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Ex-Girlfriend A Suspect In Fatal Bangkok Blast

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Just as a matter of interest are there no slander or libel laws in Thailand?? News articles seem to give a lot of information and details, and mostly speculate on circumstances. In this case naming ex partners, but if they have absolutely nothing to do with it can they take a case against the paper for naming them and wrongfully accusing them?? Or is the fact the police say 'we think it was an ex-partner' give the paper immunity to go ahead and name the person??

They haven't libeled anyone. They have only said who they are planning to question, and why. In the UK, rape suspects are named even if innocent. They are all over the newspapers, and then their lives can be ruined, even if they are innocent. It's shocking in any country that suspects are named this way. They should remain anonymous, and only named if found guilty.

The police may say that but the paper goes out of their way to print it, including the names, that's my point, but yes agree with the rest you say. However in the UK and Ireland, if something is reported without substance or incorrectly, you can sue the paper, of late Louis Walsh and some guy from the BBC over the Jimmy Saville controversy, whose name I cant think off, have successfully sued papers.

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Just as a matter of interest are there no slander or libel laws in Thailand?? News articles seem to give a lot of information and details, and mostly speculate on circumstances. In this case naming ex partners, but if they have absolutely nothing to do with it can they take a case against the paper for naming them and wrongfully accusing them?? Or is the fact the police say 'we think it was an ex-partner' give the paper immunity to go ahead and name the person??Since investigative journalism is always trumped by speculative journalism in LOS, the Nation reporter is probably just quoting the cops.Sue the cops for slander? Seriously?

I was only asking out of interest, there is a huge difference between what the police say during an investigation and what is deemed correct to print, i.e. Names of potential suspects without substance.


In the service, we were taught this was a field-expedient method of making a booby-trap.

Pull the pin, hold down the spoon, and place the grenade under a rock, in a piece of bamboo, under a large branch--whatever, as long as it had enough mass to hold the pin down. Place a trip-wire so that the grenade would get pulled out when someone stepped into it, and the spoon is released.

During WWII, grenades were often placed amongst the dead, causing casualties when others moved the bodies, either for disposal or to look for souvenirs.

Just as an aside, the use of security personnel at hotels and govt buildings passing mirrors under cars is a total waste of time. The C4 fits nicely into the door panels. Such a stupid waste of time but I guess it employs some guys with a uniform and a whistle. They have been watching too many Hollywood movies. Also the speculation on a grenade, the pin already having been drawn and then the perp walks, and this guy has the time to investigate and then get blown? The journo's obviously know nothing about ordnance.

I was thinking the same about the pin but could they have pulled the pin and jammed the grenade under the wheel so that when it was pulled out it went off? I know nothing about grenades but it's just a thought.

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King Power !!!

One of the most corrupt companbies in the country !

How much did they pay, or does pay to keep everybody else out of the airports ?

So they can charge their fantastic prices, all "tax free" products in the airport can be bought cheaper at any supermarket in Thailand !

Maybe a business conflict !

How is this relevant to the report of a man being killed?

He worked at KingsPower, some people has imagination.


nice little dent in the 2 doors... hard to believe a pin was pulled and just a nade just sitting in a bag with a pin held down..... maybe a mobile phone detonator so someone was close enough to see the guy... they are using these in the south... even these little egg nade's the thai's have used - are being homemade by some people.... must be able to buy from someone...must be a money thing - either ex GF or new GF or anything involving money and not just a couple of baht ...maybe a business thing...a few years ago 2 security companies had homemade bombs going off at each other over a Tesko contract out in Min Buri.... hardly seems likely over a parking space...

"Wanchai's new girlfriend said the couple noticed a plastic bag near a rear wheel of their pickup while they were preparing to leave the housing estate for work. The bag appeared to contain something, which was later thought to be a hand grenade."

the bag was just "near a rear wheel" so if a homemade deal who knows what was being held down before it went off.... good little blast tho...


only said over 300 years by Congreve " Hell hath no fury like a Thai woman scorned" was the correct paraphrase 5 5 5



the real Murphy's Law here is "if anything can go wrong, it will... in Thailand"

especially when you are going to work in the morning and happen to pick up a plastic bag near your car.... which I will remember NOT to do in the future


Thai women do not take break ups well. In my limited experience I find it better to make them break up with you. Turn into a person she hates and let her abandon ship first will minimize the conflict. It takes a few weeks/months depending on how long you have been together but is worth the time.

I am interested with what you did..

I have seen this attitude from females in other parts of Asia when you break up with them.


Thai women do not take break ups well. In my limited experience I find it better to make them break up with you. Turn into a person she hates and let her abandon ship first will minimize the conflict. It takes a few weeks/months depending on how long you have been together but is worth the time.

I am interested with what you did..

I have seen this attitude from females in other parts of Asia when you break up with them.

She did not like one of my friends, i brought him around more

She didnt like my smoking, i was more blatant about it in front of her

She hated riding the bus, i gave up taxis

I would come on to her at inopportune times

I would complain about the apartment not being clean even though when she was away I would make it worse

nothing in particular, and certainly not cheating as that would make her go psycho, just a bunch of little things


Just as an aside, the use of security personnel at hotels and govt buildings passing mirrors under cars is a total waste of time. The C4 fits nicely into the door panels. Such a stupid waste of time but I guess it employs some guys with a uniform and a whistle. They have been watching too many Hollywood movies. Also the speculation on a grenade, the pin already having been drawn and then the perp walks, and this guy has the time to investigate and then get blown? The journo's obviously know nothing about ordnance.

I was thinking the same about the pin but could they have pulled the pin and jammed the grenade under the wheel so that when it was pulled out it went off? I know nothing about grenades but it's just a thought.

I like the comment that a parking dispute wasn't serious enough for this to happen. It suggests that splitting with someone is so serious that this action is a possible reason.

On the subject of mirrors and security I had to go to a a place where they produce garments and the vehicle was searched with a mirror. The vehicle was a Toyota Hiace with four of us so plenty of room for explosives inside which wasn't checked.

Just a fast response without thought given to it. After 9-11 in San Francsico you could not go into any underground parking structure without your trunk being searched, and mirrors under your vehicle. Lasted about two months before they realized it was ridiculous, but you know some companies made some great money for two months, becuase all of their employees, paid by them at $10 an hour, were in "grave danger" of being blown up.

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