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North Korea Threatens Missile Attacks On U S, South Korea


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North Korea threatens missile attacks on US, South Korea

SEOUL: -- North Korea on Friday issued a new threat to attack the US, reacting to a show of force by two US B-2 stealth bombers that dropped inert munitions onto a South Korean training ground not far from the North Korean border.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered that strategic missiles be placed in readiness, according to the state media in the communist country.

The targets are the US mainland as well as military bases in Hawaii, Guam and other areas of the Pacific as well as South Korea.

The US bombers participated in a "long-duration, round-trip training mission" from their US base to South Korea Thursday, the US military in Seoul said.

The nuclear-capable bombers dropped "inert munitions" on a South Korean training ground, in a mission to demonstrate the US commitment and capability "to defend the Republic of Korea and to provide extended deterrence to our allies in the Asia-Pacific region," it said.

Relations with Pyongyang have deteriorated since North Korea’s third nuclear test in February and the strengthening of international sanctions against it.

-- The Nation 2013-03-29

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RT @mpoppel: Yonhap: S. Korean military source says "there is a possibility they (North Korea) will actually fire."

stop the talking, just drop a couple on the North, MAKE sure they finish it instead of %^&$ing around like they have in Afganastan

Edited by briboy
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Geez the U.S could wipe the North off the planet during lunch break. Are they realy that suicidal. The U.S will not need the support and backing of it's allies on this one if the north are threatening or actually strike at U.S territory

Only problem is that China won't fancy a nuke exploding on its doorstep. :(

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Geez the U.S could wipe the North off the planet during lunch break. Are they realy that suicidal. The U.S will not need the support and backing of it's allies on this one if the north are threatening or actually strike at U.S territory

Sounds like the "well-reasoned" arguments leading up to Iraq. A few hundred thousand or more dead, another trillion or so unfunded dollars on the US balance sheet ... and I'm sure China would be real supportive about having bombs dropped across it's border.

What could possibly go wrong?

No more Yum Cha in the U.S?

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Geez the U.S could wipe the North off the planet during lunch break. Are they realy that suicidal. The U.S will not need the support and backing of it's allies on this one if the north are threatening or actually strike at U.S territory

Sounds like the "well-reasoned" arguments leading up to Iraq. A few hundred thousand or more dead, another trillion or so unfunded dollars on the US balance sheet ... and I'm sure China would be real supportive about having bombs dropped across it's border.

What could possibly go wrong?

No. I completely oppose the "wars" in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't oppose strategic air strikes on The Taliban and Al Qaeda though. That doesn't cost much, including lost allied troops' lives.

I've said it here before. The last war the US and its allies outright won was WWII. After that, the new rules of war tied the allies hands behind their backs. Killing a civilian now is a terrible thing, while in WWII the allies bombed the chit out of Germany (Hitler's country) and Japan. They bombed and bombed until the adversary cried for an end to it. To win a war, you have to get the people of the country turned against their leaders, and wanting a stop to the war.

Right now you can bet your bippy that the US doesn't give a shit what China thinks, if N. Korea tries to carry out its threats. The US has been moving much of its navy into the Asian waters, and its subs and carrier groups are nuclear armed. The US has the capability in place to shoot down N. Korea's missiles and retaliate.

The US has a treaty to protect S. Korea and Japan and The Philippines and Thailand and Australia and New Zealand and others, and protect they would.

If N. Korea is really stupid enough to fire nukes at the US??????? Or even an Asian ally????????

China spends just 20% of what the US does on military, and that is a large and recent increase for China. China lacks the technology to build good arms. They don't want a war with the US. If N. Korea actually fires nukes, China will let them suffer the consequences before they take on a full scale war.

Nobody want to trade nukes, and if N. Korea fires one, they will do no harm to anyone but themselves. The nukes on the US subs in Asian waters right now could alone level N. Korea without involving aircraft. Those missiles can be launched from underwater, and hit multiple targets with nuclear warheads in one shot. Link

Trident missile breaking water from a sub:


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Why dont the US just let the North Koreans let them be. They just want to be left alone with their business - good or bad. What is the problem with that. You dont bother them they wont bother you. JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE.

You're kidding, right? Your awareness is so low that you don't know that this is between N. and S. Korea, and the US is involved ONLY because it has a treaty to protect S. Korea?

Edited by NeverSure
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Why dont the US just let the North Koreans let them be. They just want to be left alone with their business - good or bad. What is the problem with that. You dont bother them they wont bother you. JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE. Let their Idiot Dictator lead them. I dont see anything affecting me by that.

How about the millions of people dying of starvation, does that not effect you?

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I neglected to mention that China doesn't have submarine launched SLBM missiles. The importance here is that you can't do a first strike against a sub because you can't see it or hit it. Yet the sub-launched intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles that can split up and hit multiple targets are in the water off the Chinese coast as we speak.

I simply can't believe that N. Korea is stupid enough to even make the threats. The US put carrier groups off the shores of Libya recently and shelled the shit out of them. Why, I don't know, but N. Korea might want to take notice.

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Kim is an unpredictable nut case.

The US dropping a couple of dummy bombs inches outside the North Korean border wasn't intended to rattle his cage, was it?

Context. It's key to accurate understanding or even a hope of it.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Rhetoric and movement is high, this surely means emanate target N Korea.

The Rhetoric is high and America is counting on this young spoon fed idiot to make the right threat this time, to set off a bomb in which America will finalize his fate as a young dictator

America is pushing his buttons right now because they know he is not as clever as his father and surely not as clever and American in-tell or at least I hope not.

They will whip him off the map in a two day war.

First day send in all the bombers take out specific targets.

Second day send in a wet nurse to whip the she it off the walls of this guys special bunker so the can put him up for war crimes against Humanity.

Third day will be watching China beef up it's border and threaten America and S Korea that N. Korea belongs to them. I mean you got wonder

how much CHina would get involved. China already wants Taiwan back and it's an Island. N, korea China's step child boarders them, one would have guess China

will not like us kicking N korea arse

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I already said it. If N. Korea actually fires a nuke at the US ???? or even S. Korea as they are threatening, China will do nothing. China doesn't want a nuclear war nor does anyone else except maybe the Insane Ones in N. Korea.

I am not from the US, but lived there for 18 years. Know the psyche of many senators. If this is a true threat, - they NK are Fkked.

The US will not tolerate threats like this (if it is real). So, what I am saying, - is it real or manufactured as an excuse to go in an destroy (like Iraq and probably Iran). The USA owes big bucks to China, - that is why the writer above is correct. They will not intervene.

It's a huge mistake to threaten the largest empire of all time. The war machine in the USA is big $$ - so, this threat is so stupid.

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I already said it. If N. Korea actually fires a nuke at the US ???? or even S. Korea as they are threatening, China will do nothing. China doesn't want a nuclear war nor does anyone else except maybe the Insane Ones in N. Korea.

I am not from the US, but lived there for 18 years. Know the psyche of many senators. If this is a true threat, - they NK are Fkked.

The US will not tolerate threats like this (if it is real). So, what I am saying, - is it real or manufactured as an excuse to go in an destroy (like Iraq and probably Iran). The USA owes big bucks to China, - that is why the writer above is correct. They will not intervene.

It's a huge mistake to threaten the largest empire of all time. The war machine in the USA is big $$ - so, this threat is so stupid.

Very good points.

It is not manufactured. N. Korea and S. Korea have been going after it since the early 50's, with a war that ended in a stalemate, and troops are still on the border with occasional skirmishes. This hatred goes back farther than we do.

The US and other countries have tried and tried to have talks with N. Korea and all that did was give N. Korea time to develop its nukes ad missiles.

You make a good point about yet another reason for China to stay out of it, but i think the biggest reason is that they don't want to escalate a nuclear war in the region, and if N. Korea tries it, they'll rattle sabres but stay out of it.

I think China is licking its chops about it. "Let's you and him fight." I think China has enough influence to stop N. Korea but they haven't. China is helping to feed N. Korea but they are having trouble feeding their own 1.3 billion people under a communist system.

I still contend that if N. Korea is stupid enough to carry out threats to try to nuke the US with ICBM's, which attempts would be shot down, that whatever happens to them is well deserved. The same applies to the US treaty to protect most countries in Asia including Australia and NZ.

I repeat that the US just damn near leveled Libya from offshore with conventional rocket and bombs, proving that N. Korea isn't exempt.

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