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Sleeper Train Or Bus Chiang Mai Bangkok


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I've taken the 2nd class fan sleeper a number of times in the past. I prefer fan over A/C but I felt that the bed was not very comfortable and the passenger car ride was very rough. Outside of the A/C which I don't need, I was wondering if either the 1st or 2nd class A/C sleeper bed was more comfortable or the passenger car provided a smoother ride? Can you control the A/C to raise the temperature.

Have they introduced sleeper buses like they have in China that have beds instead of seats?

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I agree, the ac on the train is much too cold but the beds on the ac train (# 14) are comfortable, the answer for me to sleeper train travel is valium, (diazapam) take 10 miligrams and you just dont care..... I love the train.

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I agree, the ac on the train is much too cold but the beds on the ac train (# 14) are comfortable, the answer for me to sleeper train travel is valium, (diazapam) take 10 miligrams and you just dont care..... I love the train.

Are you sure it's not the Valium you love?cheesy.gif

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Another reason to take the AC sleeper is that it's a lot cleaner and quieter and lower humidity. With the windows open (or semi open/ventilated) that generates a LOT of noise, plus dust and other crap coming in, so you get to your destination feeling like you've been through a chimney.

That aside, I readily admit there is no sane reason to take a train in this country other than as a bit of an attraction. If there's an airport at the other end then you fly, or if it's a shorter distance to some town then you take a bus.

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Train or bus. Neither. Nokair about 1200 bahts 70 minute flight. Why suffer the 10 hour plus trip on the bus. As for the train. It is never on time so the 12 hour trip usually turns into 16 hours plus.

Nakhonchai Air night buses are 9 hours (VIP 650bt).

I think it is better than flying. Flying wastes most of a day - going to the airport early, security, arriving in Bkk in the middle of the day with all the bad traffic, etc. I take the 9:00pm bus, get there 10 minutes before it leaves, can carry as much luggage as I like, and arrive at Bkk at 6:00am. At that time can take a taxi anywhere fast...

As long as you can sleep on a bus...

ps - I tried Nakhonchai Air's sleeper bus once (about 800bt), but I found the seats more comfortable on the regular VIP

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I much prefer the 2nd class aircon sleeper to flying. No waiting in long lines, no carting luggage long distances. You can get up and walk around, see the countryside, the food is reasonably good and cheap and the beer is cold and plentiful.

Yes, it's cold on the aircon sleeper, but I have a huge shaw I use only when I travel. It doubles as a great blanket. Plus, the aircon cars are cleaner and newer than the fan cars.

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I prefer the bus to the nightmare express . I had to take it once coming to CM becasue I was traveling with my dog . Could only get 2nd class sleeper . 17 long hours .... For the extra money its much easier to fly . I try and travel light so the baggage fees dont get me and I dont get hung up at check in and pick up .....

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Fly. I've done them all, and there's no question. Flying isn't significantly more expensive than the train, and you arrive far less stressed.

Rails and track bed determine the comfort of your ride on the train, and their condition is always poor to mediocre. If I had to choose between train or bus, I'd go with Nakonchai Air busline every time. NEVER go on one of those "VIP" buses that book through the guest houses and hotels. If you do, you'll soon figure out why they're so cheap.

Edited by anselpixel
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Fly. I've done them all, and there's no question. Flying isn't significantly more expensive than the train, and you arrive far less stressed.

Rails and track bed determine the comfort of your ride on the train, and their condition is always poor to mediocre. If I had to choose between train or bus, I'd go with Nakonchai Air busline every time. NEVER go on one of those "VIP" buses that book through the guest houses and hotels. If you do, you'll soon figure out why they're so cheap.

Plus everytime the train stops in Nakon Nowhere, it does a jolt, a shunt to and fro just to make sure you don't sleep too good.

Flying is so cheap, I don't know why anyone would endure that 13 hour trip at night? That's how long it takes to get to UK!

Edited by uptheos
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I prefer the second class sleeper to the first class one, for the direction of the bed in relation to the train. In the second class sleeper, one is rocked from side to side by the same motion of the train car. In the first class sleeper, one is rocked from head to foot (and back of course), which I find much less comfortable. The air con too is a problem.

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I prefer the second class sleeper to the first class one, for the direction of the bed in relation to the train. In the second class sleeper, one is rocked from side to side by the same motion of the train car. In the first class sleeper, one is rocked from head to foot (and back of course), which I find much less comfortable. The air con too is a problem.

The rocking motion, has great potential for a unique tantric experience if your partner is small enough to fit in the berth with you. closedeyes.gif

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Beds are pretty much the same, and you can't control the AC. The only advantage to a 1st class berth is privacy.

Indeed it is a big disadvantage on the bus the AC is being controlled by the driver. Several times i left a long bus with a clod or runny nose.

Advantage on trains is you have more moving freedom which is very important to me on long hauls.

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I prefer the second class sleeper to the first class one, for the direction of the bed in relation to the train. In the second class sleeper, one is rocked from side to side by the same motion of the train car. In the first class sleeper, one is rocked from head to foot (and back of course), which I find much less comfortable. The air con too is a problem.

The rocking motion, has great potential for a unique tantric experience if your partner is small enough to fit in the berth with you. closedeyes.gif

Just the sort of thing one might well expect a super member to say. tongue.png

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Haven't taken the bus, just did the train 3 weeks ago. I actually liked the train. Seats were comfortable, much better than the torture racks of airlines. We did go first class but couldn't get a compartment so just got a sleeper berth. Always get a lower berth, the upper are the width of a GI cot. Met a bunch of nice people, had a pleasant evening in the bar car and got a decent night's sleep. Most importantly I was able to bring my dog along (we are hostage to Thai airways as they are the only airline that will allow me to carryon my dog). We left here around 5, arrived in BKK around 8 am. Got our business done in BKK and was on the way to Krabi by 4 p.m. Since it was sort of a last minute trip we saved about 3000 bhat taking the train. I'd definitely do it again if time allowed.

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Fly. I've done them all, and there's no question. Flying isn't significantly more expensive than the train, and you arrive far less stressed.

Rails and track bed determine the comfort of your ride on the train, and their condition is always poor to mediocre. If I had to choose between train or bus, I'd go with Nakonchai Air busline every time. NEVER go on one of those "VIP" buses that book through the guest houses and hotels. If you do, you'll soon figure out why they're so cheap.

`.....if you are fortunate enough to get there in one piece.

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Was considering a trip to Bangkok on the train just for the experience. Do they have one running in the day time?

Do get the one running in the daytime, if you really want an experience and have 15 hours to spare.

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I'm surprised at the number of people who are in such a hurry!

Between arriving early for security checks and the hassle of them, the need for a long taxi ride into town traveling through massive traffic jams, etc... not that much time is really saved.

Besides, to sit in a comfortable seat (rather than crammed into an economy seat on a plane,) read a good book for a few hours, have a 'good enough' relaxed dinner, eat a Xanax and sleep like a baby (No, I don't mean pee in your bed and wake up hungry) and be right in the middle ot the city early enough to get anywhere without a traffic jam...

As Rasseru said, the 2nd class sleeper beds are in line with the tracks, unlike the 1st class births that are at right angles to them. The train gently rocks you side to side during the night, just like a hammock. I usually use those foam earplugs so it's absolutely quiet too. Very peaceful.

But more importantly... what is the rush? Most of us are retired. We are not on some sort of limited time schedule (other than life, that is.) If you don't like to read, listen to an audio book or watch a movie on your phone or DVD player. Relax and enjoy the trip. Don't fight it.

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Sounds good, but I still rather spend the night in Bangkok with good food, lots to do and a comfortable bed than in purgatory for 15 hours on a bus or train.

I agree with you, but usually when someone new comes over and they want to experience the quaintness of a 900 kilometre trip that takes 15 hours.

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