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Desperately Seeking! - Coconut Ice Cream!


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Yes, it's a food topic! . ..and an emergency one at that.

Cannot seem to find any coconut ice cream in the supermarket and there are some people visit that are gagging for it (the ice cream that is!)

Any suggestions guys?

Thank you kindly!!

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a lot of the street vendors sell coconut ice cream that is served on white bread.

I never understood the white bread. Yuck.

Anyway they are mobile vendors.. Not all are coconut.

Also Iberry on Nimmanhemin has it I think. Soi 11 Nimmanhemin

and I will throw in my healthy hack
Take coconut cream sold in most stores
Add a sweetener and some shredded coconut and freeze it.
Ends up tasting pretty good without a lot of downsides of regular ice cream like lactose issues and low quality sugars.
Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Lotus express on the third ring road -> freezers near the entrance across from the veggies -> small squarish tubs.

Haven't been there in weeks, but the last time we were there, we got some coconut ice cream.


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I'll add my own recipe for coconut-soy slush/ice:

1. mix fresh soy-milk (naam taohu) from the street (cooled to room temperature) with kati (coconut cream) in a ratio of three, or four, parts naam taohu to one part kati. Add instant coffee, or other flavorings, and mix, at this point, if you wish.

Remember that street naam taohu will already be sweetened (too heavily for some) with cane sugar (naam oi gon): when I buy it, I usually ask for it, saying: "garuna ... naam taan lek qua hah-sip per-cent, khrup" (fifty-percent less sugar, please).

2. put in ice-cube trays, or other containers that expose as much surface area as possible, to your freezer compartment's bottom and sides.

3. experiment with chilling just to the point it's on the verge of turning solid.

4. enjoy as "slush," or let it freeze solid, and use as "ice."


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Thanks all. I have some things to try out and will take a look at rimping and tesco to compare.
Because i was in a bit of a panic, i bought some vanilla ice cream and coconut milk (it was to be made into a drink with other things, so was ok to have a melted consistency). It worked ok! I like the home made idea, and nienke sent me another version too. Much appreciated!

The bounty bar one sounds utterly wicked! w00t.gif

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  • 1 month later...

Are you looking for coconut flavored "ice cream" (that has no cream or diary but emulsifiers to bind the white stuff together) or the stuff made with coconut cream? There's a lady out my way (San Sai) who makes her own for sale in many fresh fruit and other flavors, it is excellent! Sure there are others who do too around

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I don't know about coconut ice cream, but the "Why Not" restaurant over in Niemenhamen has a wide variety of home made ice creams. They might know somewhere if they can't supply it themself.

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