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A Sunrise Cure


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Thank you, thank you. I see similar scenes from my bedroom window many a morning, but this pic is especially lovely.. Just shared it with some friends in smoggy HK to remind them what a sunrise looks like.


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I had a bit of a stinker of a day yesterday. Including getting a traffic fine (was unaware of an enforcement on a section of road..that was never an issue before.)..a few other mishaps and problems, but the worst being witnessing the recently hatched zebra dove chick (which i was watching the progress of from my window for weeks since its mother laid the egg) plummet to its death because it wanted to try flying too soon. (Ran outside and tried massaging its chest, but nope...100% dead :( Then had to watch his parents despair).

...BUT my point is, this morning, i was so thankful to enjoy the beauty of a glorious day.
The doves will mate again, and the traffic fine didnt break the bank, and im in good health.

Lovely photo Greenside, thank you. :)

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WOW! It looks lovely and clear up there. What a change from the recent smoke smog. I might just go for a ride tomorrow if it stays that nice. I've been recently going out beyond Samoeng village on the 1349 road. Unfortunately, the Bikers Corner off-road map does not even mention that road and I don't see road signs that relate to the roads on the map. I'll just explore and make my own maps later using my GPS. Nothing beats personal experience anyway.

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