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New Rules For Bank Account?


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My Thai wife has a real Thai university degree...and yet, has virtually no understanding of or knowledge of how to calculate interest rates.

Now admittedly, she didn't major in math or anything in that area... But still, you'd think basic financial literacy would be taught somewhere....

Or...maybe not. whistling.gif

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Just a week ago I turned up at my bank carrying 500,000 baht in my attache case but the security guard would not allow me entry saying that the bank was closed. I consulted my watch which showed 3.28. I demanded to see somebody in authority. Eventually a guy who I think is the Assistant Manager appeared but by this time it was 3.35. I opened my attache case to show him the money. No dice and I was turned away. I crossed the road to a branch of the bank where my wife has an account and deposited the money into her account. The following morning I went to my bank again and asked to see the manager and told him of the event. I showed him my wife's passbook and pointed to the deposit that I had made. I then drew a 100 baht note from my wallet and said I would like it to be credited to my account. The Assistant Manager was sent for and his discomfort was a joy to behold. In this case money was not No.1. I guess that I won't be flavour of the month for a while.

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