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Puritanical Thailand


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In light of the recent gov intiated changes to the entertainment industry and the possibility of more draconian measures. How bad will it have to get before you consider leaving for greener pastures? Or do you think that the Thai people will eventually say enough is enough!?

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The bar times, well I couldnt care less really as there is always a place to drink, if you want that.. As much as it hurts me to say it, he is only trying to bring the country inline with other 1st world countries - the way he is going about it, is wrong to me and far to early for the country itself. It is my opinion that if the Thai people let him run the country, he will do a good job in the long term - yes he will own everything, but that is for the Thai people to worry about.

Although some of his policies against Farangs will affect me, it still wont make me want to leave for that reason - I think go with the flow, when it is time, thats when I will leave..... Where would we go next?, Cambodia? - no thanks!

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We British people have put up with silly bar closing laws since the First World War. Why did we ever put up with it? And we are now renown through out the world as drunken louts – because we drink up quick to make the most of it. It will be home from home for us Brits.

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We British people have put up with silly bar closing laws since the First World War. Why did we ever put up with it? And we are now renown through out the world as drunken louts – because we drink up quick to make the most of it. It will be home from home for us Brits.

Maybe Thaksin is an Anglophile after all.......

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But the enforced closing hours in England have been scrapped - they were becoming unworkable. And that was just for the amber nectar.

Here it also affects the bar-girl culture, disco's, restaurants and so on.

The whole policy is over-the-top, but then that's what's 'is name, again, isn't it?

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It is not the puritanical part of things that is frustrating, it is more the hypocrisy of it all.


The early colsing isnt going to have a big effect on me. But it is going to have a big effect on a lot of thais. lost jobs, not just to bar employees, but to hotels, street vendors, taxi drivers, etc. 2 questions:

if the point is to reign in kids, why is RCA allowed to stay open until 2?

and, if i want to go out with "respectable" types for a late night drink, we now have to go to an "adult entertainment zone"???????? how thoughtful.

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Im gone, not just to do with bars closing although it is the cherry on the cake, my reason is that basicly we're not wanted, im tired of their backwards ideas, the racism i face everyday, and to be honest its not that good anyway, compared to kl hk singapore, and tapai it fails miserbly, for many reasons one of which is the night life, plus we're always being told be polite to the thais their our hosts, its their country and your a guest, and i whole hartedly agree with that, but i also feel if you are a host, treat your guests with some respect, and manners, ive had to many thais, talk to me like shit, muttering thai under their breath which they think i dont understand, calling me cheap i've put more money into thailand in the last 5 years, then most will earn in a lifetime, even with that stupid falang sending the monthly 20,000 b,

its been fun though

well take care thais, i do feel a bit sorry for ya, you nearly had freedom,


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It seems that this conversation is popping up everywhere as well as what ype of effect it will have on tourism.

Sure, it sucks that bars will close earlier but so what. Will this one or two hours really make a difference? Sure there will be less income for bar owners and street vendors but thats about it. Motor bike taxis will still make their money, they will just be taking people home earlier.

I think Thailand has many advantages for living there. You can go to the beach any time you want, food is good, life can be cheap and its just so charming in many ways. The last thing that will affect me is the closing time of the bars. If you really want to party then stack up on some drinkls and paper bags and take a bunch of people to the beach or your place and part on. Probably a lot more fun then hanging around in some seedy bar

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It seems that this conversation is popping up everywhere as well as what ype of effect it will have on tourism.

Sure, it sucks that bars will close earlier but so what. Will this one or two hours really make a difference? Sure there will be less income for bar owners and street vendors but thats about it. Motor bike taxis will still make their money, they will just be taking people home earlier.

You are correct in saying that it is only the bars, and that there are still so many other good things about the place. However, in time with restricted hours, there probably will not be a Nana or Soi Cowboy, or there will be a very scaled down version. As to Patpong, I will leave that place to the tourists. If you can't recommend Bangkok for it's nightlife, then what can you recommend it for? No I think that the fabric of things have changed and will only get worst under the Dynamic Duo.

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If they banned distribution and sale of english language publications, blocked all websites, shut down all cinemas, required permits for travelling outside Bangkok, installed surveillance devices in foreigners homes.

...then yes, it might be apt to re-locate.

'Clossing boozers early' - hardly Orwellian. So what !

I quite agree with you Sauron old chap. There's nothing wrong with shutting down the pubs at midnight, except those in entertainment zones that should be permitted stay open until 2.00 a.m. Good idea to get some of these loud music bars to pipe down earlier so families can get a decent night's sleep.

What troubles me though is whether the Nana area will eventually become an official entertainment zone because it is also a very convenient commercial office area with many major companies headquartered in the vicinity. Unfortunately in recent years Nana's night life had been downgrading office rents because business people don't want to become associated with ladies of the night sauntering around the streets come sundown. I am also told that it has been becoming difficult to recruit female office staff because of the Nana area's seedy reputation.

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The day they ban me from wearing shorts on the grounds that it is against male modesty I will definitely call it a day.

The bar closing doesn't worry me too much because I think there will be a backlash by affected Thais and the rules will be changed once again.

Actually, I'm more worried about the environment than anything else in Thailand. What's the point of staying here if it's horrible? The number of nice places to live is diminishing rapidly. I can't believe the devastation wreaked in Phuket. It's even worse than Pattaya.

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I'm more worried that the closing times, like the helmet laws, prostitution laws, etc etc, will be loosely enforced. I'd like to get some sleep but the bar across the street from me doesn't follow regulations as it is. Election days, King's Birthday, and after 2am the still make noise, but with the lights off.

Personally, having a few beers and some good grub in an open air night bazzar beats some trashy pub any day. :o


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I fear the day when censorship takes over completely. Even before Thaksin took over the government, he bought the only independent TV station (ITV) so he could use it to spread his propaganda. Since he succeeded in using Thais' tax money to buy their votes and get himself elected, there has been a steady progression of thought control in the Thai media. TV, radio and Thai-language newspapers and magazines have to be pretty ###### careful to toe the line, or The Great God will petulantly wreak his vengeance upon them. About the only still-free media are the English-language press, esp. Nation and Bangkok Post newspapers. Occasionally foreign news mags like The Economist and Far Eastern Economic Review print something honest enough to incur His wrath. During the more than a decade I have lived and worked in Thailand, reading the interesting, educational, thought-provoking and uncensored editorials and letters in the daily newspapers has been a staple of what keeps me here. As Thaksin tightens his grip on Thailand, the papers have bravely continued to point out the many faults in his policies. If they are ever censored or shut down, I'm out of here.

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If they banned distribution and sale of english language publications, blocked all websites, shut down all cinemas, required permits for travelling outside Bangkok, installed surveillance devices in foreigners homes.

...then yes, it might be apt to re-locate.

'Clossing boozers early' - hardly Orwellian. So what !

In Beijing, English publications are not on every street corner, some web sites are blocked, you may be asked your papers once in a while though I have never been asked, guards record comings and goings most anywhere. There are surveillance devices all over the place.

Generally, it's no big deal and we go about life quite happily. China is a very nice place to be.

There are good things and bad things everywhere.

I hope to move to Thailand in a few months for a job, I'm sure some things won't be perfect but other things will.

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Hang on everyone. The sun is shining, its a lovely day. Outside the noises of laughter and fun ring out. Back where I come from - Britain - right now its cold dark and horrible, nobody laughs and if you smile they think you're some weirdo.

So I'll keep Thailand anyday. Just have a beer earlier and what have you. Hardly the end of the world, when you think about it. :o

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