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Thai Women: What Do You Think Of This White Skin Nonsense?

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A truly white-skinned girl of any ethnicity just reminds me of dead fishmeat, definitely unhealthy looking and therefore off-putting unless she's international-model class material.

Other than that, from lightly tanned to honey-skinned to black as night is for me basically irrelevant, cute is cute hot is hot.

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A truly white-skinned girl of any ethnicity just reminds me of dead fishmeat, definitely unhealthy looking and therefore off-putting unless she's international-model class material.

Other than that, from lightly tanned to honey-skinned to black as night is for me basically irrelevant, cute is cute hot is hot.

Beauty is just a question of tastes, if you like dark skinned girls is ok, don't need to think to much about it, i like yellow skin and a muais(Thai script removed) , what i don't like is white women(nordic).

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I'm not Thai, but am a woman, so I'll respond. biggrin.png

I also get sick of all the Thai women I meet saying to me, "Ohhh your skin is so white. I will trade my skin for yours!" It saddens me when my Thai friend's daughter (who is 6) tries to make her face white with powder and family members will actually tell her it's too bad that she's so dark skinned. Talk about growing up with low self-confidence. Of course, many people say it in jest...but still.

Has a lot to do with "class." If you're :Hi-so, then you should have white skin...but that's not always the case. I assume it's the same way in places like India, etc, where they follow the class system very seriously. Personally, I am kind of relieved they like white skin here in a way, because I hate tanning (sunburns, ouch!) One my my falang friends tans all the time, and she is going to get old way too soon! Not to mention, skin cancer...

Whenever my students at school tell me they want my white skin, I tell them that I think their dark skin is beautiful (which it really is) and they are always shocked when I say that. rolleyes.gif

No offence intended, but you are a teacher and say FALANG ??????


somtampet, on 27 Mar 2013 - 10:37, said:

No offence intended, but you are a teacher and say FALANG ??????


What's your point? The transliteration of R vs L is pretty arbitrary - and what's being a teacher got to do with anything?


Once took a girl out of a bar in pattaya,she was very White though I don't normally care if there dark or pale as long as they are attractive , took her back to my hotel and got a real shock when she came out of the bathroom . Her head and lower arms where almost White but the rest of her body was dark brown,she looked weird ,like an African who had fallen head first into a bag of flour.the reason for this she explained was she wanted to be while but the skin lotions where very expensive


To a scandinavian there is no doubt that the darker skinned, black haired women have an exotic sex appeal and that goes for asians and latinas alike. I assume it's like how southerners have an obsession with blondes, which I find rather common.

But I also think that Japanese and some Chinese women have more of a classic look that is more similar to the caucasian look.

In the end, the only race that is truly different lookswise are caucasian with their wide variety of hair and eye color. The rest of the world has brown eyes and dark hair. Hence, why blue eyes always seem to gain attention with Asian ladies.

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I'm married to an Issan girl with the most beautiful brown skin and she calls it 'black', then I say....no it's the color of coffee with cream and hold something really black up to show her the difference and tell her that she is lucky in that she doesn't have to visit the skin Dr yearly to get the pre cancerous thingies burned off with liquid nitrogen.

Thais and other Asians only see black and white and none of the shades in between.


I like white skinned thai women, in my opion(and in the most of thais) they look hotter and prettier than the dark skinned ones smile.png

I don't agree with you, but thats your personal preference. I prefer a darker skinned girl, to me she will always appear healthier than a girl with 'pasty' white skin. It really is stupid to say which skin colour is best.

Some of us would prefer a black car whereas others prefer White or blue.

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Personally, I find a woman with dirty elbows a turn off. I am always surprised by the number of Europeans with dirty elbows and forearms along with black dirt encrusted toenails. If I can get past the bad hygiene issues, skin colour is a minor issue.

Seriously foreign people, please wash your feet and arms.

How d'you know all the ones with dirty elbows are European (foreign ermm.gif)? And with that, I take it septics and aussies always remain squeaky clean? I think I'd much prefer a Euro lass with dirty arms than a dodgy bread thief with a pongy whatsit.


somtampet, on 27 Mar 2013 - 10:37, said:

No offence intended, but you are a teacher and say FALANG ??????


What's your point? The transliteration of R vs L is pretty arbitrary - and what's being a teacher got to do with anything?

Maybe somtampet assumed you'r being a teacher you are supposed to be able to pronounce the r's properly, since farang in Thai has ror rua not lol ling it is not arbitrary

crazy.gif as for my opinion it is 100%subjective


Just seen a video of Bangkok universities,Miss Thailand 20 finalists. Guess what !

Not one dark skinned girl amongst the lot. Talk about prejudice.


I'm not Thai, but am a woman, so I'll respond. biggrin.png

I also get sick of all the Thai women I meet saying to me, "Ohhh your skin is so white. I will trade my skin for yours!" It saddens me when my Thai friend's daughter (who is 6) tries to make her face white with powder and family members will actually tell her it's too bad that she's so dark skinned. Talk about growing up with low self-confidence. Of course, many people say it in jest...but still.

Has a lot to do with "class." If you're :Hi-so, then you should have white skin...but that's not always the case. I assume it's the same way in places like India, etc, where they follow the class system very seriously. Personally, I am kind of relieved they like white skin here in a way, because I hate tanning (sunburns, ouch!) One my my falang friends tans all the time, and she is going to get old way too soon! Not to mention, skin cancer...

Whenever my students at school tell me they want my white skin, I tell them that I think their dark skin is beautiful (which it really is) and they are always shocked when I say that. rolleyes.gif

No offence intended, but you are a teacher and say FALANG ??????

No offence intended but why are some in here so bloody "nitty picky" have they nothing better in their tiny minds than to "spell check" everyone else ?


Personally, I find a woman with dirty elbows a turn off. I am always surprised by the number of Europeans with dirty elbows and forearms along with black dirt encrusted toenails. If I can get past the bad hygiene issues, skin colour is a minor issue.

Seriously foreign people, please wash your feet and arms.

How d'you know all the ones with dirty elbows are European (foreign ermm.gif)? And with that, I take it septics and aussies always remain squeaky clean? I think I'd much prefer a Euro lass with dirty arms than a dodgy bread thief with a pongy whatsit.

If yer feet don't smell, they don't need washing ..................cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Just my opinion. Thai Ladys I like have long black hair,a sense of humor even if they cannot speak or only know English nid noy you can tell if they like a joke,and I do not like that white power they put on there face.They should have brown skin and if they are darker than that it doesnt worry me.I think some guys like the opposite be cause I see sponsered girls,good lookers riding around on new bikes,white powder and golden or other risnes in their hair.I didnt think I would even turn into an old whinger but maybe its time to go to the Doctor and get a shot of that happy needle in my arse


Just seen a video of Bangkok universities,Miss Thailand 20 finalists. Guess what !

Not one dark skinned girl amongst the lot. Talk about prejudice.

I saw the same video. All I could see were a bunch of hotties. You're way too obsessed with skin color!

  • Like 2

Just seen a video of Bangkok universities,Miss Thailand 20 finalists. Guess what !

Not one dark skinned girl amongst the lot. Talk about prejudice.

I saw the same video. All I could see were a bunch of hotties. You're way too obsessed with skin color!

Ah Berkshire! The Thai apologist to the rescue. coffee1.gif

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Yes Thais are overly obsessed about skin color when judging beauty.

Yes most westerners consider this "racist"?

Are either of these facts a "problem" that needs to be solved?

Is westerners expressing their outrage going to change the situation?

Best case scenario is that each side will simply continue to see the other as stupid for not thinking the same way they do, and learn to not express their offensive-to-the-other opinions when they want to ingratiate themselves.


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31) Bangkok Post do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post publications will be deleted from the forum. Please note that this is a decision by the Bangkok Post, not by Thaivisa.com and any complaints or other issues concerning this rule should be directed to them. Quotes from and links to Phuketwan are also not allowed and will also be removed. In special cases forum Administrators or the news team may use these sources.


Just seen a video of Bangkok universities,Miss Thailand 20 finalists. Guess what !

Not one dark skinned girl amongst the lot. Talk about prejudice.

I saw the same video. All I could see were a bunch of hotties. You're way too obsessed with skin color!

Ah Berkshire! The Thai apologist to the rescue. coffee1.gif

Question of the day: Is it better to be a "Thai apologist" or a miserable, scumbag, Thai-hating racist ignoramus? Let me think about that one.

  • Like 1

Just seen a video of Bangkok universities,Miss Thailand 20 finalists. Guess what !

Not one dark skinned girl amongst the lot. Talk about prejudice.

I saw the same video. All I could see were a bunch of hotties. You're way too obsessed with skin color!

Ah Berkshire! The Thai apologist to the rescue. coffee1.gif

Question of the day: Is it better to be a "Thai apologist" or a miserable, scumbag, Thai-hating racist ignoramus? Let me think about that one.

And in that case you are not any better than the one you are referring to. Sorry but you and the racists could use a bit of constructive criticism yet neither of you are ready for it. Or were you foolish enough to call me a Thai-hating racist? coffee1.gif

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I think white skin is absolutely the most amazing beautiful.

Nothing else come even remotely close.

Surely the adds on tv can not be wrong, because that would be a lie.


Ah Berkshire! The Thai apologist to the rescue. coffee1.gif

Question of the day: Is it better to be a "Thai apologist" or a miserable, scumbag, Thai-hating racist ignoramus? Let me think about that one.

And in that case you are not any better than the one you are referring to. Sorry but you and the racists could use a bit of constructive criticism yet neither of you are ready for it. Or were you foolish enough to call me a Thai-hating racist? coffee1.gif

I wouldn't want to label anyone undeservedly....unlike certain folks who would throw the term "apologist" at anyone who says anything remotely positive about the Thais. In your case, I'd say....if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck....

Ah Berkshire! The Thai apologist to the rescue. coffee1.gif

Question of the day: Is it better to be a "Thai apologist" or a miserable, scumbag, Thai-hating racist ignoramus? Let me think about that one.

And in that case you are not any better than the one you are referring to. Sorry but you and the racists could use a bit of constructive criticism yet neither of you are ready for it. Or were you foolish enough to call me a Thai-hating racist? coffee1.gif

I wouldn't want to label anyone undeservedly....unlike certain folks who would throw the term "apologist" at anyone who says anything remotely positive about the Thais. In your case, I'd say....if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck....

Then you probably quack like one. So I´m either for or against. Kinda like red or yellow right. I see, that makes sense... smile.png


Don't think it is just a Thai thing... It's a woman thing..

Those with curly hair want it straight, those with straight hair want it curly.

White want to be tanned, black want to be white..

What do we want ?

We don't know.

When do we want it ?


Well said mate! And that pretty much is all there is to it laugh.png Its human to be disatisfied with what you have and the grass is always greener on the other side.


Then you probably quack like one. So I´m either for or against. Kinda like red or yellow right. I see, that makes sense... smile.png

This is becoming rather tedious, but you seem determined to have the last word. Fine. But this final point is glaringly obvious: You're rather glib and nonchalant about accusing someone of being an apologist. But if you're accused of the opposite, then you get totally bent-out-of-shape. If you're going to dish it out, you should be able to take it.


Then you probably quack like one. So I´m either for or against. Kinda like red or yellow right. I see, that makes sense... smile.png

This is becoming rather tedious, but you seem determined to have the last word. Fine. But this final point is glaringly obvious: You're rather glib and nonchalant about accusing someone of being an apologist. But if you're accused of the opposite, then you get totally bent-out-of-shape. If you're going to dish it out, you should be able to take it.

The reason is because you accuse others to be racists and it´s not the first time. Practically every thread you have been on you have been hammering people about this. Do remember (but pretty sure you won´t) that I even went against when people started to call their spouses for Thai wives and Thai gf instead of the obvious term which they use back home.

Though there are doubtful individuals here on TV, even when I go somwehere in the big city, not all here are misogynists or racists but do have an opinion. I thought that what the forum is all about.

Once took a girl out of a bar in pattaya,she was very White though I don't normally care if there dark or pale as long as they are attractive , took her back to my hotel and got a real shock when she came out of the bathroom . Her head and lower arms where almost White but the rest of her body was dark brown,she looked weird ,like an African who had fallen head first into a bag of flour.the reason for this she explained was she wanted to be while but the skin lotions where very expensive

So africans look weird? The light skin or dark skin ones? In your little world all africans are dark skin.


Then you probably quack like one. So I´m either for or against. Kinda like red or yellow right. I see, that makes sense... smile.png

This is becoming rather tedious, but you seem determined to have the last word. Fine. But this final point is glaringly obvious: You're rather glib and nonchalant about accusing someone of being an apologist. But if you're accused of the opposite, then you get totally bent-out-of-shape. If you're going to dish it out, you should be able to take it.

The reason is because you accuse others to be racists and it´s not the first time. Practically every thread you have been on you have been hammering people about this. Do remember (but pretty sure you won´t) that I even went against when people started to call their spouses for Thai wives and Thai gf instead of the obvious term which they use back home.

Though there are doubtful individuals here on TV, even when I go somwehere in the big city, not all here are misogynists or racists but do have an opinion. I thought that what the forum is all about.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself


Colour seems something that human beings never understood. I am surprised at some of the accusations in this thread - uneducated masses, zombie etc.

Just have a look at the number of shades of colours that different make up stuff are available and think of who spends most on these...

I guess it is up to the individual - some smoke, some drink, some are into drugs...

Variety seems the way to go!!!


Then you probably quack like one. So I´m either for or against. Kinda like red or yellow right. I see, that makes sense... smile.png

This is becoming rather tedious, but you seem determined to have the last word. Fine. But this final point is glaringly obvious: You're rather glib and nonchalant about accusing someone of being an apologist. But if you're accused of the opposite, then you get totally bent-out-of-shape. If you're going to dish it out, you should be able to take it.

The reason is because you accuse others to be racists and it´s not the first time. Practically every thread you have been on you have been hammering people about this. Do remember (but pretty sure you won´t) that I even went against when people started to call their spouses for Thai wives and Thai gf instead of the obvious term which they use back home.

Though there are doubtful individuals here on TV, even when I go somwehere in the big city, not all here are misogynists or racists but do have an opinion. I thought that what the forum is all about.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself

As some Thai say... up to you :) and if you can prove otherwise then do it :)

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