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Falkland Islanders Vote To Remain British


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Each case is separate with different historical facts to consider.

But you cannot dismiss the fact that the Falkland Islanders do not want to be part of Argentina.

They have always been British and want to remain so; that is an historical fact.

The first country to show any interest in sovereignty over the Falklands was France; so if basing your argument on history rather than democracy the islands should belong to France.

France doesn't want them, next in line is Spain.

Spain doesn't want them either; after Spain comes Britain.

Argentina didn't exist when the British first claimed the islands. After independence from Spain, what is now Argentina did claim sovereignty (in 1833) but that was 143 years after the first British settlers landed on the islands in 1690.

So whether you use the democratic argument or the historical one; the British claim outweighs the Argentinian one by a long way.

That just about sums it up 7by7.

The 'Each case is separate with different historical facts to consider' post let you down JT.....weak.

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The Falklands have only ever been disputed when the Argentinian Junta/Dictator/President of the day has needed smoke and mirrors to distract the Argentinian people away from internal troubles.

Absolutely correct,I will keep it brief: Galtieri was about to lose the next elaction,and so was Margaret Thatcher,it was convenient for them to go to war over the Falklands,the stakes were high,whoever lost the war was surely out of office,as history proved.

Edited by MAJIC
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Will you answer my question: Why do you not support the wishes of the islanders; do you not believe in democracy?

I do but you fail to admit it is a DISPUTED territory. So that calls for NEGOTIATIONS.

The Argentinian government claim the islands; the people that live there don't want to be Argentinian.

If you believed in democracy you would respect and support the wishes of the islanders.

The disagreement continues. As long as the UK won't talk even TALK to Argentina about their claims:

Typical Morrissey,he will kiss any ass to make a buck!

Edited by Scott
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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.

Provided they can persuade the French not to supply them with arms then the highly trained Brits can and will thrash those poorly trained Argentine foot soldiers.

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.

I'm sorry, i have to disagree.

Do you realise how much military is on that island in the wind. I'm not going into tactics and weapon systems, but lets just say, if the Argy's did try it on, we can still give them a good kick in the nuts and send them on there way.

Yes i agree, there will never again be a "Sneaky attack" as there was the last time.......The Argies would'nt have a chance and they know it otherwise they would have been back by now.

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

They also lay claim to a section of Antartica, although Chile is closer to their Antartic claim than Argentina. Look at map.

Observe the political and social turmoil that many eastern mediterranean and many African countries are in, largely because people drew lines on a map, rather than considering the local population.

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

The UK channel Islands are a few feet from France, no problem, look at the map. coffee1.gif

How far are the F-lands from England? coffee1.gif

Really makes no difference does it. How far are the FALKLANDS from Argentina ? and to whom do the population, the owners wish to be aligned with ? coffee1.gifthumbsup.gifsmile.png

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So would you consider a vote of the Argentinian people on whether they should or shouldn't contest the F-lands legit as well? Kirchner doesn't want violence.

mmmmmmmmmm! i did'nt realise that the Argentinian people lived on the Falklands. sad.png

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More people CLOSER to the islands would be made happy if they were to be Argentinian. wub.png

So you want the UK channel Islands to be given to the French, you want Hawaii to be left alone, you want all Spanish in The South Americas to go back to Spain and the North American Indians to send all Europeans back where they come from. ? YES. sad.png

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Will you answer my question: Why do you not support the wishes of the islanders; do you not believe in democracy?

I do but you fail to admit it is a DISPUTED territory. So that calls for NEGOTIATIONS.

Yes Jingthing ! the Argies decided that when they cowardly invaded the FALKLANDS one dark and stormy night when the people had no one to protect them. However the Agies soon found out as did Hitler, dont push the BRITS too far, they will take only so much !

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The Falklands have only ever been disputed when the Argentinian Junta/Dictator/President of the day has needed smoke and mirrors to distract the Argentinian people away from internal troubles.

That simply isn't true. The Argentinians overwhelmingly feel those islands belong to Argentina. Wishing that weren't so doesn't make it not so.

So who in the Argentine first started these claims, the Spanish invaders or the indigenous population ?

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Will you answer my question: Why do you not support the wishes of the islanders; do you not believe in democracy?

I do but you fail to admit it is a DISPUTED territory. So that calls for NEGOTIATIONS.

Yes Jingthing ! the Argies decided that when they cowardly invaded the FALKLANDS one dark and stormy night when the people had no one to protect them. However the Agies soon found out as did Hitler, dont push the BRITS too far, they will take only so much !

Being sympathetic with Kirchner is not the same thing as supporting their old fascist dictator or his invasion of LM.

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.

I'm sorry, i have to disagree.

Do you realise how much military is on that island in the wind. I'm not going into tactics and weapon systems, but lets just say, if the Argy's did try it on, we can still give them a good kick in the nuts and send them on there way.

I'm certainly no expert but 1200 men (100 infantrymen), 200 reservists from the iland defence force, 4 typhoons and a couple of small ships, as of last year, doesnt sound a lot to me. Military experts reckon the islands are now virtually impregnable, lets hope so. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-17157373

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The Falklands will stay British long after we are gone.Not only does the inhabitans there want it,much blood was spilled 30 years ago to rightfully take it back.

So there is no way that Argentina will succeed in a claim to give it to them.

And there is also the questions of resources.Fishing In Antarctica gets bigger every year and there is probably big oil resources in the sea outside Falklands ,to.

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Will you answer my question: Why do you not support the wishes of the islanders; do you not believe in democracy?

I do but you fail to admit it is a DISPUTED territory. So that calls for NEGOTIATIONS.

Yes Jingthing ! the Argies decided that when they cowardly invaded the FALKLANDS one dark and stormy night when the people had no one to protect them. However the Agies soon found out as did Hitler, dont push the BRITS too far, they will take only so much !

Being sympathetic with Kirchner is not the same thing as supporting their old fascist dictator or his invasion of LM.

Considering she's using the Falklands to foment a bit of xenophobia and distract from what she's done to the economy, I think the parallels between the two are more than noticeable.

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Each case is separate with different historical facts to consider.

So lets consider the historical facts.

The FALKLAND ISLANDS were an uninhabited group hundreds of miles from the Sth American continent, apparently governed by no one until the Brits moved in. Prior to this an American sea captain Jowett who was guilty of piracy, commissioned by the Territories of the River Plate, fore runners of Argentina, this was after the Brits claimed the islands and before the existence of Argentina, to capture Portugese shipping arrived on the FALKLAND islands but never officially claimed it for the River Plate territories. French naval shipping arrived, but deserted the islands, next came sealers and whalers, there was some attempt to raise cattle with the help of 12 Gauchos, but due to the boggy conditions they were not successful . What Argentinians were there left, the Brits took over and began administrating the islands through their navy and then British immigrants moved in and colonised the islands, at no time were the Argentinians( River plate Territories) who were at war with Portugese really interested. It is only in later years that these claims by Argentina developed, particularly by Gen Galterie the Argentinian dictator in an attempt to drum up support for his ailing popularity. This action by Galterie caused his eventual downfall when his poorly trained army were soundly thrashed by the more superior British troops causing them to surrender. Its a lot more deeper than this, but it gives some background.

There is evidence that people, the YAGHAN were there originally from Tierra Del Fuego which is partly owned by Argentina and Chile, although the Argies were "at it again" claiming the lot which almost brought them to war. During the FALKLANDS war, the Chileans supported and in fact helped the Brits. by hiding Royal Marine commandos who had attacked an Agentinian airfield destroying the remaining French supplied Exocet missiles which were used to sink HMS Sheffield with heavy loss of life..........thanks France ! The supply of these missiles, used with French Super Entendarde fighters were kept secret from the Brit government although Brit intelligence eventually found out how many the Argies had and where they were, thus the RM Commando raid.

Edited by oldsailor35
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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

The UK channel Islands are a few feet from France, no problem, look at the map. coffee1.gif

How far are the F-lands from England? coffee1.gif

Yes far,

but, I think its more important what the inhabitants choose, than where the place is Geographic.

French Guyana, Martinique, Guadeloupe and Reunion? from France? Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire from the Netherlands? + Some more on the list.mentioned already above and more if we think longer! wink.png

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

The UK channel Islands are a few feet from France, no problem, look at the map. coffee1.gif

How far are the F-lands from England? coffee1.gif

Almost 8,000 Miles.

AND ! it gave the Argies one hell of a fright when those unexpected Vulcan bombers arrived from far away UK.

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So would you consider a vote of the Argentinian people on whether they should or shouldn't contest the F-lands legit as well? Kirchner doesn't want violence.

No, I have only an opinion,and no voice which counts, but important is not what Argentine wants or Great Britain,

important should only be, what the inhabitants of the Falklands want! thumbsup.gif

And, if Great Britain goes conform with their opinion, there should be no more problem! smile.png

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There are TWO sides here, and the other (minority view here but that doesn't mean it is wrong) side deserves some play as well:


President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has repeatedly requested
talks on the islands' future and accused the UK of "arrogance" for
refusing to negotiate.

"In the 21st Century [britain] continues to be a crude colonial power in decline."

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