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Visa Run To Ranong ... Do I Need To Bring 10k Baht?

Invader Zim

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Hey guys,

Quick question, when I was in Chiang Mai I would do a visa run to Burma every month. I remember seeing a sign that said you would need to show 10,000 baht.

Nonetheless, I did this visa run five times, and was never asked to show any money.

Should I bring 10,000 baht with me to Ranong, or do they not ask as well.

Thanks, sorry if this has been asked before.



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Chances are that you won't get asked. But think about this: you're on a visa run, maybe getting your 4th or 986th tourist visa, and the officer just might want to know if you can afford to be in Thailand for thirty more days. Besides, you're travelling around the country; shouldn't you have 10K on you? I should hope so.

No, I'm not one of those elitest guys who think that only those with 800K in their back pocket belongs in Thailand, but ten thousand baht isn't too much money to have on hand, when you're begging the government officer to reenter his country.

Wouldn't want to be left in Burma, would you?

I should be more positive, but I'm not in the mood. I doubt you'll ever get asked, but I was kind of asked at least once at Mae Sai, so it's possible.

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I've always wondered about "being left in Burma". You don't have 10k, so go back over the water.

I don't know, but would suspect this wouldn't happen. IE, imm would advise you that they would need to see 10k on your re-entry or the next time you came to the border. At least then you've got a chance to go to an ATM first, or not exit if you havn't got any money, or access to it.

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have only had to do visa runs like that a couple of times ... always used an organized trip ... (more time consuming but they have the contacts etc) If asked to show the cash they would put it in your hand :-)

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:o Have done one Visa run to Ranong last year with my 6 month non immigrant O visa from Australia, caught a taxi to Andaman Club, went to desk then ushered to immigration section of this Hotel, paid an amount not approaching 10K and then a covered, air conditioned boat for 650 baht which was visa and boat fare, across to the Andaman Club in Burma, a swish hotel with casino and duty free shop, had lunch, and within and hour made the return trip with a visa stamp for a further 3 months, the most painless experience I have had, home again in Hua Hin by 4.30p.m. withour a hitch...the talk of 10K is entirely new to me but of course all things change, was even able to have my partner accompany me on a day pass, quite an event for a poor Esaan lad who couldnt wait to ring moma and papa from Burma to tell them he was there...good luck :D dukkha
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  • 7 months later...

Hey guys!

Wassup? Just swung by to ask about visas again ... and wouldn't you know it?

I came across my old thread.

First, to all those that responded thank you again (after my last thanks :o), I tend not to spend too much time online when I'm in Thailand. You know how it is.

Anyway, been in lovely Hua Hin for the last seven or eight months (!), what can I say ... it's a nice place. But I do have a question, and I suppose I should do a search for this somewhere, but in the odd chance someone feels like piping up ... any response is appreciated.

I've been doing the monthly tourist visa thingy for the last ... oh forever. Never any problems. Thais have been wonderful, tho' I must say, every so often I meet a bitter farang, and inevitably they turn out to be English teachers ... lol.

(I used to teach in Japan, so I can smile)

Anyway, I don't really bother with current events, but I am told there is new legislation to curb the stay of people like myself in Thailand.

(Those bastards! Lol! But it's good to keep moving, so actually ... I'm looking forward to some more travel in Asia, but I digress)

My question: I've been in Thailand now for a good length of time, does this new legislation "back date" your stay?

IE, can I still get a visa renewed for another month? Or will they look at me and say:

"Hmm ... you've been in Thailand one year, F*%# off."

Thanks guys,

Invader Zim

(ps And is Ranong still the place to go for visa runs?)

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Cheers gents,

Just got back from a search, and there is a lot of info on this. One thing that is a little unclear to me, though, is the "letter" vs the "spirit" of the law.

I have no probs with a three month crackdown, dated from Oct ... however, I do have a slight concern about doing a 30 day visa run in the next week.

Need I concern myself with Customs looking at all my 30 days stamps and refusing my entry into Thailand based on principle?

(as I understand it, they essentially created this law to kick out the guys like myself how have a modest outside income, came on vacation, then just decided to stay.)

Thanks for the feedback.



(ps and is Ranong the best place to do a visa run from Hua Hin?)

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