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'the Damage Done' In The Uk

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Just to let you know that Tesco in the UK is selling 'The Damage Done' by Warren Fellows for £4.97 rather than the RRP of £7.99 at the moment.

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Just to let you know that Tesco in the UK is selling 'The Damage Done' by Warren Fellows for £4.97 rather than the RRP of £7.99 at the moment.

Nice to know that a convicted heroin trafficker is making a few bob. Even on discount sales.

Crime pays.

A morality question for the fine upstanding 'hang 'em high' brigade:

What is the difference between Gary Glitter and a smack smuggler in morality terms?.


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Just to let you know that Tesco in the UK is selling 'The Damage Done' by Warren Fellows for £4.97 rather than the RRP of £7.99 at the moment.

Nice to know that a convicted heroin trafficker is making a few bob. Even on discount sales.

Crime pays.

A morality question for the fine upstanding 'hang 'em high' brigade:

What is the difference between Gary Glitter and a smack smuggler in morality terms?.


No difference at all, call me an old softy ,drug dealers and convicted paedophiles should be flogged, repeat offenders should be put away for life, this is purely my opinion, but it is wrong to allow a convicted criminal to profit legally from their crimes,nignoy
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Just to let you know that Tesco in the UK is selling 'The Damage Done' by Warren Fellows for £4.97 rather than the RRP of £7.99 at the moment.

Nice to know that a convicted heroin trafficker is making a few bob. Even on discount sales.

Crime pays.

A morality question for the fine upstanding 'hang 'em high' brigade:

What is the difference between Gary Glitter and a smack smuggler in morality terms?.


No difference at all, call me an old softy ,drug dealers and convicted paedophiles should be flogged, repeat offenders should be put away for life, this is purely my opinion, but it is wrong to allow a convicted criminal to profit legally from their crimes,nignoy

Whilst I dont condone Heroin dealing, Gary Gliter is the lowest of the low. Same goes for jeffrey Archer and his Prison Diaries, I suspect he will make far more money than Warren Felows

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At last a thread on Warren Fellows' book where posters recognize it for the crap it is.

How refreshing! smile.gif

Hear hear!

This guy is pure evil. There are some smack dealers who are just stupid or sick and I feel compassion, but not this guy. As someone rightly pointed out, this book is 99% made up.

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At last a thread on Warren Fellows' book where posters recognize it for the crap it is.

How refreshing! smile.gif

Hear hear!

This guy is pure evil. There are some smack dealers who are just stupid or sick and I feel compassion, but not this guy. As someone rightly pointed out, this book is 99% made up.

So his stay at the "Bangkok Hilton" was just a walk in the park.

I was in Thailand in 1979 and talked with several people back then associated with the prison system here.

What they told me makes me slower to dismiss Warren Fellows' book as fiction.

If it is fiction it's a fairly compelling read nonetheless. :o

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I think most books about Prison are grossly exaggerated, spiced up to appeal to the reader.

No doubt that conditions in Thai Prisons compared to say, A Uk Prison or a Dutch Prison would seem harsh, and antiquated, but Fellows has gone over the top in his exaggeration of the conditions.

They have putting greens and Lawn Bowls in some UK Prisons. :o

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I see the self-righteous are out in force on this thread.

Not only out in force but dragging Garry Glitter and Pedophiles into the picture too. Well I guess if you are going to get up on your soap box you might as well tackle all the world’s wrongs in one go.

So what exactly is wrong with a convicted drug dealer writing a book?

He is not making money out of his crime, he has written a book about his experiences during the punishment for a crime. What he has to say is obviously of interest, if it were not the book would not sell.

What would you rather he do, go back to trafficking drugs?

Would you ban all ex prisoners from writing books? Would you have banned Charriere from writing his story? He packed it with as much fiction as fact but left us with what is recognized as a world classic.

Or would you rather ban somebody writing a book on the basis that is upsets your own idea of what is right and what is wrong - maybe you would do the same with cartoons too?!

A convicted, sentenced and TIME SERVED drug trafficker, he has written a book about his experience. Maybe, just maybe, someone reading that book will be deterred from drug trafficking – if so it will have done more to fight that crime than any amount of self-righteous indignation.

You can Google “Charriere” if you wish.

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At last a thread on Warren Fellows' book where posters recognize it for the crap it is.

How refreshing! smile.gif

Hear hear!

This guy is pure evil. There are some smack dealers who are just stupid or sick and I feel compassion, but not this guy. As someone rightly pointed out, this book is 99% made up.

This thread should be closed as it is giving free advertising to scum - the guy did get it easy.

With all due respect how on earth do you know this to be true? Do you not believe that people deserve a second chance (not that he asks for one)? What he did was wrong, as he freely admits. But he did serve his time in jail therefore he has already been punished for his crime. There are some hugely self righteous comments on this thread.

So.. no one has read Howard Mark's book called Mr Nice then ?

totster :o

I was going to point this out, probably thought he was a rather nice chap!

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I see the self-righteous are out in force on this thread.

Not only out in force but dragging Garry Glitter and Pedophiles into the picture too. Well I guess if you are going to get up on your soap box you might as well tackle all the world’s wrongs in one go.

So what exactly is wrong with a convicted drug dealer writing a book?

He is not making money out of his crime, he has written a book about his experiences during the punishment for a crime. What he has to say is obviously of interest, if it were not the book would not sell.

What would you rather he do, go back to trafficking drugs?

Would you ban all ex prisoners from writing books? Would you have banned Charriere from writing his story? He packed it with as much fiction as fact but left us with what is recognized as a world classic.

Or would you rather ban somebody writing a book on the basis that is upsets your own idea of what is right and what is wrong - maybe you would do the same with cartoons too?!

A convicted, sentenced and TIME SERVED drug trafficker, he has written a book about his experience. Maybe, just maybe, someone reading that book will be deterred from drug trafficking – if so it will have done more to fight that crime than any amount of self-righteous indignation.

You can Google “Charriere” if you wish.

Tend to agree with your line- whether you think the guy has paid his debt or not it is up to you - if you don't want to read his book then don't , if you want to read it and you still think he should have been topped then that is a free opinion too - heroin is evil it messes up peoples lives it leads to misery as a merchant of this people have very strong feelings about Mr F - that is the beauty of a forum so people can trade their opinions - this thread has a lot of mileage - personally I would like to see people like Glitter executed but Mr F well if drugs were de- criminlised and people could get into programmes for their habit the whole shoddy system could be tackled but whilst too many politicians army brass and bent cops on a worldwide scale are getting a nice little earner <deleted> like warren are going to exist - you need to dismantle the top of the chain people like Warren will always be there they deserve a harsh sentence but not as harsh as Glitter but that is my opinion - might be right might not be

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Just to let you know that Tesco in the UK is selling 'The Damage Done' by Warren Fellows for £4.97 rather than the RRP of £7.99 at the moment.

Nice to know that a convicted heroin trafficker is making a few bob. Even on discount sales.

Crime pays.

A morality question for the fine upstanding 'hang 'em high' brigade:

What is the difference between Gary Glitter and a smack smuggler in morality terms?.


While we're at it, what's the moral difference between between a New York janitor working in the twin towers being blown to bits by suicide pilots and an Afghanistani goat farmer being eviscerated by daisy cutters?

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Serve his time and allow him to write a book about his experiences in a Thai jail....and he is not making profit from his crime....oh please!!!!

If he hadnt of committed the crime, he wouldnt have gone to jail and therefore would not have a book to write....of course he is making money from his crime.

I can almost bet that if Mr Gadd wrote a book about his time in a Vietnam jail, you guys would be up in arms about it....Before you use the argument of a drug dealer verses a pedophile.... Drug dealers are responsible for more misery and death than pedophiles are....and I dont mean that to detract from the gravity of the pedophiles offending manner and the damage they do to their victims.

none of these people should be able to profit in any way from the crimes they have committed and should not be supported.


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I see the self-righteous are out in force on this thread.

Not only out in force but dragging Garry Glitter and Pedophiles into the picture too. Well I guess if you are going to get up on your soap box you might as well tackle all the world’s wrongs in one go.

So what exactly is wrong with a convicted drug dealer writing a book?

He is not making money out of his crime, he has written a book about his experiences during the punishment for a crime. What he has to say is obviously of interest, if it were not the book would not sell.

What would you rather he do, go back to trafficking drugs?

Would you ban all ex prisoners from writing books? Would you have banned Charriere from writing his story? He packed it with as much fiction as fact but left us with what is recognized as a world classic.

Or would you rather ban somebody writing a book on the basis that is upsets your own idea of what is right and what is wrong - maybe you would do the same with cartoons too?!

A convicted, sentenced and TIME SERVED drug trafficker, he has written a book about his experience. Maybe, just maybe, someone reading that book will be deterred from drug trafficking – if so it will have done more to fight that crime than any amount of self-righteous indignation.

You can Google “Charriere” if you wish.

Did you rehearse your little speech in front of a mirror first :D how can you compare Charriere with a drugdealing twit :o nignoy
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I see the self-righteous are out in force on this thread.

So it would appear!

A convicted, sentenced and TIME SERVED drug trafficker, he has written a book about his experience.

Not that I would wish to unsettle your balance up there on your high horse, but for the record Fellows was sentenced to life imprisonment, which in Thailand is intended to mean ‘life’.

He was given a royal pardon after serving less than twelve years.

Fellows was not bright enough to write a book; the book was (albeit poorly) written by a ghost writer.

The book is peppered with gross exaggerations and pure fiction, yet the account is put forward as factual.

The curious continue to buy the book and so Fellows continues to profit.

I suspect it has paid more than he would have earned from returning to his job as a barman… :o

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how can you compare Charriere with a drugdealing twit

Both convicted fellons. I make no other comparisson, but raise the question, would those who would deny Fellows the right to write a book, also have dennied Charriere?

I made another comparisson too.

The raving against this book because it offends personal beliefs in right and wrong is akin to the burning of cartoons.

Self-rightous nonsense.

Fellows was sentenced to life imprisonment, which in Thailand is intended to mean ‘life’.

He was given a royal pardon after serving less than twelve years.

He was given a Royal Pardon - I'm not going to argue with Royal Pardons.

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Fellows was sentenced to life imprisonment, which in Thailand is intended to mean ‘life’.

He was given a royal pardon after serving less than twelve years.

He was given a Royal Pardon - I'm not going to argue with Royal Pardons.

And nor should you.

However, the fact that he did not serve out his sentence conflicts with your previous assertion:

A convicted, sentenced and TIME SERVED drug trafficker, he has written a book about his experience. Maybe, just maybe, someone reading that book will be deterred from drug trafficking – if so it will have done more to fight that crime than any amount of self-righteous indignation.

Perhaps if he had not chosen to profit from the book he did not write, I might be inclined to another view. :o

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Interesing discussion and it brings to mind a biblical quote

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".......or words to those effect.

There seems to be a certain type of person who gets off on the "hang em high" line. For mine it says more about them than it does about person they delight in vilifying.

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You are clutching at staws Noel. The man has been pardonned.

Now he's written a book which, having read it, I believe offers an insight into a personal experience that spreads the word not to traffick drugs and spreads the word on the harsh punnishments awaiting drug traffickers in Thailand.


A time served convict with a Royal Pardon, uses his rights to write a book. He makes some money and people learn about the personal consequences of being caught drug smuggling in Thailand.

Do you have an counter argument that says this book discourages people from trafficking drugs to Thailand?

Or are you simply relying on your dislike of the author?


And people wonder where those fanatics rioting over cartoons come from.

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You are clutching at staws Noel. The man has been pardonned.

Now he's written a book which, having read it, I believe offers an insight into a personal experience that spreads the word not to traffick drugs and spreads the word on the harsh punnishments awaiting drug traffickers in Thailand.


A time served convict with a Royal Pardon, uses his rights to write a book. He makes some money and people learn about the personal consequences of being caught drug smuggling in Thailand.

Do you have an counter argument that says this book discourages people from trafficking drugs to Thailand?

Or are you simply relying on your dislike of the author?


And people wonder where those fanatics rioting over cartoons come from.

“Clutching at staws” (sic)?

Perhaps such a comment would be better directed at Fellows, given his prior history of ‘successful’ cocaine trafficking which supposedly gave him the taste for the business.

So are you telling me that you believe the likes of Fellows planning to traffic 8.5 kg of heroin would have changed their minds if they had read a similar book in advance?

Drug trafficking has to be fundamentally fuelled by greed as the participants are singularly focussed on the seemingly ‘easy money’ they perceive will be made.

Of course they are fully aware that there would be dire consequences if they are caught, but the mindset seems to rely on the probability that they will get away with it.

I am no criminologist, but books such as the one Fellows did not write will not make a scrap of difference to his ilk, IMHO. :o

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