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Are We Heading For War? North Korean Threat Of Nuclear Strike


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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has placed his troops on standby for 'all-out war' and instructed them to fire the first shots if tensions with South Korea boil over.
He also threatened of a 'great advance' over the border between the two nations, shortly after the North announced that it had abandoned its peace treaty with the South.
The pariah state has launched a new round of warlike rhetoric in anger over tough new sanctions imposed on it.

Now North Korean has announced it is cancelling all non-aggression pacts with its southern neighbor, closing its hotline with Seoul, and shutting their shared border point.
North Korea, which has already threatened a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the U.S., has said it will retaliate with 'crushing strikes' if enemies intrude into its territory 'even an inch and fire even a single shell'.

Some reports have said that the major powers are not taking this funny looking tin pot leader too seriously, but as history recalls, the same was also said about the little man with the funny moustache, Adolf Hitler, during the early 1930s.

Korea is over 2000 miles in distance from Thailand, but is still within the South Asian region. If war breaks us, would it affect us here? What about the economic disruption and chaos this would create, could Thailand be brought into the conflict and what could be the consequences for Thailand in the event of this war, which is looking imminent?

All looking very scary at the moment.

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