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Yingluck Vows To Wipe Out Discrimination Against Women In Thai Society


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PM vows to wipe out discrimination against women
By Digital Media


BANGKOK, March 8 – Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra admitted today that a large number of Thai women continue to be victims of violence, but she promised to eliminate discrimination against women in Thai society.

In her speech to mark International Women’s Day, she said inequality between men and women exists in society and the government emphasised its strategy of creating equal opportunity which will contribute to the alleviation of poverty among the public.

The government has persistently pushed ahead its policy for women including setting up a women’s development fund, assisting female victims of violence and promotion of women’s leadership in economic, social and political aspects, she said.

The premier said she was confident that the government’s policy will eliminate discrimination against women and called on society to respect the rights and value of women as human beings. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-03-08

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Fine words from the lovely Ms Yingluck but at risk of striking a boring, pragmatic note I'd like to ask her exactly how she will eliminate discrimination against women in Thai society?

It's a pretty big ask.

Edited by bigbamboo
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What a crock of shit. If she is serious she can start by seeing that the uni lecturer is fired for slaping the two women around because he wanted to drive his Benz up the soi. Plus the guy that slapped the office worker for not signing the document that she thought was inappropriate.

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What a crock of shit. If she is serious she can start by seeing that the uni lecturer is fired for slaping the two women around because he wanted to drive his Benz up the soi. Plus the guy that slapped the office worker for not signing the document that she thought was inappropriate.

Or, closer to her, take Chalerm to task for bringing "pretties" to his office, during working hours, to serve him... food.

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What a crock of shit. If she is serious she can start by seeing that the uni lecturer is fired for slaping the two women around because he wanted to drive his Benz up the soi. Plus the guy that slapped the office worker for not signing the document that she thought was inappropriate.

Unbelievable that he didn't get fired - that video was disgusting. That girl shoulda got back in the van and ran him the hell over.

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I'll believe it when my wife can sign for my marriage visa

and it will have the exact same requirements as to when

a Thai man signs for his wife's marriage visa.

Until then, Thai women will always be a 2nd class citizens in

their own country.


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Hope it's the beginning of great change in Thailand. The first response is to rebuke what she wants to do, since it seems impossible. You have to get rid of the hateful exploitative Nazi foreigners who act like Imperialist exploiters, who the Thai people of both genders bow down to and serve and obey, as they help Nazis carve out their luxury niches here in Thailand while the children and young women get exploited but feel lucky to have nicer living conditions. If you can try to change Thailand and rid it of this stinking rotting carcass of exploitation that Thai economy feeds off, creating a rotten society of desperate prostitutes and people-for-sale cheap, then you will begin to stop the endless discrimination against women in this society which is supported by all of Thai society, since they don't have many other opportunities in many parts of Thailand except to sell women at cheap and low prices. Good luck, I hope she will bring about positive change and I just offered an outline for a very bad area of exploitation that continues this oppression of women, which the women happily participate in and continue.

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Grandiose would explain this OP. This PM only thinks about grand gestures and hollow I may add. Yingluck, get down to the details and maybe you can accomplish something. Probably cannot but that's expected. very Obamaish.

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OMG! Yingluck, is this the problem you need to solve today? Yingluck is like a rock skipping across the surface of a pond. Never in one place more than a second. GET A GRIP WOMAN! You are a leader. ACT LIKE ONE!

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Hope it's the beginning of great change in Thailand. The first response is to rebuke what she wants to do, since it seems impossible. You have to get rid of the hateful exploitative Nazi foreigners who act like Imperialist exploiters, who the Thai people of both genders bow down to and serve and obey, as they help Nazis carve out their luxury niches here in Thailand while the children and young women get exploited but feel lucky to have nicer living conditions. If you can try to change Thailand and rid it of this stinking rotting carcass of exploitation that Thai economy feeds off, creating a rotten society of desperate prostitutes and people-for-sale cheap, then you will begin to stop the endless discrimination against women in this society which is supported by all of Thai society, since they don't have many other opportunities in many parts of Thailand except to sell women at cheap and low prices. Good luck, I hope she will bring about positive change and I just offered an outline for a very bad area of exploitation that continues this oppression of women, which the women happily participate in and continue.

Dastardly Chinese pretending to be true Thais

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Hope it's the beginning of great change in Thailand. The first response is to rebuke what she wants to do, since it seems impossible. You have to get rid of the hateful exploitative Nazi foreigners who act like Imperialist exploiters, who the Thai people of both genders bow down to and serve and obey, as they help Nazis carve out their luxury niches here in Thailand while the children and young women get exploited but feel lucky to have nicer living conditions. If you can try to change Thailand and rid it of this stinking rotting carcass of exploitation that Thai economy feeds off, creating a rotten society of desperate prostitutes and people-for-sale cheap, then you will begin to stop the endless discrimination against women in this society which is supported by all of Thai society, since they don't have many other opportunities in many parts of Thailand except to sell women at cheap and low prices. Good luck, I hope she will bring about positive change and I just offered an outline for a very bad area of exploitation that continues this oppression of women, which the women happily participate in and continue.

I think your medication needs adjusting.

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It's a good sentiment to change how women are treated but seems an uphill battle since the govt can't seem to get people to drive on the right side of the road or to stop burning things that pollute the air.

Or clamp down on corruption or solve the southern crisis.

Could Thailand become the hub of Women's rights?

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I am confused, she said that women continue to be a victim of violence and then promises she will eliminate discrimination against women? This are definitely two separate issues. Maybe she will do it in true Thaksin style. Line up the wife beaters and then just kill them in a massive 3 month raid.

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We vow, but please give us some time? Probably not on the list of policies to be implemented the first year. Mind you I vaguely remember some 'mission accomplished' messages regarding women financial funds. Not to be worried about, hardly a handful, less than 10 billion Baht I think. I mean you have to try to be serious here

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PM vows to wipe out discrimination against women

........and corruption..........and Ivory Trading............and breeches of copyright............and mafias...........and poverty............and floods........more vowing going on than at a Moonies wedding ceremony!

She is a busy lady. Bet she won´t have time flying around the Globe shopping.rolleyes.gif

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I remember that fool of a prime minister in Australia Bob Hawke bleating out the ridiculous claim no child would live in poverty by 1990. Is it all politicians are this stupid?

Those who can, do.

Those who can't, teach.

The rest become crooks or politicians. I'm struggling to tell the difference though.

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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif the hub of Barbie girl -I-vow-to-speak-brainless-English-AND-Thai-and-it-doesn't-make-any-sense-because-I'm-a-proxyn-Shinawatra-stupiditycheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"Dear women in Thailand, I'm gonna fight for our rights!!! There you have it, I said it, have a nice day, bye bye...cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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In the past, and maybe still now,women(worldwide)used to slap mens faces.It was often seen and heard (ouch!)in public and on films. Surely this is a violent attack on men. Should these violent women now be prosecuted? If a man even touches a woman he has charges of assult brought against him.What about charging women for slapping faces?

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