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I want to get rid of termites in a natural way.

I was told and read in internet about some sort of fungus that affects only insects. You need to mix some powder with any sweet stuff and put it near insects path.

After 1 months infection comes to termite queen and they are dead. Have anyone heard of that in Thailand ?

My wife told me to stop spraying chemicals because of small baby.

Before I pestcontrol came and they kill termites only for 2-3 weeks and they come again.


Termites are extremely difficult to get rid of, so i expect this remedy you mention is about as effective as most, although i have not heard of it. A few years ago i had a big problem with termites in my home in Queensland.

After many failed remedies, i approached a government pest control organisation. They were experimenting with termite control using Nematodes a microscopic creature which enters the termite's body through its armpits and then proceeds to eat it from the inside. Once in the nest they go through every termite. A problem which i had for years was eliminated in about a week. The Nematodes were sprayed on in a water mixture, only about 1 cup full did the trick. I do not know wether it is available here, but you might try to Google CSIRO Pest control.

Queensland. I have never had a problem since.


Buy yourself an anteater or two.

That said, a house overrun with anteaters may be worse than one plagued by termites.


You could use termite traps which attract the termites and then you dispose /kill the trmites away from your house. They can be made from PVC sewer pipe . If you google termite traps you will find information.


There are different types of Termites and different methods need to be used to kill them. There are some which come from mounds and some which don't. As mentioned above you could use traps which are safe and effective, just place them outside the house. But this may not get rid of the whole colony.

I think the fungus method you mention in the op is for the Termites that actually eat fungus on fences and the likes.

However, there is a bait that can be used which is actually a growth inhibitor (don't know the full scientific method) but it stops them reproducing an eventually kills them off. Apparently totally harmless to humans and pets and can be used alongside the traps.

Edit:- Did a search and think this is the stuff. Chlorfluazuron http://www.health.gov.au/internet/publications/publishing.nsf/Content/termite-protection.htm~termite-protection-app-chemicals.htm~termite-protection-app-chemicals-chlorf.htm


Buy yourself an anteater or two.

That said, a house overrun with anteaters may be worse than one plagued by termites.

Can you eat an anteater?


Buy yourself an anteater or two.

That said, a house overrun with anteaters may be worse than one plagued by termites.

Can you eat an anteater?

You mean, can they survive in Thailand once a Thai is aware of them ?


I would look for borax. It's a kind of natural salt. It is effective against cockroaches and ants. Not really toxic except if swallowed in large quantities (like salt). It can be mixed to attractive food for the targeted species.

Never used it for this purpose but had testimonies about this use.

ps: I think your wife is right. Mostly with the products found here

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