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Barisan Revolusi Nasional ( B R N ) Wants Thai Troops Out Of Far South


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Those are awful people down there in the five border provinces. We who are called fahlang by the Thais should be strongly advised by the Thai government, and I think our own governments, not ever to go near the area. Horrendous. There aren't many of us there anyway, but an official statement should be made. One of 'em down there who I'm sure doesn't throw bombs never the less tried to extort my government's passport from me. He finally quit on the idea when I read the riot act to him, i.e., the passport is the property of my government (the case in all instances of course) and that if he wanted me to contact my embassy to tell 'em some Thai Muslim in a southern province was trying to extort my passport he'd find himself in a jail cell being questioned by the FBI and the Thai special police. Awful. I got out of there without any second thoughts. Good luck to the Thai government in trying to deal with those awful people. Whether or not they throw bombs, the people down there are the plague.

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It needs to be said for everyone to know that the level of civilization in all the five border provinces is low. The five provinces are 800km from Bangkok and considerable distances from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. I spent an evening with the chief police inspector of one of the provinces (great whiskey, man, blended in herbal leaves and other herbs and spices) who said the same as a police colonel and a major I'd met said, i.e., the population down there doesn't have much cognition (my word of course) of law, or of a normal respectful society. I am compelled to reiterate, civilization has not developed much in that always isolated area of nowhereland.

The guy who tried to extort my passport is an excellent example. He thought the passport was just another item he could exploit as if he were in the schoolyard trying to get another kid's lunch money. He had no clue of what a passport is, its owner, the nature of the document. It simply was just another "thing" he could use to get his wicked way. There's widespread ignorance there and, I dare say, stupidity. Indeed, I sat myself in my house one evening; upon considerable reflection, I came to realize that the vast majority of the people there live by no laws, no rules, no morality, no civility. At a certain point I'd thought they were anti-social, but, rather, recognized they are not social period. Their sense of society is all for one, one for all and every man for himself.

For all the horrendous actions taken down there over recent years by the Thai authorities from and in Bangkok - for which no one has been held accountable - there is the knowledge among many responsible Thai Buddhists such as the media, civil society groups and organizations, and others in the government, that serious wrongs have been committed, and that accountability must someday come. For the people in those provinces, accountability isn't ever a consideration.

I was down there watching TV with the guy who later tried to extort the passport. We were viewing photos of the dead from the Tak Bai Thai stupidity. The guy's a certified Tour Guide but his only statement viewing photos of the squashed dead was that no one would want to go there for tourism. The statement revealed to me a lack of sympathy, a ghastly absence of empathy, no sense of human life or of the fragility of human society and life. The Thai authorities, given their own awful behaviors at times, are hamstrung, past, present and future in trying to make accommodations with people who have so little sense of society and no consciousness of respect or rule of law.

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Noted they have not taken into account any requests by the Thai Buddhists in the South. Ignorance and arrogant demands by a terrorist group and they are being allowed to negotiate a deal? Backed of course by the Islamic administration looking to penetrate more peaceful countries globally. Pigs can fly too. I am with the US on this - no negotiation with terrorists.

I guess every Muslim group are terrorist according to you. I see the ignorance is wide spread still..

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