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Falkland Islanders Vote To Remain British


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As I've said already, the islands are NOT a sovereign country.

Independence movements/separatist movements all over the world ... each CASE is totally different.

Neither is Scotland; so would you support Scottish independence if the Scottish people voted for it, even though the rest of the UK didn't want it?

The Falkland islanders are neither an independence nor a separatist movement.

They are citizens of a British overseas territory who have democratically expressed the desire to remain so.

Why can you not accept that their wishes are the most important factor in this whole debate?

You wont answer, of course; you never do because you can't without making yourself look foolish.

For some it's about air miles. sad.png

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Each case is separate with different historical facts to consider.

Exactly! That's why it is imperative that Argentina will be handed back to the indigenous inhabitants. blink.png

Spain is in a hell of a mess so don't know where they can go. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, UK no problem. intheclub.gif

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Each case is separate with different historical facts to consider.

Exactly! That's why it is imperative that Argentina will be handed back to the indigenous inhabitants. blink.png

Falklands for penguins, yes.

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As I've said already, the islands are NOT a sovereign country.

Independence movements/separatist movements all over the world ... each CASE is totally different.

And supposing the Falkland Islanders applied to the U.N. to be recognized as a sovereign nation? Would you oppose that? They are afterall the only indigenous people living there, the Islands are outside the 200 nautical mile limit which precludes any other nation staking a claim based on the proximity of their coast. Of course if any tribe of American Indians were to stake a claim on the lands taken from them they would have just as good a case, not withstanding realpolitik of course.

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lots of brave men lost their lives there, RIP those who served and sacrificed.


Lots of brave Argies lost their lives as well, sadly in the name of a dictator, but Maggie Thatcher was no prize either. Didn't Maggie use that conflict to boost her failing political brand?

Love her or hate her, Thatcher was the leader of a democraticaly elected government. But you don't believe in democracy, apparantly.

If Galtieri and his junta had not decided to invade then there would have been no British response and brave men on both sides would still be alive today.

Sorry to say,even further back,some argued: if Thatcher hadn't closed down our Weather Station and withdrew our Survey Vessel,in the Falklands. In order to save 500,000 a year.Which may have signalled to the Argentinian Government,that Britain was no longer interested in the Falklands.At the time Thatchers popularity was at a all time low,and Polls predicted she was highly likely to be out of office,at the next Election. With the Falklands Victory,she went on to win two more General Elections. Hardly coincidence IMO.

Nevertheless,most Brits were glad that Thatcher gave the order to retrieve the Falklands (myself included)

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.

Quite right.

Have a read at Vulcan 603, a blow by blow of how "the" Vulcan got to Stanley and managed to bomb the airfield.

It was pure luck, nothing else and it could not be done again.

The book is a super read and when I read it I really couldn't put it down.

"Pure Luck and nothing else"............ rubbish ! That operation was meticulously planned and carried out. There is a video on the whole operation in YouTube. It was the longest range bombing attack in the history of long range bombing. They got there and did the job by pure guts and cool bravery and planning, "Nothing else" Perhaps no one else could do it again, but with their backs to the wall, i would'nt mind betting , the Bits could !

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It was a typically British shambles - and no we couldn't do it again. We have no Vulcans or Victors left. We also have no merchant fleet left to commandeer.

"This gripping film tells the humorous yet heroic story of how a crumbling, Cold-War era Vulcan flew the then longest range bombing mission in history and how a WW2 vintage bomb changed the outcome of the Falklands War. On 30th April 1982, the RAF launched a secret mission; to bomb Port Stanley's runway, putting it out of action for Argentine fighter jets. The safety of the British Task Force depended on its success. But the RAF could only get a single Vulcan 8,000 miles south to the Falklands as just one bomber needed an aerial fleet of thirteen Victor tanker planes to refuel it throughout the 16 hour round-trip. From start to finish, the seemingly impossible mission was a comedy of errors, held together by sheer British pluck and ingenuity. On the brink of being scrapped, only three of the ageing nuclear bombers could be fitted out for war, one to fly the mission and two in reserve..."


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It was a typically British shambles - and no we couldn't do it again. We have no Vulcans or Victors left. We also have no merchant fleet left to commandeer.

"This gripping film tells the humorous yet heroic story of how a crumbling, Cold-War era Vulcan flew the then longest range bombing mission in history and how a WW2 vintage bomb changed the outcome of the Falklands War. On 30th April 1982, the RAF launched a secret mission; to bomb Port Stanley's runway, putting it out of action for Argentine fighter jets. The safety of the British Task Force depended on its success. But the RAF could only get a single Vulcan 8,000 miles south to the Falklands as just one bomber needed an aerial fleet of thirteen Victor tanker planes to refuel it throughout the 16 hour round-trip. From start to finish, the seemingly impossible mission was a comedy of errors, held together by sheer British pluck and ingenuity. On the brink of being scrapped, only three of the ageing nuclear bombers could be fitted out for war, one to fly the mission and two in reserve..."

That is an amazing story. Heroes those guys were...all of them.

Edited by Scott
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So You meet a fellow Brit abroad,and he says he is ex services,no need to ask him what unit,You know the answer,He is,ex Royal Marine. Then he will add"The best" Well it is best not to point out that every combatant everwhere is brainwashed that he is the best. Otherwise they would not fight. Reading these comments on the Falklands is like that,a conversation that is going nowhere. Each one has his own blinkered view,and a view outside their own box does not count.

Oh dare I say,I'm ex Royal Marine.(When abroad)

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There are TWO sides here, and the other (minority view here but that doesn't mean it is wrong) side deserves some play as well:


President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has repeatedly requested

talks on the islands' future and accused the UK of "arrogance" for

refusing to negotiate.

"In the 21st Century [britain] continues to be a crude colonial power in decline."

Does she not have some problems to solve inside Argentina, which would be more important?

Lucky country, when say have nothing else to complain about! whistling.gif

Argentina cunjures up visions of the Falklands,Dictator Galtieri,Good Footballers,Tinned Beef exports, and that's about it for me.without Googling,how many other notable points can others add?

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lots of brave men lost their lives there, RIP those who served and sacrificed.


Lots of brave Argies lost their lives as well, sadly in the name of a dictator, but Maggie Thatcher was no prize either. Didn't Maggie use that conflict to boost her failing political brand?

That is most probably the truth, (she went on to win two more elections) who was it that said: "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel"? But BY FAR the vast majority of the British people were in favour of our Armed forces retrieving the Falklands and rescuing the Falklanders from an occupation force.

NB In the end even her own Party,couldn't stand her Dictatorial style of Government,and kicked her out,in a re enactment of Roman style, Et tu Brutus!

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There are TWO sides here, and the other (minority view here but that doesn't mean it is wrong) side deserves some play as well:


President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has repeatedly requested

talks on the islands' future and accused the UK of "arrogance" for

refusing to negotiate.

"In the 21st Century [britain] continues to be a crude colonial power in decline."

Does she not have some problems to solve inside Argentina, which would be more important?

Lucky country, when say have nothing else to complain about! whistling.gif

Argentina cunjures up visions of the Falklands,Dictator Galtieri,Good Footballers,Tinned Beef exports, and that's about it for me.without Googling,how many other notable points can others add?

The dogo argentino (banned as a dangerous dog in the UK) and, of course, the tango!

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Lucky country, when say have nothing else to complain about! whistling.gif

Argentina cunjures up visions of the Falklands,Dictator Galtieri,Good Footballers,Tinned Beef exports, and that's about it for me.without Googling,how many other notable points can others add?

As opposed to the UK conjuring up Ireland, Israel, Kenya, India, Syria ( I wonder how many can grasp the irony ) thatcher, Joey Barton, Mad Cow et al

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May the Holy Father now bring a negotiated settlement to what can only be in this situation, self determination of the population of the Overseas Territories of the Falklands and their dependencies, without further future violence.

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Fair enough the Tango,even though it applies to many Spanish speaking Countries,but I think a stewards enquiry is necessary on the Dogo Argentino?smile.png

seeing the old boy do that tango, he has shown the secret how to pull young ladies, not of course the way for some,their method is walking down beach road holding 3000 baht above their head.

dogo argentino, i cant wait for the defenders of that breed to come and talk about it being a lovely pet and great with children.

falklands war had lots mistakes, bits of luck but above all lots of motivated men doing their job for their country.

the ss canberra, the same ship that bought a little pommie family to australia, used for a noble purpose at that time of need.

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Lucky country, when say have nothing else to complain about! whistling.gif

Argentina cunjures up visions of the Falklands,Dictator Galtieri,Good Footballers,Tinned Beef exports, and that's about it for me.without Googling,how many other notable points can others add?

As opposed to the UK conjuring up Ireland, Israel, Kenya, India, Syria ( I wonder how many can grasp the irony ) thatcher, Joey Barton, Mad Cow et al

Well you may be half right!

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May the Holy Father now bring a negotiated settlement to what can only be in this situation, self determination of the population of the Overseas Territories of the Falklands and their dependencies, without further future violence.

I agree with you entirely: "without further future violence" The only way this can be achieved is to respect the Falklanders choice,of where their allegiencies and future lies.There is no other answer,the Argentinians,invaded the Falklands for their own ends,the falklands people rejected them,hence the major Referendum vote in favour of them never returning,and destroying their way of life,for an inferior lifestyle,which is all Argentina has to offer.

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I have no dog in this fight. I'm just trying to learn what the Argentine camp's claims are for the Islands. I've heard what the British side has said what the Argentine's claims are. I want to hear the Argentina sides claims.

I read the following in the comments to a news article. Any rebuttal from the Argentine side on TV?

"When Argentina signed the Convention of Settlement in 1850, which settled all differences that existed between our countries, They acknowledging there was no territorial dispute between our countries.
President Sarimento, also stated in his Message to the Argentine Congress on 1 May 1869 'The state of our foreign relations fulfils the aspirations of the country. NOTHING is claimed from us by other nations; we have nothing to ask of them except that they will persevere in manifesting their sympathies, with which both Governments and peoples have honoured the Republic, both for its progress and its spirit of fairness' "

Originating News Article

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I have no dog in this fight. I'm just trying to learn what the Argentine camp's claims are for the Islands. I've heard what the British side has said what the Argentine's claims are. I want to hear the Argentina sides claims.

I read the following in the comments to a news article. Any rebuttal from the Argentine side on TV?

"When Argentina signed the Convention of Settlement in 1850, which settled all differences that existed between our countries, They acknowledging there was no territorial dispute between our countries.

President Sarimento, also stated in his Message to the Argentine Congress on 1 May 1869 'The state of our foreign relations fulfils the aspirations of the country. NOTHING is claimed from us by other nations; we have nothing to ask of them except that they will persevere in manifesting their sympathies, with which both Governments and peoples have honoured the Republic, both for its progress and its spirit of fairness' "

Originating News Article

Try not to let facts get in the way of anti-British propoganda.

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