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Children's Visas To The Uk

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Need a little bit of help with brining my wife's two children here from Thailand. My wife got ILR Jan 2012. She has a planed trip starting Monday 11 March for a few months back in Bangkok. She will be applying for the two children's Thai passports but first has to change their sir names into her family name as they still have her ex husbands name. They have had no contact at all from the farther, any advice here? they both live in her brothers house looked after by her mother who is now aged 77

They are aged 11 and 9

My wife got her visa in August 2009 to live here with me and her ILR as above Jan 2012

Next we wish to apply for the visas to come here, again any advice on what to do next forms etc. Things have moved on a lot since we last did any visa work. Can this be done from the UK or do we have to apply in person to the Embassy in Bangkok.

I know its been a long time in starting the application but things here have not gone smooth for the last few years but we now feel we are ready.

sorry for so many questions

Regards Chewy

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Can you answer the following :

  • Has your wife got the Phor Khor 14?
  • Or divorce certificate showing who has legal custody of the children?
  • Have you visited the children since she settled in the UK?
  • Have you continued to financially support the children?
  • Who takes care of the children now ?
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Ref Thaivisaexpress thanks for your input.

No we don't have the Phor Khor

She has a legal document to show she has custody since they were aged one

Yes we have visited the children a few times after her settlement

Yes we have given financial support

Her mother looks after the two children in her brothers hous

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My wife was in exactly the same situation. She had been with me in England for about 7 months then we went back to Thailand to bring her son over. Her son did not have her surname. All we needed was letters from her family and the village head man saying that no one knew where the father was and he had no contact with the child.

The visa was granted straight away and now 14 years later he is 18 and the only problem is that his surname is different from mine and his mums. Trying to change it when he applied for his English passport was just too much hassle so he kept his old one which is a bit of a mouthful and fills all the little boxes you get to write the surname in on official forms! It is Rujirawanitchakorn!



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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife has now made the application for the paw kaw 14. Unfortunately we can’t change the names of her two boys to her family name from her ex husbands name unless we get permission from him. This is something she does not wish to do as he has had no contact with them for 9 years and he had violent tendencies. So will have to apply for passports in the names they have now.

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Having had more time today to read the link above it looks like I need an income pre tax? Of £24,800 to bring the two children here? I am self employed and last two years have shown taxable income of £22,224. this is under the min req for Partner and one child. My wife has been here a few years now so does this still apply?

Also the link to application forms is a bit confusing If correct we need to fill in one for each child VAF4A, but there are a few on the right hand side of that page.

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Then she must show she has sole responsibility of the children & they will interview the children's guardians. And this the problem both myself & Tony have submitted excellent cases but it will all come down to the interview.

Thank you. Need to know what form to fill out for each child. I just down loaded VAF4A but it says on page 12 selecting the correct Appendix. and it does not match.


Think I have it. Form VAF4A and Appendix 2 form for each child

Edited by chewy22
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Hello chewy im in a very similar boat , my partner had a child with her boyfreind back in 2003 but as soon as it was told to him , the man fled and has not been seen since.

Then she met her ex husband who fathered her secind child in 2006 also bringing her to england forcing her in an abusive manner to either go to england with her new born or stay with her son and knowing that her son was safe with my partners mother she came to england telling her mother that as soon as things were sorted she would come back to get him .

Her ex husband carried on being very abusive and she finally left him and divorced him.

She tried to save to go back to get him but it was expensive and had no clue about visas so had to abandon the idea until she could afford it.

Now i am here with my first child and my step daughter trying to pick up the peices to bring my step son over and totally new to sorting things out.

'Thai visa express' wiuld the same thung apply with trying to get her son over even though there was no marraige the sin has his grandads surname (my partners dad). We are paying fir him by sending money over to my mother in law and we are ringing him most days so this would cover sole responsilbilty right as we cover his schooling fees and clothes and food and cover a portion of rent for him and parents.

Im trying so hard to wrap my head around visas and form to fill in any ideas.

Edited by 2013goose
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Having had more time today to read the link above it looks like I need an income pre tax? Of £24,800 to bring the two children here? I am self employed and last two years have shown taxable income of £22,224. this is under the min req for Partner and one child. My wife has been here a few years now so does this still apply?

No, as your wife has ILR then the children will be eligible for ILE (the same as ILR except the E stands for 'Enter' and it is issued outside the UK).

Therefore you do not have to show a fixed minimum income, but do have to show that you can support and accommodate them without recourse to public funds.

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My wife was in exactly the same situation. She had been with me in England for about 7 months then we went back to Thailand to bring her son over. Her son did not have her surname. All we needed was letters from her family and the village head man saying that no one knew where the father was and he had no contact with the child.

The visa was granted straight away and now 14 years later he is 18 and the only problem is that his surname is different from mine and his mums. Trying to change it when he applied for his English passport was just too much hassle so he kept his old one which is a bit of a mouthful and fills all the little boxes you get to write the surname in on official forms! It is Rujirawanitchakorn!




As your stepson is now 18 he can change his name by deed poll.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Then she must show she has sole responsibility of the children & they will interview the children's guardians. And this the problem both myself & Tony have submitted excellent cases but it will all come down to the interview.

Thank you. Need to know what form to fill out for each child. I just down loaded VAF4A but it says on page 12 selecting the correct Appendix. and it does not match.


Think I have it. Form VAF4A and Appendix 2 form for each child

Just started to fill out on line VAF4A for each child and also started appendix 2 not req on line is this correct? Also looks like I have filled out the wrong appendix should it not be number 1? as 2 looks like spouse.

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Then she must show she has sole responsibility of the children & they will interview the children's guardians. And this the problem both myself & Tony have submitted excellent cases but it will all come down to the interview.

Thank you. Need to know what form to fill out for each child. I just down loaded VAF4A but it says on page 12 selecting the correct Appendix. and it does not match.


Think I have it. Form VAF4A and Appendix 2 form for each child

Just started to fill out on line VAF4A for each child and also started appendix 2 not req on line is this correct? Also looks like I have filled out the wrong appendix should it not be number 1? as 2 looks like spouse.

You need to complete Appendix 1

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