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Hitler Fashion Statements Confuse, Offend Tourists In Thailand


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I was kind of taken aback the other day when I was checking out at Tesco Lotus and having the security guard lady checking my receipt. I noticed that her badge had an SS on it. Same double lightning bolts as Hitler's elite gaurds.

It's kind of sad when the most dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors have to work security at Lotus.

You poor soul you, don't head down to Australia then where General Motors also badges their vehicles somewhat similar.


Is that in Moe?

Probably. wink.png

I think there is quite a bit of difference between what is going on in Thailand and the GM cars down under.


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What did you think they did with the babies of the Holocaust?

Now, come there CMK, lets not stray off topic here now shall we? Don't want you to have an annurysm or anything if we do?

I think it is exactly the point. The Thais don't know about the specifics of the Holocaust and Hitler's involvement in it. The Nazi's under the direction of Hitler killed 6 million men, woman, children and babies because they were Jewish. I really think if Thais knew that Hitler, the man in the fashion parade killed babies by the thousands they might be a bit more sensitive to wearing clothes that are identified with the man.


Edited by chiangmaikelly
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I think there is quite a bit of difference between what is going on in Thailand and the GM cars down under.

Indeed, these cars are more likely to be driven by someone who's got a 'F#ck off, we're full' and 'if you don't like it, leave' stickers on their back window, right next to their compulsoryy Eureka flag sticker.

I'll now leave you to go off and google 'Eureka flag', 'Bogan, and 'Ute'.

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I think there is quite a bit of difference between what is going on in Thailand and the GM cars down under.

Indeed, these cars are more likely to be driven by someone who's got a 'F#ck off, we're full' and 'if you don't like it, leave' stickers on their back window, right next to their compulsoryy Eureka flag sticker.

I'll now leave you to go off and google 'Eureka flag', 'Bogan, and 'Ute'.

And that is related to Hitler fashion how?

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I think there is quite a bit of difference between what is going on in Thailand and the GM cars down under.

Indeed, these cars are more likely to be driven by someone who's got a 'F#ck off, we're full' and 'if you don't like it, leave' stickers on their back window, right next to their compulsoryy Eureka flag sticker.

I'll now leave you to go off and google 'Eureka flag', 'Bogan, and 'Ute'.

And that is related to Hitler fashion how?

Was responding to another pedant on this discussion (not you in this case) who was up in arms about the SS logo on the security guard uniform. So the discussion flows from there.

Here is another word or two for you to look up though: Dropkick; Drongo.

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I was kind of taken aback the other day when I was checking out at Tesco Lotus and having the security guard lady checking my receipt. I noticed that her badge had an SS on it. Same double lightning bolts as Hitler's elite gaurds.

It's kind of sad when the most dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors have to work security at Lotus.

"It's kind of sad when the most dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors have to work security at Lotus."

Surely, it's kind of sad for you to compare a Thai person on minimum wages working as checkout security to "dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors'" .

I mean, really, that's stretching the imagination a bit. Tell me she was wearing jackboots and other Nazi regalia like this complete with a Luger.

Most of the 'security" ladies/guys are quite harmless and unlikely to challenge a farang anyway.


The SS was probably the initials of the company she worked for. Somchai Security.

C'mon, did you really not recognize the sentence "It's kind of sad when the most dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors have to work security at Lotus." as irony? Hint -- he didn't really think that the woman at Lotus was a Nazi warrior.

Thank you AL, I have just returned from having the omelette removed from my face.goof.gif In future I will leave the irony to my wife who does a better job.smile.png

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I think there is quite a bit of difference between what is going on in Thailand and the GM cars down under.

Indeed, these cars are more likely to be driven by someone who's got a 'F#ck off, we're full' and 'if you don't like it, leave' stickers on their back window, right next to their compulsoryy Eureka flag sticker.

I'll now leave you to go off and google 'Eureka flag', 'Bogan, and 'Ute'.

And that is related to Hitler fashion how?

Was responding to another pedant on this discussion (not you in this case) who was up in arms about the SS logo on the security guard uniform. So the discussion flows from there.

Here is another word or two for you to look up though: Dropkick; Drongo.

It might be an idea to quote the post that you are responding to or edit my post out of your response. Thanks.

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What did you think they did with the babies of the Holocaust?

Now, come there CMK, lets not stray off topic here now shall we? Don't want you to have an annurysm or anything if we do?

I think it is exactly the point. The Thais don't know about the specifics of the Holocaust and Hitler's involvement in it. The Nazi's under the direction of Hitler killed 6 million men, woman, children and babies because they were Jewish. I really think if Thais knew that Hitler, the man in the fashion parade killed babies by the thousands they might be a bit more sensitive to wearing clothes that are identified with the man.

Must remember the people who were experimented on in the special hospitals, involving dispicable near unspeakable things, The jewish guinea pigs they called them.

So I agree with the CMK FOR ONCE his point made above.

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Most people in this country do not study history at school.

And Most Thais do not even know their own history

and that's a fact

Geography, Maths, Woodwork, Cooking, Metalwork, English, Art, Sport, Swimming, You name it, we didn;t have time for missed lessons, etc., SO YES HIstory You cannot blame the pupils for not knowing , it is not important to Thais in general to learn from the mistakes of the past, they mostly live for today and MONEY, Drink smoking sex

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I did history throughout all my school years in the UK. This was at a grammar school in the 60s. I cannot remember a mention of anywhere east of the Indian sub-continent in all those lessons. Neither were we taught about anything that happened after about 1875 so I find it easy to believe that a vast majority of Thais, especially those that have never been outside of Thailand, know anything at all about European history. I certainly knew nothing of theirs until I started to visit.

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Perhaps people have been watching too much Television. Episodes ofThe Simpsons and Family Guy cartoons have been shown recently which depict Hitler and Nazis in the context of a funny show so why shouldn't people here follow their lead. (perhaps that's where the idea came from)

I hope that the TV posters who claim that these incidents result from Thai people's igorance of the world outside Thailand don't come from the US given that my experience there showed that a lot of people couldn't identify the difference between Taiwan and Thailand to give but one example of the average person's worldly knowledge. Another hilarious example was the American University student who was asked on a recent quiz show " the city Bangkok is located in Europe. True or False?" He passed and lost $100K

I think this OP is more of an example of creative journalism than a real concern to tourists. One of those funny fillers that they tag on to the end of the news on days when not much happens

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Most people in this country do not study history at school.

And Most Thais do not even know their own history

and that's a fact

Geography, Maths, Woodwork, Cooking, Metalwork, English, Art, Sport, Swimming, You name it, we didn;t have time for missed lessons, etc., SO YES HIstory You cannot blame the pupils for not knowing , it is not important to Thais in general to learn from the mistakes of the past, they mostly live for today and MONEY, Drink smoking sex

Personally, I much prefer smoking, drinking and sex over woodwork, metalwork and swimming.

You got me thinking about the cooking though.........

As usual, another ThaiVisa thread of much ado about nothing.

A few people wear a bit of old German paraphanalia, so what ???

It's not exactly a reflection on the whole country.

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I did history throughout all my school years in the UK. This was at a grammar school in the 60s. I cannot remember a mention of anywhere east of the Indian sub-continent in all those lessons. Neither were we taught about anything that happened after about 1875 so I find it easy to believe that a vast majority of Thais, especially those that have never been outside of Thailand, know anything at all about European history. I certainly knew nothing of theirs until I started to visit.

In the UK students are not taught about the Battle of Britain?

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Perhaps people have been watching too much Television. Episodes ofThe Simpsons and Family Guy cartoons have been shown recently which depict Hitler and Nazis in the context of a funny show so why shouldn't people here follow their lead. (perhaps that's where the idea came from)

I hope that the TV posters who claim that these incidents result from Thai people's igorance of the world outside Thailand don't come from the US given that my experience there showed that a lot of people couldn't identify the difference between Taiwan and Thailand to give but one example of the average person's worldly knowledge. Another hilarious example was the American University student who was asked on a recent quiz show " the city Bangkok is located in Europe. True or False?" He passed and lost $100K

I think this OP is more of an example of creative journalism than a real concern to tourists. One of those funny fillers that they tag on to the end of the news on days when not much happens

What does an American student on a quiz show have anything to do with a few Thais choice of Nazi-theme fashion??

Seems like eo many posts that hover around staying on topic, go off-topic ever inching towards Thai-bashing. Ok, I guess that can be normal of Thai Visa ... but these posts often mention the US or other Western country in a snide way. Seems like a few people have some sort of pent up resentment. Remember folks, Bush and o'Reilly do not represent the thought processes of the American people, no matter how hard you strain to throw out an insult.

Edited by hookedondhamma
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I did history throughout all my school years in the UK. This was at a grammar school in the 60s. I cannot remember a mention of anywhere east of the Indian sub-continent in all those lessons. Neither were we taught about anything that happened after about 1875 so I find it easy to believe that a vast majority of Thais, especially those that have never been outside of Thailand, know anything at all about European history. I certainly knew nothing of theirs until I started to visit.

In the UK students are not taught about the Battle of Britain?

They are nowadays. They (or at least we) weren't then. I assume that others may have been taught it but the way the system worked when I was at school was that when taking your main end of school exams was that you contrasted on a specific era. Mine was European History 1789-1870. WWII history wasn't compulsory then. I think it is now. The UK has 2000+ years worth of history behind it. It must be difficult to select which is more important. Do you teach about the Battle of Hastings in 1066 when we were invaded by the Normans or the Battle of Britain in 1941 when we weren't invaded by anybody?

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Most people in this country do not study history at school.

And Most Thais do not even know their own history

and that's a fact

Geography, Maths, Woodwork, Cooking, Metalwork, English, Art, Sport, Swimming, You name it, we didn;t have time for missed lessons, etc., SO YES HIstory You cannot blame the pupils for not knowing , it is not important to Thais in general to learn from the mistakes of the past, they mostly live for today and MONEY, Drink smoking sex

Personally, I much prefer smoking, drinking and sex over woodwork, metalwork and swimming.

You got me thinking about the cooking though.........

As usual, another ThaiVisa thread of much ado about nothing.

A few people wear a bit of old German paraphanalia, so what ???

It's not exactly a reflection on the whole country.

I don't think you get it.




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I did history throughout all my school years in the UK. This was at a grammar school in the 60s. I cannot remember a mention of anywhere east of the Indian sub-continent in all those lessons. Neither were we taught about anything that happened after about 1875 so I find it easy to believe that a vast majority of Thais, especially those that have never been outside of Thailand, know anything at all about European history. I certainly knew nothing of theirs until I started to visit.

You presumably are trying to link your crap school from 50 years ago with Thai schools today. Well done. Carry on.
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I did history throughout all my school years in the UK. This was at a grammar school in the 60s. I cannot remember a mention of anywhere east of the Indian sub-continent in all those lessons. Neither were we taught about anything that happened after about 1875 so I find it easy to believe that a vast majority of Thais, especially those that have never been outside of Thailand, know anything at all about European history. I certainly knew nothing of theirs until I started to visit.

You presumably are trying to link your crap school from 50 years ago with Thai schools today. Well done. Carry on.

No I'm pointing out that educational systems within a country tend to concentrate on that country's history rather than that of countries on the other side of the world. Sorry if that wasn't apparent to you.

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Most people in this country do not study history at school.

And Most Thais do not even know their own history

and that's a fact

Geography, Maths, Woodwork, Cooking, Metalwork, English, Art, Sport, Swimming, You name it, we didn;t have time for missed lessons, etc., SO YES HIstory You cannot blame the pupils for not knowing , it is not important to Thais in general to learn from the mistakes of the past, they mostly live for today and MONEY, Drink smoking sex

A bit like a few ex pats I've met. smile.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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Most people in this country do not study history at school.

And Most Thais do not even know their own history

and that's a fact

Geography, Maths, Woodwork, Cooking, Metalwork, English, Art, Sport, Swimming, You name it, we didn;t have time for missed lessons, etc., SO YES HIstory You cannot blame the pupils for not knowing , it is not important to Thais in general to learn from the mistakes of the past, they mostly live for today and MONEY, Drink smoking sex

Personally, I much prefer smoking, drinking and sex over woodwork, metalwork and swimming.

You got me thinking about the cooking though.........

As usual, another ThaiVisa thread of much ado about nothing.

A few people wear a bit of old German paraphanalia, so what ???

It's not exactly a reflection on the whole country.

I don't think you get it.

Actually, we all do.

We're just playing with you now.

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Geography, Maths, Woodwork, Cooking, Metalwork, English, Art, Sport, Swimming, You name it, we didn;t have time for missed lessons, etc., SO YES HIstory You cannot blame the pupils for not knowing , it is not important to Thais in general to learn from the mistakes of the past, they mostly live for today and MONEY, Drink smoking sex

Personally, I much prefer smoking, drinking and sex over woodwork, metalwork and swimming.

You got me thinking about the cooking though.........

As usual, another ThaiVisa thread of much ado about nothing.

A few people wear a bit of old German paraphanalia, so what ???

It's not exactly a reflection on the whole country.

I don't think you get it.

Actually, we all do.

We're just playing with you now.

I realize that. Intellectually you're not in the same league. You are talking about kids and actually the events are organized and orchestrated by school officials who should know better but don't or don't care and this is brushed under the carpet by Thai Visa posters who are either unaware of the conditions here on Sports Day or have little interest or a negative interest in the Holocaust. What would it take to change the situation? A simple letter from the PM to all public and private schools (I think they have the addresses) to stop the Nazi stuff on sports day.

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My BIL, an educated Thai and a decent chappy with whom I get along with very well has a fixation with military regalia..

Part of this fixation is his adornment of the Swastika and Third Reich Imagery... I've tried to tell him what these symbols represent and that to many the symbol is so closely linked to the slaughter of about 6 million innocent people it is highly offensive. I have also tried to explain the ideology of the Third Reich and that had my BIL himself lived in the day he would possibly be a target of the 'Ethnic Cleansing' policies.

Like many, he simply does not think beyond the idea that these images look cool, to him at least. I believe this represents a huge gap in emotional responsibility so evident in society today.

Where responsibility for ones actions is diminishing, where accountability is lost and where concept of consequence is absent the remaining consciousness is simply one of want without the levels of maturity usually associated with the higher stages of social awareness.

Are you sure you explained what EXACTLY the Swastika symbol means? Where did it come from ? I hope you did not happen to tell people that the Swastika symbol was created by Hitler. Google the meaning of the Swastika Symbol. You will find the difference between the "Swastika Symbol" and the "Nazi Symbol". If you still think that they both looks the same and means the same then you are no different from the ignorants. Being a Hindu I feel offended when people use the word Swastika for the Nazi Symbol. Hitler borrowed the symbol but look at those symbols you will see the difference. If not then probably you might get offended when you visit any Hindu Temple. But - I agree that these "Hitler Fashion Statements" craze in Thailand is Offensive.

Edited by R10wota
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My BIL, an educated Thai and a decent chappy with whom I get along with very well has a fixation with military regalia..

Part of this fixation is his adornment of the Swastika and Third Reich Imagery... I've tried to tell him what these symbols represent and that to many the symbol is so closely linked to the slaughter of about 6 million innocent people it is highly offensive. I have also tried to explain the ideology of the Third Reich and that had my BIL himself lived in the day he would possibly be a target of the 'Ethnic Cleansing' policies.

Like many, he simply does not think beyond the idea that these images look cool, to him at least. I believe this represents a huge gap in emotional responsibility so evident in society today.

Where responsibility for ones actions is diminishing, where accountability is lost and where concept of consequence is absent the remaining consciousness is simply one of want without the levels of maturity usually associated with the higher stages of social awareness.

Are you sure you explained what EXACTLY the Swastika symbol means? Where did it come from ? I hope you did not happen to tell people that the Swastika symbol was created by Hitler. Google the meaning of the Swastika Symbol. You will find the difference between the "Swastika Symbol" and the "Nazi Symbol". If you still think that they both looks the same and means the same then you are no different from the ignorants. Being a Hindu I feel offended when people use the word Swastika for the Nazi Symbol. Hitler borrowed the symbol but look at those symbols you will see the difference. If not then probably you might get offended when you visit any Hindu Temple. But - I agree that these "Hitler Fashion Statements" craze in Thailand is Offensive.

I don't think people get too confused.


Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Is there a requirement for a Hitler/Nazi/Swastika thread every few weeks?

Is this 'news' - from 'daily buzz on twitter'

That video a year old, does it add anything to this forum?

How about:

Bangkok's 'Hitler Chic' Trend Riles Tourists, Israeli Envoy

and just a few weeks ago

Whats Up With The Locals Admiration For Hitler?!

My suggestion: close it, same posters with same posts . . .

I read Thai Visa all the time, and I have not seen any "Hitler chic" articles posted in a long time. The "Nazification" of Thailand is just a symptom of the wave of Nazis who have been "rising up" all over the world. Marketing and media is one of the psychological tools used to brainwash people into "buying into" this "power" group which has made it's "home" here in Thailand. In the West the media uses less obvious forms of racist brainwashing to get people to associate racist white appearance with the zenith of "beauty". It's a complicated issue, but Thai people are just not sophisticated enough intellectually to "hide" their racist affiliations as much as the Western media counterparts, especially in the "fashion" world. People will be offended, and I do not mean to offend Thai people but I hope they try to increase their education and level of critical thinking and decrease their lust for "following" the fashion trends and ideology of Nazis from their Farang financial base who lives here and controls and influences them so much.

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I did history throughout all my school years in the UK. This was at a grammar school in the 60s. I cannot remember a mention of anywhere east of the Indian sub-continent in all those lessons. Neither were we taught about anything that happened after about 1875 so I find it easy to believe that a vast majority of Thais, especially those that have never been outside of Thailand, know anything at all about European history. I certainly knew nothing of theirs until I started to visit.

Well Austria in the 80s: 1918 shooting the crownprince...caused 1st. Worldwar and the next event was Germany took Austria 1933 and the 1945 it was over.....

So from 1918-1945 in 1 hour. Considering that you can come in jail for some wrong sentences but at least loose your job no teacher wanted to burn his fingers on that topic....

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I did history throughout all my school years in the UK. This was at a grammar school in the 60s. I cannot remember a mention of anywhere east of the Indian sub-continent in all those lessons. Neither were we taught about anything that happened after about 1875 so I find it easy to believe that a vast majority of Thais, especially those that have never been outside of Thailand, know anything at all about European history. I certainly knew nothing of theirs until I started to visit.

If that happened at a grammar school then I am truly thankful I had a UK state education during the sixties and seventies.

WW1 and 2 and twentieth century world history were covered.

We even had one lesson I vividly remember on the Burma railway! I remember History and Geography lessons with particular fondness.

Your teachers let you down badly imo.

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