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Thailand Struggles To Curb High Teen Pregnancy Rate


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Education, education, education.. that's what it all boils down to.. It has to start in school.. as way too many parents in Thailand don't have the education to impart on their children. It's the same the world over.. when they started sex education in the schools in the US, many, many parents went ballastic. But you know what, the teen pregnancy rate went way down. And no, I don't have the facts to back this up, I was here when it started and I can see the results. Of course it don't help that here, every movie, dvd, music video, tv show has sex in it, but so far, Thailand hasn't got that far yet. I don't think, but it looks like their headed that way. coffee1.gif Education !!!

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I just came across some interesting teen pregnancy facts in wikipedia.. I think so anyway, I stand chastised, the article states that the US is the #1 nation in teen preganacies.. anyway, here's some choice reading..

The U.S. teenage pregnancy rate was at a high in the 1950s and has decreased since then, although there has been an increase in births out of wedlock. The teenage pregnancy rate decreased significantly in the 1990s; this decline manifested across all racial groups, although teenagers of African-American and Hispanic descent retain a higher rate, in comparison to that of European-Americans and Asian-Americans.

The Guttmacher Institute reports that over 40% of mothers aged 15–17 had sexual partners three to five years older and almost one in five had partners six or more years older. A 1990 study of births to California teens reported that the younger the mother, the greater the age gap with her male partner.

Most continental Western European countries have very low teenage birth rates. This is varyingly attributed to good sex education and high levels of contraceptive use (in the case of the Netherlands and Scandinavia), traditional values and social stigmatization (in the case of Spain and Italy) or both (in the case of Switzerland).

Some interesting facts:

Teenage pregnancy was normal in previous centuries. Perhaps the most famous, teenage pregnancy in history was Mary, Mother of Jesus. She is generally believed to have been 13 years old when she gave birth to Jesus. Other sources place her age as high as 15 years.

Hildegard of Vinzgouw, the wife of Charlemagne was about 14 years old when she gave birth to her first son in 772 CE. The mother of Henry VII of England was 13 years old when she gave birth to him in 1457. Maria of Tver, the wife of Ivan the Great of Russia, gave birth to her first son when she was about 16 years old, in 1458. Empress Teimei of Japan was 16 years old when she gave birth to Hirohito in 1901.


Lina Medina of Peru holds the world record for youngest live birth: She was five years, seven months old when she gave birth in 1939.

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Education - would be my priority but what about the number of school girls in uniforms walking in to red light districts to go to work in the evening? Is there no parent responsibility in protecting these kids? And yes, the thrill, whatever, so Thailand has no answer in curbing the urge or the pregnancies. Beating people over the head to tell them the sex industry here does not exist when the politicians have gik's and the stuffy 'front' Thailand hi-so's put up about Thailand and Thai families being respectable? It's a joke. I had the pleasure of an elderly billionaire's company this week with his teen (gorgeous) gik, and the last thing she was working on was protected sex. The flesh handcuffs are a powerful tool. The pregnancy is wanted, to milk the man for whatever she can get and she according to him, is relentlessly pursing that result.

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Thailand struggles to curb high teen rate pregnancy

Thailand set to become the baby boom hub of SE Asia..

Most likely this is because of the fact that Thailand's prostitution image is embarrassing, and more than likely because of the Nok Air calendar.

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Wait, We're the HUB of teen pregnancies! w00t.gif

Given the economic condition of the neighboring countries,

this is a glaring stat. I'm not sure what it means, but basically not good.



Uncle rubl, you beat me to the "hub" comment by a second! :(

Edited by jamhar
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Nothing is going to change, no matter what Yinluck rattles. Teen pregnancies and single mothers are wonderful ways to perpetuate poverty, and to provide the next generation of unskilled labour and warm bodies.

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Nothing is going to change, no matter what Yinluck rattles. Teen pregnancies and single mothers are wonderful ways to perpetuate poverty, and to provide the next generation of unskilled labour and warm bodies.

I think you're right Potosi. Abortion is illegal, not much in the way of education,stigma against teens buying condoms. Its as if Teen pregnancy was a planned thing for TL.

I just finished reading the article.

"In a bid to find solutions, a Thai delegation visited Britain in November 2012, looking to emulate programmes there"

What a f*cken boondoggle. I'd fire all of the delegation that went, and their supervisors. Have they no shame? They had to GO there to find out how it was done??

Oz has a lower rate and its closer. Better yet, try Singapore japan, korea where there are lower rates, and similar culture! Atleast more similar than britian.

I need a drink sad.png

Edited by jamhar
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If Yingluck was really sincere about improving the life of women in this country she should introduce child support legislation. Many, not all thankfully of the men here shirk their fatherly responsibility t woo their children leaving the mother with the financial burden of raising the children.

Child support would also improve the life of countless children. But, it seems that often women in Thailand shirk their responsibility to their children and they are left to the care of grandparents or other relatives. Many children have been psychologically scarred by this neglect.

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Men have to be made more responsible. If DNA can prove it's your kid, then you have to pay a certain percentage of your salary every month to the mother for the child. (I know - probably would never work here)

Sex education in school is vital. Teenagers, particularly boys, think about sex all the time. The chances are they're probably going to have it. Hand out condoms, etc, and make sure teenagers, probably some of the teachers as well, more aware of safe sex.

Forcing men to pay for their children has probably had a greater impact on reducing teen pregnancy than any contraception or sex education. Because DNA can prove without a doubt you are the father these aholes cannot claim the girl is promiscuous and some other guy is the father. Once there is financial pain for the men then you see guys pulling out instead of ...

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We are victims. My son a and his girlfriend had a baby when they were 18. Neither mother or father has shown any sense of responsibility, therefore my wife and I are raising the baby who is now 19 months. Never dreamed that at 64 I'd me raising more kids.

Yes, me too. I am 72 & we have a 4 year old grand son which we are raising.

We love him to bits though, now we could not imagine not letting him be with us.

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You gotta feed and clothe your children-an honour over a responsibility at least for real men...oh but this is Thailand....

doesnt happen in uk does it

When I was in the UK in the late 1990's teen age girls were becoming mothers to get social security benefits.

They would get single mother allowance plus a council flat to live in. (They considered it was much better than having an education and then having to work!)

I see that the accompanying article puts the UK up as a positive example (eh?)

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Some interesting facts:

Teenage pregnancy was normal in previous centuries. Perhaps the most famous, teenage pregnancy in history was Mary, Mother of Jesus. She is generally believed to have been 13 years old when she gave birth to Jesus. Other sources place her age as high as 15 years.

So just where do we go from here? As it was an immaculate conception that makes God a pedo, so all Monotheistic religions that worship God are worshiping a Pedo - remember physical intercourse does not have to take place with a 13 yr old in order for statutory rape to occur. MMmmm tricky one this, wonder how the Padre will get round this one in the morning.

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Nothing is going to change, no matter what Yinluck rattles. Teen pregnancies and single mothers are wonderful ways to perpetuate poverty, and to provide the next generation of unskilled labour and warm bodies.

I think you're right Potosi. Abortion is illegal, not much in the way of education,stigma against teens buying condoms. Its as if Teen pregnancy was a planned thing for TL.

I just finished reading the article.

"In a bid to find solutions, a Thai delegation visited Britain in November 2012, looking to emulate programmes there"

What a f*cken boondoggle. I'd fire all of the delegation that went, and their supervisors. Have they no shame? They had to GO there to find out how it was done??

Oz has a lower rate and its closer. Better yet, try Singapore japan, korea where there are lower rates, and similar culture! Atleast more similar than britian.

I need a drink sad.png

But Man United don't play Man City in Singapore!

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We are victims. My son a and his girlfriend had a baby when they were 18. Neither mother or father has shown any sense of responsibility, therefore my wife and I are raising the baby who is now 19 months. Never dreamed that at 64 I'd me raising more kids.

Yes, me too. I am 72 & we have a 4 year old grand son which we are raising.

We love him to bits though, now we could not imagine not letting him be with us.

Many good and decent people are left in this situation, BUT if your bringing up of the child was done correctly you can never feel any guilt. The vast amount of parents in this position ARE indirectly to blame, They are the ones who will have regrets living with the thought of where they went wrong. But here the kids don't forsee the pain, and some know full well that MAM or GRAN will take care

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Nothing is going to change, no matter what Yinluck rattles. Teen pregnancies and single mothers are wonderful ways to perpetuate poverty, and to provide the next generation of unskilled labour and warm bodies.

I think you're right Potosi. Abortion is illegal, not much in the way of education,stigma against teens buying condoms. Its as if Teen pregnancy was a planned thing for TL.

I just finished reading the article.

"In a bid to find solutions, a Thai delegation visited Britain in November 2012, looking to emulate programmes there"

What a f*cken boondoggle. I'd fire all of the delegation that went, and their supervisors. Have they no shame? They had to GO there to find out how it was done??

Oz has a lower rate and its closer. Better yet, try Singapore japan, korea where there are lower rates, and similar culture! Atleast more similar than britian.

I need a drink sad.png

They went to Britain? What a beacon of imperfection.

Japan and Korea, the men pay for their indiscretion. Make the men pay and they will soon glove up.

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  • 3 months later...

As others have already said, education is the key. Young adults are NOT going to stop having sex. They are biologically ready for it. Mothers NEED to teach their daughters to refuse boys advances if protection is not in place. A horny young man of 17 to 20 is too young mentally to be a father and support a child. When young girls start getting sexually interested in boys it is time for them to start using the pill or be mentally strong enough to withstand the advances of a young male.

Development of Family Planning in Thailand

Over the past 4 decades, Thailand’s population policy to reduce the birthrate has been remarkably successful. This success is a result of the hard work by and collaborations between organisiations, governmental and non-governmental as well as United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

However, new social and economic developments also bring a new challenge to the country; with increasing life expectancy and low birth rates, Thailand faces a prospect of rapid population ageing and a shrinking workforce. While the size of the working-age group is declining, the demand for labour is still high, thus migrant workers (the population of which is rapidly increasing)provide needed flexibility to the local labour market. This follows the trend seen in other developed Asian societies like Japan and Singapore.

Moreover, after the AEC starts in 2015. It is predicted that Thai society will soon have to deal with an increased diversity of ethnic, cultural, educational, social and health related backgrounds along with the changing population structure due to the ageing population and shrinking workforce.(source-UNFPA)

Mechai, in his TED talk clearly laid out his Marketing Strategy using awareness, slogans as well as involving many avenues of thought as the sample below shows:

  • National Research Council
  • National Economic and Social Development Board
  • United Nations Population Fund
  • Planned Parenthood Association
  • HRH Princess Srinagarindra, the Princess Mother
  • HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana


  • No wonder we have no side-effects. It’S been blessed
  • Sick staff don’t work and dead customers don’t buy
  • Weapon of mass protection
  • In rubber we trust
  • Cops and rubbers

Examination Questions(20%): DEADLINE JULY 31ST 2013: write your answers in your books.

You must give your reasons for questions 1 & 2

  1. Marketing is based on the 4 fundamental principles of product, price, place & promotion you can choose any family planning product that is currently available and create a marketing strategy that does not use any of the places that Mechai used. Carefully read the script from this talk before attempting this question so no TV or radio or what happened in schools 10%
  2. If you were the Minister of Health what five policies would you suggest for implementation in the school curriculum to not only raise awareness but stop the current rate of school teenage pregnancies.- 5%
  3. Create 5 slogans for your product- 5%

The above is set for M5 students in a Thai Govt school.

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