about it up front, so we can make a consumer choice to frequent the establishment or not as the case may be as well as proportional to income approximatly.

Surely you dont expect a person earning 100thb a day to pay the same as someone like me who earns in excess of £300 GBP per day. No, but if dual pricing allows us to spend time in the same place at the same time, I am up for it.

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Yes comrade I think it's been tried.

Yes I know, but since 2008 the number of boats leaving Cuba for Florida (USA) has decreased to trickle. Says something.

It says, Communism has not worked in Cuba and now is beginning to be unwound allowing people ownership of businesses and many other things.

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Oh for the Love of God not this again....please....no...please.....please....please...

Agree. But I gotta say....excellent article. I'm in 100% agreement with James Durston and his sentiments.

Durston and you are unfortunately not the only ones that do not understand the T in VAT.

Also, This CNN writer calls dual pricing the "white tax", and surely he is not being sarcastic. How about levying a N..... tax? Would that be acceptable?

Why are you bringing the VAT into the discussion? Everybody pays the VAT, including Thais. Non-Thais can in fact get a refund of their VAT under certain conditions. Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

I admit.

I admit that laughing with people who make a fool of themselves is not my best trait.

But I like it.

You agree with the CNN article? OK, no problem, opinions differ.

So you have read yhe article?

But you do not understand why I mention VAT?

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Do you also bitch and moan about paying the same (Gov't Subsidised) price for water and electricity as Thais pay?

The government does not subsidise electricity here. That would mean a subsidy from tax revenue. In Thailand, the subsidy is provided through a cross subsidy from other electricity users. This applies to both the 50 kWh/month free program and the below cost tariff for users of less than 150 kWh/month. The revenue is primarily raised by MEA customers paying more than they should for power compared with PEA customers.

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I once got charged 18 quid to stand in the festeringly vile, moss riddled away end at Leyton Orient when it was a tenner for home fans to sit in relative comfort.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Therefore i deduce that Leyton Orient is a bar in Pataya, or has something to do with football.


If you ever saw Leyton Orient play you would realise they have very little to do with football wink.png

If you ever saw Leyton Orient play, then you called the fraud squad as someone is conning the fans.

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