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Wtf Is Wtf?


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Big thanks to Thakar. I also hate these acronyms. Also thanks for the web link for net speak. I'm pretty sure most of these abbreviations came about when mobile networks charged per letter for SMS or limited the amount of characters per SMS. Long time since. With a very few exceptions (eg <deleted>) most are just pure nonsense and very frustrating. I think they are mostly used by sad people who think that using them will make other readers think what a clever guy that is. My suggestion to those: is to put a footnote at the end of your post saying "I'm a sad b*st*rd"

I would say that you yourself is TSB cos you do not understand how it works here. rolleyes.gif

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Big thanks to Thakar. I also hate these acronyms. Also thanks for the web link for net speak. I'm pretty sure most of these abbreviations came about when mobile networks charged per letter for SMS or limited the amount of characters per SMS. Long time since. With a very few exceptions (eg <deleted>) most are just pure nonsense and very frustrating. I think they are mostly used by sad people who think that using them will make other readers think what a clever guy that is. My suggestion to those: is to put a footnote at the end of your post saying "I'm a sad b*st*rd"

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Big thanks to Thakar. I also hate these acronyms. Also thanks for the web link for net speak. I'm pretty sure most of these abbreviations came about when mobile networks charged per letter for SMS or limited the amount of characters per SMS. Long time since. With a very few exceptions (eg <deleted>) most are just pure nonsense and very frustrating. I think they are mostly used by sad people who think that using them will make other readers think what a clever guy that is. My suggestion to those: is to put a footnote at the end of your post saying "I'm a sad b*st*rd"

"I'm a sad bastard"

You don't have to be an acronym user to be called that. Boy, if I had a dollar for every time I was called that, I could have a very comfortable, very early retirement in Thailand...Oh, wait.

Anyway, your post has alerted me to a game those of us privy to this thread can play on members in other threads: every time someone commits the heinous crime of Using Acronyms Not on the Approved List, we quote their post and respond with a simple "IASB"


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Sure we cannot write how we want to write cos kids, ladies might be reading etc, but in a ''mans'' world it is very different. I cannot think of many situations where expletives were eliminated to show how you feel about something. Yes, l sound like a yob sad.png BUT no, imagine a combat situation where a chum was in danger, what would you say ?, I would say ''GTF out of there'', or if talking to my buddy who was talking rubbish, l would say with a smile '' F...... O...'' smile.png . There is a place for everything. I am sure many UK royals have used expletives at times, doesn't mean that they or l am lowlife. smile.png

I certainly hope that kids are not reading some of the threads in these forums. Especially one devoted to the pubs and nightlife in LOS.

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Sure we cannot write how we want to write cos kids, ladies might be reading etc, but in a ''mans'' world it is very different. I cannot think of many situations where expletives were eliminated to show how you feel about something. Yes, l sound like a yob sad.png BUT no, imagine a combat situation where a chum was in danger, what would you say ?, I would say ''GTF out of there'', or if talking to my buddy who was talking rubbish, l would say with a smile '' F...... O...'' smile.png . There is a place for everything. I am sure many UK royals have used expletives at times, doesn't mean that they or l am lowlife. smile.png

I certainly hope that kids are not reading some of the threads in these forums. Especially one devoted to the pubs and nightlife in LOS.

Please. The kids are already plugged into way more titillating stuff than they're ever likely to find here on ThaiVisa. This ain't the world of our grandma's knitting circle anymore.


Edited by Thakkar
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