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My good friend passed away a few weeks ago and now I wish to give all the cat food I have standing around (most cans being the expensive Hills stuff with liver protection l/d) away to some needy cause/cats (or dogs for that matter).

I was thinking Soirescuedogs or similar. Any good ideas?

I still miss the rascal.... :o

My good friend passed away a few weeks ago and now I wish to give all the cat food I have standing around (most cans being the expensive Hills stuff with liver protection l/d) away to some needy cause/cats (or dogs for that matter).

I was thinking Soirescuedogs or similar. Any good ideas?

I still miss the rascal.... :o

Sorry to hear that. Not considering getting a new 'friend'? Possibly a temple would be a good choice.


Thanks guys/girls. Will probably get one in the future but for now I will try to give the food away to a worthy cause.

I guess that is what he would have wanted (well; in all thruthfullness he would probably have stacked it next to his tray and fought of any other cat/dog/mouse getting too close to it :o but you get my point).

Thanks again.

My good friend passed away a few weeks ago and now I wish to give all the cat food I have standing around (most cans being the expensive Hills stuff with liver protection l/d) away to some needy cause/cats (or dogs for that matter).

I was thinking Soirescuedogs or similar. Any good ideas?

I still miss the rascal.... :o

Was that the cat that you brought from Africa? Poor little fella. :D


###########Comment deleted####################

edit: Please keep your cruel & stupid comments to yourself.


Sorry to hear about the loss of your buddy. I'm also glad to hear of guys out there that are cat people. I feed a soi dog, but I know soi dog rescue does great work with dogs, but I don't know about cats. Most of the cats I see in LOS look a bit tattered, but are being fed by someone.

If you can't adopt a new cat right now, why not feed a needy street cat? Otherwise, I'd call that organization that often advertises stray pets in the BKK Post.


Hm, feeding stray cats is a whole different ballgame. If you must, at least make sure you get it neutered. Otherwise you're just adding to the problem.


Soi Dog rescue also look after cats and have an adoption program for both cats and dogs so you may be able to donate your food and when your ready for a new cat, you may be able to find one there. Their website is www.soidogrescue.org ... it's run by a forign lady and I'm sure she would really appreciate the donation as she often ends up paying for things out of her own pocket.

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