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Leaving Thailand For Good


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The OP said

"3. Stable country. (More or less)

Cambodia, Laos and Burma all offer these in abundance."

Made my day and as the OP says it is mostly Brits wellllllllllllllllllllllll?

I will leaave that to your own imagination or reasoning power.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

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Then you know if you goto places like Cambodia or Burma, you'll be constantly hearing people complain that they can't get a proper English breakfast, or there's no good pizza shops in town, or it takes the utility company too long to turn the electric back on after a storm, or people don't speak enough English, and so on...

There's just no winning with some people.

Have you ever been to Cambodia ?

Siem Reap offers a choice, and quality, of cuisine (plus a service level, backed by good English language skills) that Thailand couldn't wave a stick at.

Have to agree,I was in Phnom Penh a couple of weeks ago and the food was awesome,service levels amazing,English spoken very well everywhere,Khmer locals friendliness off the scale and decent Anchor Pilsen beer for USD $1 a glass!blink.png

Haven't been for a couple of years now but every time I do it's come on in leaps and bounds,everyone has traded their Lexuses (Lexi?) in for Range Rovers these days!

Oh and the girls don't all look like ironing boards,quite the opposite actually,for me the most beautiful anywhere in South-East Asia!

I had to look on a map to be sure as I have been to both Siem Reap where English was spoken but not understood and Phnom Penh I enjoyed them both. But on a map they are a very sma;; part of Cambodia. Like saying you are going to move to Siberia because such and such a city is nice.

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I have quit 3 jobs because the "Director" wanted me to pass students who evidently would fail. At some schools it´s more about the image. Image is money. How can you refuse to get into the school where nobody can fail?

The universities are not much better here and in many cases even when it comes to Chulalongkorn or Thammasat. I mean how else do you explain these inept politicians being able to get the positions they are now in?


You obviously have no understanding of Thai culture and how schools here work - more and more ads on ajarn.com now include exactly that hiring spec, for exactly the reason you cite.

But not a problem limited to here, plenty of tertiary institutions back home are run to make money, even some government-run ones, and will give every warm bum in a seat their degree.

How do you think all those apparently-not-bright politicians here managed to get NES-country graduate qualifications, yet can barely speak English?

Read again... and between the lines.

Edited by maxme
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There is cheap living in Canada. All you need to be is Canadian. Canada welcomes tax evaders, drug pushers, murderers from India and large company scam artists. Canada even provided a safe haven in a high class neighbourhood for a Thai businessman who stole close to a billion dollars from the Thai banks. Become an immigrant and then go on welfare and live off the dole. The provinces actually take pretty good care of the needy. Health care is excellent and free. The tax payers cover the expenses. It's even better if you are a First Nations person. They even reward the women for having more babies. And, you don't have to pay attention to Canadian laws. The only drawback is the weather is not so pleasant in the winter months.


New "startup" visa in Canada - would that Thailand be so smart!

Some relevant links.

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I have quit 3 jobs because the "Director" wanted me to pass students who evidently would fail. At some schools it´s more about the image. Image is money. How can you refuse to get into the school where nobody can fail?

The universities are not much better here and in many cases even when it comes to Chulalongkorn or Thammasat. I mean how else do you explain these inept politicians being able to get the positions they are now in?


You obviously have no understanding of Thai culture and how schools here work - more and more ads on ajarn.com now include exactly that hiring spec, for exactly the reason you cite.

But not a problem limited to here, plenty of tertiary institutions back home are run to make money, even some government-run ones, and will give every warm bum in a seat their degree.

How do you think all those apparently-not-bright politicians here managed to get NES-country graduate qualifications, yet can barely speak English?

Read again... and between the lines.

Stubborn posters cannot read between them.

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