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What Should Thailand Do.....?


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Thats great, that the Thais in SK are covered....

Pity they havent started on the "Homeland Thailand' as yet....but here's hoping they will. Dont you all agree?????

Thais have a right to be informed...educated or not...it's their lives at stake. Not being informed, they will never understand what aftermath (Fallout) is about...will they?? so how will they cope?

If you were in Hospital dying, you would want to know why you are dying...and rightly so.

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They can attach them to the shorter range missiles.

and missile and nuclear armamment specialist... I am impressed

Judging by the tone of your comments. You are clearly not interested in debate on this subject, you are just here to blow stupid comments out of your ass at those who take the time to get tooled up on the subject.

Actually I am interested in subject which opened this thread...What should What Thailand do ?...If North Korea starts letting off it's fireworks...... which already supposes North Korea has the required "fireworks" and has let them off...and the operative phrase here is what would Thailand do ? not what the US would, not what the silly little man in north korea would..but Thailand...wink.png

but it appears the topic has changed direction by certain factions into a chest beating Hoo ya proclaiming the the greatest nation on earthTM and conspiracy theories on North Korea's capabilities and various military tactians piping in on miltary strategy...all very much off topic and getting rather tiresome....so please forgive my urge to take the p*ss out of these comments.

further which books are you reading ?... "tooled up"...clap2.gif one suspects your reading too many spy or SAS novels...whistling.gif

In conclusion...while this was a very interesting subject initally about what thailand would do, seeing as the subject is currently off topic ..I choose to blow stupid comments out my ass...wink.png

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They can attach them to the shorter range missiles.

and missile and nuclear armamment specialist... I am impressed

Judging by the tone of your comments. You are clearly not interested in debate on this subject, you are just here to blow stupid comments out of your ass at those who take the time to get tooled up on the subject.

Actually I am interested in subject which opened this thread...What should What Thailand do ?...If North Korea starts letting off it's fireworks...... which already supposes North Korea has the required "fireworks" and has let them off...and the operative phrase here is what would Thailand do ? not what the US would, not what the silly little man in north korea would..but Thailand...wink.png

but it appears the topic has changed direction by certain factions into a chest beating Hoo ya proclaiming the the greatest nation on earthTM and conspiracy theories on North Korea's capabilities and various military tactians piping in on miltary strategy...all very much off topic and getting rather tiresome....so please forgive my urge to take the p*ss out of these comments.

further which books are you reading ?... "tooled up"...clap2.gif one suspects your reading too many spy or SAS novels...whistling.gif

In conclusion...while this was a very interesting subject initally about what thailand would do, seeing as the subject is currently off topic ..I choose to blow stupid comments out my ass...wink.png

Its a debate, and all debates take a series of tangents. Most comments that may seem 'off track' to you, are normally in response to people who think that there is no need for Thailand to do anything because nothing is going to happen. Naturally in response are people who believe that Thailand DO need to do something because (and they debate their reasons for this).

Its a natural occurrence of debate, having over 10,000 posts in the forum I would have thought you had worked all this out by now.

There has been plenty of mention in these so called unrelated posts of what Thailand should do, as well as enough of my own.

My advice to you is to stop letting yourself get pissed off by such trivial things. This thread has brought up a lot of interesting things that myself and others are actively interested in debating. That is how people get educated.

For the record. I have never read a novel in my life, or any fiction. I only read 100% fact based subjects.

Edited by klubex99
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My advice to you is to stop letting yourself get pissed off by such trivial things. This thread has brought up a lot of interesting things that myself and others are actively interested in debating. That is how people get educated.

not p*ssed off at all dear chap, and yes maybe they are interesting to debate, but one suspects there are plenty of other website forums on the go debating the exact topics you wish to debate, so if someone wishes to debate north korea's capability or turning north korean into a nuclear wasteland..maybe try on these sites and you can posture and debate till your hearts content and sure you will find many like minded indivduals

now must go and get myself tooled up for upcoming nuclear Armageddon...toodles

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My advice to you is to stop letting yourself get pissed off by such trivial things. This thread has brought up a lot of interesting things that myself and others are actively interested in debating. That is how people get educated.

not p*ssed off at all dear chap, and yes maybe they are interesting to debate, but one suspects there are plenty of other website forums on the go debating the exact topics you wish to debate, so if someone wishes to debate north korea's capability or turning north korean into a nuclear wasteland..maybe try on these sites and you can posture and debate till your hearts content and sure you will find many like minded indivduals

now must go and get myself tooled up for upcoming nuclear Armageddon...toodles

So if I look through your posting history, then every single post is totally dedicated to the OP?

I won't even bother to look, because I know that you go offtrack constantly.

Your avatar is very apt.

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Well I would say a nuclear explosion less than two thousand miles from the Thai border would have an impact on Thailand, depending on the way the wind was blowing. It's roughly the same distance from Chernobyl to Scotland and we were blanketed in radiation to the extent some of our farms were shut down.

A cloud of radiation pouring over SE Asia would be very serious. I would be amazed if the Thais were ready for it.

the Europeans were not ready for Chernobyl and if they had known they couldn't have prevented anything. what are the Thais supposed to do to "be ready"? change wind directions?

Not much can be done once it has happened...but if thais had a fair idea what's coming their way....maybe they have a better chance of getting through it.

Of course no one can change the wind.... Yet.

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Well I would say a nuclear explosion less than two thousand miles from the Thai border would have an impact on Thailand, depending on the way the wind was blowing. It's roughly the same distance from Chernobyl to Scotland and we were blanketed in radiation to the extent some of our farms were shut down.

A cloud of radiation pouring over SE Asia would be very serious. I would be amazed if the Thais were ready for it.

the Europeans were not ready for Chernobyl and if they had known they couldn't have prevented anything. what are the Thais supposed to do to "be ready"? change wind directions?

Not much can be done once it has happened...but if thais had a fair idea what's coming their way....maybe they have a better chance of getting through it.

Of course no one can change the wind.... Yet.

The only things you can really do..is get on a plane and bail, of if caught here..start chewing down on iodine tablets and sealing your house up to reduce the ingress of radiotactive particles...my g*d starting to sound like them doomsday nutcases on discovery..biggrin.png

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Topic is "What Should Thailand Do..... ? If North Korea starts letting off it's fireworks......"

Posts getting off this train of thought will be removed.

A number of off topic posts and replies have been removed, let's get back on track please.

Some inflammatory posts were removed as well.

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I'm going to come back in on this Metisdead and point it out more directly this time.....it is highly relevant that the Thais are able to identify possibly irradiated food and prevent it from entering the food chain.

Just like we did in Scotland.....I would be amazed if the Thais had the relevant manpower available, they would need to rely upon the United Nations flying monitoring teams in, and considering that the atomic bloom would most likely be covering SE Asia, it's unlikely that the United Nations would have enough manpower reserves to meet the challenge.

Incidentally the experience of other countries that have already suffered from atomic bloom is relevant to the topic.

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I'm going to come back in on this Metisdead and point it out more directly this time.....it is highly relevant that the Thais are able to identify possibly irradiated food and prevent it from entering the food chain.

Just like we did in Scotland.....I would be amazed if the Thais had the relevant manpower available, they would need to rely upon the United Nations flying monitoring teams in, and considering that the atomic bloom would most likely be covering SE Asia, it's unlikely that the United Nations would have enough manpower reserves to meet the challenge.

Incidentally the experience of other countries that have already suffered from atomic bloom is relevant to the topic.

Good post.. thanks.....thats what the discussion was all about....Not who is right or wrong. There are many on TV who have the knowledge to educate us all with regard to...What should Thailand do

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I'm going to come back in on this Metisdead and point it out more directly this time.....it is highly relevant that the Thais are able to identify possibly irradiated food and prevent it from entering the food chain.

Just like we did in Scotland.....I would be amazed if the Thais had the relevant manpower available, they would need to rely upon the United Nations flying monitoring teams in, and considering that the atomic bloom would most likely be covering SE Asia, it's unlikely that the United Nations would have enough manpower reserves to meet the challenge.

Incidentally the experience of other countries that have already suffered from atomic bloom is relevant to the topic.

Good post.. thanks.....thats what the discussion was all about....Not who is right or wrong. There are many on TV who have the knowledge to educate us all with regard to...What should Thailand do

From the Thai perspective, if there was an "atomic' cloud approaching, one supposes the goverment wouldnt have enough iodine tablets to hand out to the population, guessing here but would think if there is a stock pile it would be at the research reactor in BKK.

Other than popping iodine tabs, all you can really do if stuck here is dont eat any fresh food produce, try and seal up your house best you can with plastic..ie doors and windows have a stash of botted water and pre-packaged food in the house and sit it out, guess the key is you dont want to be breathing dust in.

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I have a friend who works for the International Atomic Energy Agency, I can't disclose any details about him, he's too easily identified and that's not within my remit to do that. I also have a cousin that works as a senior compliance officer in the same field in the UK. When I say that the United Nations does not have the manpower to handle a bloom crossing SE Asia, that's a statement of fact.

Too many people have a misunderstanding of the effects of an atomic blast, they've watched too many movies. Yes there is localized devastation, but it's the wider unseen effects that have a greater impact. Hence my reference to the food chain. It's humanly impossible to prevent a cloud of radiation settling over the top of your countryside, it's what happens next that's the issue.

There is no way Thailand is prepared for mass soil and water testing, no way.......and there is no way the outside world can provide the manpower to help all SE Asia. None, it's as simple as that.

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That's right soutpeel, the human populace could most likely be made safe at this distance, at least in the most part. I wouldn't expect any sudden upsurge in cancer deaths etc in the first instance in Thailand, and I would expect virtually no critical casualties. It's what settles into the countryside and the water table that's of the greatest concern. I believe there are still farms in Scotland under lock up due to the effects of Chernobyl, 27 years later. ( though I'm not sure ).

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Go into any village, gather the people around and ask them what they know about the situation in North Korea. Anyone who expects Thai's to know what to do in the case of Nuclear fallout heading their way needs brain surgery !

Most Europeans and US nationals are ignorant as well.

Ignorance is not the sole preserve of Thailand.

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I have a friend who works for the International Atomic Energy Agency, I can't disclose any details about him, he's too easily identified and that's not within my remit to do that. I also have a cousin that works as a senior compliance officer in the same field in the UK. When I say that the United Nations does not have the manpower to handle a bloom crossing SE Asia, that's a statement of fact.

Too many people have a misunderstanding of the effects of an atomic blast, they've watched too many movies. Yes there is localized devastation, but it's the wider unseen effects that have a greater impact. Hence my reference to the food chain. It's humanly impossible to prevent a cloud of radiation settling over the top of your countryside, it's what happens next that's the issue.

There is no way Thailand is prepared for mass soil and water testing, no way.......and there is no way the outside world can provide the manpower to help all SE Asia. None, it's as simple as that.

In another life was involved with commerical nuclear construction/operations and lived not far from one, for many years, so been have involved with ERP's and civil defense if the case of a leak at the station and these were the basic's, obviously in case of living next to a NPS, first immediate action was to get the h*ll out dodge if you could, and just about all the people around the area has a stash of iodine kept in the house, just in case

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Your post above...As you have been previously associated with what i am asking, your input on this would be valuable to anyone who reads this...Thanks


Sounds like you also have access to the right people to get the info, which is what is needed here in Thailand....thanks.

You can google as much as you like on this subject, and info is available by the page load. If ,as stated, Thailand has made arrangements to repat Thais home from SK, thats good.... Now, what are they going to do, to educate those here, especially the ones that dont have access to media and the likes,

as we do...I am talking about remote farmers who can unwittingly introduce contiminated products into the food chain.

Whats that saying?....Knowledge is Power.


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Your post above...As you have been previously associated with what i am asking, your input on this would be valuable to anyone who reads this...Thanks


Sounds like you also have access to the right people to get the info, which is what is needed here in Thailand....thanks.

You can google as much as you like on this subject, and info is available by the page load. If ,as stated, Thailand has made arrangements to repat Thais home from SK, thats good.... Now, what are they going to do, to educate those here, especially the ones that dont have access to media and the likes,

as we do...I am talking about remote farmers who can unwittingly introduce contiminated products into the food chain.

Whats that saying?....Knowledge is Power.


The Thai government won't feel the need to issue any education or whatever at any time soon. Because they are well aware that any chance of radiation from a nuclear exchange 2,500 miles away will have almost no chance of affecting Thailand. They would be more prudent to have measures in place for screening produce imported from anywhere around there instead. They would probably put a ban on it.

They would see no need to create unnecessary widespread fear and panic by starting to prepare the country for fallout that would need a miracle to affect Thailand. The only real danger would be if NK bombed the bases in Thailand if they were used as a staging post for aggressive movements against the regime. But they would have a lot more higher priority targets to consider first, and it would be highly unlikely that Thailand would be utilized.

Drawing a comparison between the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster and a series of nuclear detonations is quite pointless because they are in no way on the same scale.

Chernobyl spewed massive quantities of radioactive smoke (fallout) non-stop into the atmosphere at a reasonably low altitude (which takes less time to settle) for 14 days solid. It made it to Scotland for sure, but then again the distance is probably a little under 1000 miles (as the crow flies). 60% of the fallout landed on Belarus which is only 10 miles from Chernobyl.

In contrast, nuclear detonations literally blow the majority of the fallout particles right up into the stratosphere, with only the ash and larger particles falling straight back to earth over a smallish area not so far from the mushroom cloud depending on how many megatons the bomb is. Those thrown into the stratosphere are basically vaporized particles and would get carried into the jet stream and become pushed across such a vast area, and being so tiny that they would be insignificant when they touched back down.

The majority of the fallout will only be thrown up for a minute or so. A lot less than 2 weeks.

The most important thing of all, is that the jet stream blows from west to east, so they would probably settle in the pacific ocean harmlessly, if they did reach the US mainland they would be so dispersed it would be nothing much more than regular background radiation.

So to recap... The only real way any radiation would find its way here is if NK dumped a nuke or two on Thailand itself, and I think the Thai government would have plenty to put right if that happened.

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Your post above...As you have been previously associated with what i am asking, your input on this would be valuable to anyone who reads this...Thanks


Sounds like you also have access to the right people to get the info, which is what is needed here in Thailand....thanks.

You can google as much as you like on this subject, and info is available by the page load. If ,as stated, Thailand has made arrangements to repat Thais home from SK, thats good.... Now, what are they going to do, to educate those here, especially the ones that dont have access to media and the likes,

as we do...I am talking about remote farmers who can unwittingly introduce contiminated products into the food chain.

Whats that saying?....Knowledge is Power.


It's merely a fluke, or should I say two flukes, I don't pretend to have any special insight on this matter except knowing how under funded and under capacity the IAEA is.

There are plenty of people on this board have undergone Nuclear, Biological and Chemical warfare training, ( NBC training ) I think most of us that went through the nuclear part thought to ourselves <deleted> is the point of this, we're toast already biggrin.png

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The only real threat of nuclear these days is from power stations. North Korea have got nothing besides a badly brainwashed population. Unfortunately for them there is much better equipped armed forces to deal with anything they have. They were beaten last time and would easily be beaten again

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I'm going to come back in on this Metisdead and point it out more directly this time.....it is highly relevant that the Thais are able to identify possibly irradiated food and prevent it from entering the food chain.

Just like we did in Scotland.....I would be amazed if the Thais had the relevant manpower available, they would need to rely upon the United Nations flying monitoring teams in, and considering that the atomic bloom would most likely be covering SE Asia, it's unlikely that the United Nations would have enough manpower reserves to meet the challenge.

Incidentally the experience of other countries that have already suffered from atomic bloom is relevant to the topic.

United Nations monitoring teams taking Thai jobs...

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Looks like the pentagon postponing its own missile test in California next week ought to do the trick and enable NK to wind their necks back in. Possibly recommended by China or the UN.

At least KJU can now rejoice to his people that he made the mighty US aggressors capitulate in the face of our military might and awesome nuclear capability, and got them running scared....lol

Then he can cement his position as the new awesome supreme leader of the people.

Lets just all hope that he doesn't start to believe it himself.

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