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O Visa Marriage Extension Issue

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OK I got my O visa based on Marriage early Jan and money was in the bank maturing so now I have an issue

1.) How long does the money need to be in the bank ? I thought 3 months bu someone said if you have 3 times the amount it is just 2 can someone clarify that

2.) I have to leave Thailand early April and someone said even when I apply for the Marriage extension they are not going to give it me right away and I have to wait and go back and get it so my question is AM I STUCK HERE or can I get an exit and rentry permit without losing the extension by marriage since I have to leave for 6 days and have no choice

thanks in advance

Edited by DiamondKing
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what is the date your permission to stay stamp expires and waht are the dates of you having to leave thailand and what is the return date,

money needs to be 400.000baht

there is a 1 month wait for the marriage extension to be approved, can you just not apply until after your return, a re-entry permit only allows you to leave and return but your permission to stay date will not be extended

Edited by steve187
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Its April 11th but I have to leave right around the 5th the money has been in the since Jan 1st so its right a the same time I have to leave so if I have to wait for the extension for a month and have to leave for 6 days can I apply and then get an exit permit to do the 6 day trip ???? else I guess I am back to square 1

Edited by DiamondKing
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When you apply they will give you '30 days under consideration'.

You can get a re-entry permit if you want to leave and return during/before those 30 days are up.

No time discount for having excess to the required amount of money.

After you apply, tell them you want a single entry re-entry permit. The cost is 1000 Baht. It will only be good for the 30 days, but that's when you'll need it.


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Money in the bank for 2 months.

You will get a 30 day under consideration stamp.

If you need to leave during that 30 days you need a Re Entry Permit as said above. 1,000 Baht.

Make sure you return in time to go back to Immigration to collect your full extension.

You can apply this month if you wish but the 30 days will still start from 11th April.

A Rough Guide.

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady,

the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than
40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than
400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

Letter from your Thai Bank showing balance and up to date bank book.


If income from outside Thailand: Letter from your Embassy showing income. Now may also need proof of income as back up.

If Income from Thailand: Statements showing Income Tax reciepts.

Marriage Certificate

Marriage Registry entry.

Wife's Tabbien Baan and ID Card.

Your Passport.

Copies of everything.

Photos of you and your Wife in and around the house.

A map showing the way to your house.

Passport size photos and 1,900 Baht fee.

Take your Wife to be interviewed.

One or two witnesses may be required.

You will be given a 30 day under

consideration stamp.

Go back in a month and get the remainder.

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There is also your current entry status as applications are normally only accepted during the last 30 days of your permitted to stay so you should be fine with application later than 4 April (a week or so earlier if 2 months seasoning accepted would be better) and get re-entry permit.

Normally time in account should be 2 months (but an office or two/officers) have insisted on 3 months (which in some cases has been changed on higher appeal). There is no 3x factor but perhaps person was thinking of retirement if over age 50 requirement being 2x at 800k.

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So what you guys are saying is I can go and do all that since I entered Thailand on 12 Jan and tommorow is 12 March so that is 2 months I can then go to Immigration with all the paperwork and get it sorted and then on April 11th the Month wait will begin but in the meantime I can get a rentry permit to leave 5th April return 12 April

Am I understanding it correct

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I haven't done in about a decade but believe the 30 days was from date of application (although was 45 days when I did it) - the actual extension of stay has been changed to start at end of current stay/extension (it used to be from application).

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My 30 days wait for the results from Bangkok have always been 30 days from application, i know this is a fact for me as I needed it back with 39 days as I was going abroad, and received the new stamp on the 30th day after application.

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All my 30 day waits have started from the date my current permit to stay ended.

That is why many people report a 60 day wait after they went in 30 days early.

Same at Phuket Immigration, 30 day starting after existing extension expire date.

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Trying to build some knowledge about applying for a years extension from a 1 year multi based on marriage, so I see any application must be made after 60 days spent in country, but if leaving and returning before consideration period is up, do I still require to get a reentry permit, whilst still having the multi entry on visa if the visa has still not yet expired, or does the application to extend null and void the time still left on the visa?

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In your situation you will need a re-entry permt, unless you want to start the application all over again. It might be cheaper and easier to wait with the extension if you need to travel. You can apply for the extension during the last 30 days of any entry with your non-O visa.

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