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Knife-Wielding Men Kill 4, Injure 8 In China's Xinjiang


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Over 100 Tibetans have immoliated themselves in the past year because they want their country and their leader back. That's the most severe statement anyone can make.

Sounds like a serious case of religious brainwashing, right? besides killing themselves in such dramatic ways, they attack also violently Han Chinese people living there. pogrom style. http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2012/03/21/tibet-s-suicidal-politics/

Let's assume you hail from a certain region in the world, where there are deep thousand year old cultural traditions, your own language, myths, religion, currency, postage stamps, etc. Then all of a sudden, an army comes over the horizon and, through military might and overwhelming numbers, takes over. They destroy as much of your culture as possible (Mao's kids destroying temples and 1,000-yr-old thankas, etc), and they shoot or imprison any locals (mostly peasants and monks) who show any distaste for the occupiers. Later, they bring in thousands of low-lander Han Chinese per week by buses and railroad - thereby outnumbering the locals. Would you not want to grab a gun and fight against the occupiers? I sure would.

so pogroms are good? furthermore if that would be a valid description of what happen then you should be outraged at some many other similar occurrences all over the world that could easily described in a similar agitated way.

You want to bandy around the word 'pogroms'? Ok, lets use it. Pogrom could be used to describe the French Revolution, parts of the US Revolutionary War, parts of the efforts to defeat Hitler, .....shall I go on? Sure, there are times when armed resistance is what's called for. It's not justified every time, but when a country is taken over and its people and culture are being slowly destroyed (as is happening in Tibet) armed resistance is called for, in my (and many other peoples') view.

Edited by maidu
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Over 100 Tibetans have immoliated themselves in the past year because they want their country and their leader back. That's the most severe statement anyone can make.

Sounds like a serious case of religious brainwashing, right?

besides killing themselves in such dramatic ways, they attack also violently Han Chinese people living there. pogrom style.


The French Resistance during World War II also killed Nazis on virtually a daily basis, which was both praiseworthy and understandable. Courageous resistance fighters in many Nazi occupied countries killed their brutal Nazi conquerors and themselves were brutally killed by the Nazi occupiers. The CCP-PRC is cruelly occupying Tibet based its shameless and brazen aggression. Han Chinese invaders also are being resisted by the indigenous population that is now the Xinjiang Region of the CCP-PRC, which also was seized by Han force and is occupied by Han invaders. That there should be and are resistance movements in both places is no surprise to anyone. Did the Boyz in Beijing think occupying foreign countries would be easy? The CCP cadre and members Beijing sends to remake the countries into a unitary extension of China by destroying their languages, culture, society, civilizations - all the name of Chinese civilization and it's 5000 year love of dictatorship - should expect to catch hell from the locals, rightly and justifiably so.

I'm not Jewish, but I am offended that you should compare resistance fighters in Tibet and Xinjiang to the Jewish Holocaust victims of the barbarian Nazis of World War II. And that you do so shamelessly and in a cavalier fashion.

Edited by Publicus
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I have trouble to understand, Publicus. Is it about brutal Nazi Resistance during WW2 who killed Han in the holocaust of the CCP-PRC in the idigenous Xingjiang region?

Well, even I can see that sometimes matters can become momentarily inscrutable.

Which causes me to ask:

Hu was the president of China?

So Hu is Wen?

And where is Xi?

Does Xi know Hu?

Do you know Hu is the president of China?

Wen did Xi arrive at the party?

Is Xi the president now? That would be a first. Well, Ci Xi (the Empress Dowager) wasn't literally Empress, but ruled the place in reality. So if Xi is the new president, possibly it isn't a first 'cause Xi isn't Ci.

So what did Hu say to Xi, and Wen?

How did Xi get here anyway?

And Hu does Xi think Xi is?

This year in China is the year of the snake. Hu has the biggest snake? Izzit Xi? Xi certainly is the biggest dog on the block, so that should count for something - but I just couldn't say Wen.

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If Tibet had oil reserves, its military take-over in the 1950's by China would have been actively contested by western powers. As it was, Tibet was not well enough represented on the world stage at that time, plus its remoteness, precluded western attempts to safeguard it from invasion. Similar dynamics are happening now in Xinjiang, though instead of an armed invasion, the Chinese are just occupying the place as if they always owned it - and doing the revisionist activity - tearing down classic old buildings to construct endless miles of tall concrete block apartments for the endless numbers of Han from the lowlands to occupy.

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