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Property Developer Knocks Down Part Of Berlin Wall


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Property developer knocks down part of Berlin Wall

BERLIN: -- A property developer removed more of the Berlin Wall on Wednesday in a surprise dawn move amid a bitter running protest over the dismantling of the once-detested Cold War division.

Four segments were taken down from around 5am from the Wall's longest surviving stretch, creating a gap of more than six metres. But the property company said it was only a temporary measure.

Some 250 police were dispatched to the site.

Opponents have organised a rally for Thursday after several protests along the 1.3-kilometre stretch of Wall, known as the East Side Gallery, since the beginning of March when a first panel was taken away.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/travel/travel-news/property-developer-knocks-down-part-of-berlin-wall-20130328-2gw33.html

-- The Sydney Morning Herald 2013-03-28

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If they keep up a lot of concentraition camp site for memorial, this one needs and deserves and must be kept as a memorial too, in a piece what is left to now. It should be no hussle for the german government to put put one's foot down if Mrs. Merkel really would like to. It has the same value as other memorials to show present and future generations what went wrong here!

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It's OK - the property developer said "it's only a temporary measure"...............<deleted>! - is he intending to replace it with a replica perhaps?!

Edited by Always18
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Typical development at the cost of the worlds history - I hadn't realised too, that such atrocious vandalism had taken place. They used to shoot the people trying to cross, but now I think they should simply shoot the vandals...no loss whatsoever...

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History destroyed for the sake of private profits. I hope they protect what's left of the wall.

I agree. This sounds like cultural vandalism.

They must have been learning from Thai property developers that have been busily destroying Thai beaches in the name of greed for many years now.

Actually, the biggest cultural vandals, in the west at least, are the governments that ruthlessly destroy anything they can get away with. The morons were going to destroy Euston railway station in London, for goodness sake. Nothing is more dangerous than a bureaucrat with power.

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