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Red-Shirt Chief Thida Seeks New Probe Into 2010 Arson Attack


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It's so obvious that a certain party has lighted all the fires that till now both DSI and RTP have missed it.

Fortunately we have foreigners paying attention, even TV members, to tell us what we are seeing, when, and where.

If only we could hand the arson case to the UDD as impartial party all would be well, of course.

So again, no new information since about December 2010 and only interpretations with lots of wishfull thinking, ignoring what is not liked and a sense of desperation in some who try again and again to press their opinion forward. Now please excuse me, I'm going to check how many times now we've been 'suggested' that obviously the army in control was part of the arson plan to make the UDD and red-shirts look bad as equally obviously those did look like 'peaceful, innocent protesters' and needed to be painted as bad guys

Well in case you missed it in your repeated calls of "no new information", the people the previous government had arrested were all aquitted so nobody knows who started the fire that was responsible for the burning down of Central World.

I'd say that was new information.

Nice try.

That was old information even before they were taken to trial.

Just took time and behind the scene operations to get to you.We all knew it the minute the Clone took over as the mouth piece for the Prime Minister living in Dubai.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gif

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Well, at least we know that we don't know. A few fires, non-identified snipers shooting at the fire brigade, the army holding them (i.e. the fire brigade) back.

Obviously the army was involved in the arson.

Now please excuse me, a discussion with Marvin the manically depressive robot seems like a better alternative.

It's not obvious that they were involved in the arson and nor did I say so, but more importantly, bearing in mind the tone of the posts over two years on this subject, amply demonstrated by your sarcastic posts like the one above, it is obvious that the authorities who have done so much to peddle "the red shirts did it" and some forum members to a certain extent, now ought to admit that they don't know who set the fire that was responsible for the burning down of Central World.

I agree with you muttley and I would be the first to give his name.

Problem being instead of a name tag he wore a red shirt.

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Oh my, a fire, needs to be kindled a bit more

All in daytime starting after the UDD leaders simply told their remaining supporters "it's over, please go home" and got a police escortd to protect them from angry supporters. Obviously the UDD leaders and especially those now in the Pheu Thai party as party list MPs are totally blameless. It wasn't me.

So you completely ignore the fact that there was a second fire that started around/before 17.45 as photographed and timed by a TV member. That the first fire was put out. You do not question the fact that the fire brigade were not allowed in by the army, who said it wasn't safe, until around 21.30 - how inconvenient.

There was a fire. The security guards, to their knowledge, put it out and then left.

Do you know that at some fires, fire fighters stay around for hours, sometimes days, to put the fire out properly. But security guards are better than that. They can put a fire out completely in half an hour and there is no chance of it starting up again.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ahh now that there's no rice to farm, the Red Shirts are free to hold their idiot rallies again! And Thida, about the arson attacks ,look no further then your own Red Shirts. You're fooling no one.

I wonder if the police will do all in there power to control it?

One policeman per protestor and road blocks to try and keep them out.

Don't forget the coils of Razor wire,and Tear Gas!

But in reality which group of peaceful protestors would you as police chief tear gas?

attachicon.gifpeacefull protestors.jpg

Wrong framing of the question Two different groups - how do you control them

1) Police and Tear Gas

2) The Military with live ammunition, snipers and "live fire" zones

If you want the real answer consult the UNHRC

UNHCR were there?

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......it wasn't Thaksin either because he was right behind, very far behind his supporters, in Paris shopping or so

indeed, "right behind" as he claimed

Noooooo, it couldn't have been Thaksin because..... Hey dude, if you're going to incite arson and don't want to get suspected of doing so, then,,,,,,, duhhhh, it's good to have an alibi. Alibi, alibi, hmmmmm, let's see (scratching one's chin), what's a better alibi than going out shopping with press cameras clicking?

Get real dude. Thaksin openly and clandestinely funded and directed the Reds commandeering downtown Bkk in 2010. During that 2 month occupation, speakers on stage were being cheered when mentioning 'Burn Bangkok Down!'. If you connect the dots...... you find a man who had the money, the influence and motive to orchestrate what ensued.

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So they start a fire... but are not responsible for the place burning. This is pathetic.

As is the assertion that there were 2 fires, and not a continuation of the first. It would take days to thoroughly check a multi-storey shopping complex for possible hot spots after a large fire. But the red goggled one's claim is that a second group of arsonists decided to finish the work of the earlier group, because they were too busy burning other buildings.

If only I could quote the BP or provide a link, it would be extremely satisfying to prove you wrong. As it is I'm content in the knowledge that the last defence witness, the advisor to the Central World Fire Protection and Secretary General of the Public Disaster Relief Volunteer Association of Thailand, testified to the fact that there were two fires, the earlier one started around 1.35pm and was extinguished.

He also mentioned

He said that during the time of the red-shirt rally at Ratchaprasong intersection, a safety and fire prevention plan was drawn up for Central World. The mall’s staff included a team of 25 full-time professional firefighters. It had all the facilities needed to deal with any fire incidents, in accordance with international standards, he said. http://www.prachatai3.info/english/node/3520

I don't know about how your 20 year history in a Shopping Mall Power Station fire team compares but it looks like they knew what to do in case of fire and how to recognise if there were two seperate fires or not. He continued:

He said that at about 7 pm his organization was requested by Central World to go to extinguish the fire, but the place was inaccessible as there was no guarantee of safety from the military. Not until 10 pm did firefighters manage to reach the place.

He said that all areas around the mall had already been in military control since the security staff left in late afternoon.

‘If our team had not been forced to leave, a fire of such a scale would have been of little concern. The buildings were fully equipped. The water supply was abundant. All three buildings were connected. The internal water pressure system was functional. If we had not been forced to leave, the mall would not have been burnt down. Those who forced us to leave were those armed people, throwing bombs. Even the police had to flee,’ he said.

Nowhere in this world do authorities not clear the way for firefighters. Since late afternoon, no one ever cleared the way, just leaving it to burn like that,’ he said. http://www.prachatai3.info/english/node/3520

Edited by muttley
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Secretary General of the Public Disaster Relief Volunteer Association of Thailand, testified to the fact

Police Lieutenant-Colonel Chumphon Bunprayun, is probably not quite as biased or agenda-minded regarding "facts" as another more famous Police Lieutenant-Colonel in Dubai, but he might.

Another of the Red Shirt litigant's defense witness that testified, Police Major Sa-ngiam Samranrat, a local Red Shirt Leader in Chumphon province, could easily been even more tainted.

(same link as in preceding post )

Edited by Buchholz
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If only I could quote the BP or provide a link, it would be extremely satisfying to prove you wrong. As it is I'm content in the knowledge that the last defence witness, the advisor to the Central World Fire Protection and Secretary General of the Public Disaster Relief Volunteer Association of Thailand, testified to the fact that there were two fires, the earlier one started around 1.35pm and was extinguished.

He also mentioned

He said that during the time of the red-shirt rally at Ratchaprasong intersection, a safety and fire prevention plan was drawn up for Central World. The mall’s staff included a team of 25 full-time professional firefighters. It had all the facilities needed to deal with any fire incidents, in accordance with international standards, he said. http://www.prachatai3.info/english/node/3520

I don't know about how your 20 year history in a Shopping Mall Power Station fire team compares but it looks like they knew what to do in case of fire and how to recognise if there were two seperate fires or not. He continued:

He said that at about 7 pm his organization was requested by Central World to go to extinguish the fire, but the place was inaccessible as there was no guarantee of safety from the military. Not until 10 pm did firefighters manage to reach the place.

He said that all areas around the mall had already been in military control since the security staff left in late afternoon.

‘If our team had not been forced to leave, a fire of such a scale would have been of little concern. The buildings were fully equipped. The water supply was abundant. All three buildings were connected. The internal water pressure system was functional. If we had not been forced to leave, the mall would not have been burnt down. Those who forced us to leave were those armed people, throwing bombs. Even the police had to flee,’ he said.

Nowhere in this world do authorities not clear the way for firefighters. Since late afternoon, no one ever cleared the way, just leaving it to burn like that,’ he said. http://www.prachatai3.info/english/node/3520

Given they were forced to leave by people throwing bombs, they wouldn't have had time to fully extinguish the first fire. Fire fighters don't usually leave the scene so quickly after a fire as it will still be hot and could re-ignite.
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If only

Muttley, unsurprisingly at no point it the article you linked to it says there were two separate fires, not even that the fire started, without a shred of a doubt by Red Shirts, was completely extinguished at any time; in fact it quite clearly stated that CW firefighters were instructed to go back to stop the ongoing fire and were prevented from doing so by "armed people, throwing bombs", not "soldiers". "armed people, throwing bombs."

At no point in the protests did the army use explosives, not a single instance I'm aware of, the only explosive toting men where the Black Shirts within the Red Shirts.

You can't have your cake and it it too, either the army was in control of the shopping mall and firefighters could do their jobs or there were "armed people, throwing bombs" preventing them from doing so.

This of course overlooking the incontrovertible evidence of Red Shirts starting the fires in the first place, the dozens and dozens of other fires they started on that day and their preceding threats to burn down building months in advance to the final act.


Very nice summation.

Thank you.


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If only

Muttley, unsurprisingly at no point it the article you linked to it says there were two separate fires, not even that the fire started, without a shred of a doubt by Red Shirts, was completely extinguished at any time; in fact it quite clearly stated that CW firefighters were instructed to go back to stop the ongoing fire and were prevented from doing so by "armed people, throwing bombs", not "soldiers". "armed people, throwing bombs."

At no point in the protests did the army use explosives, not a single instance I'm aware of, the only explosive toting men where the Black Shirts within the Red Shirts.

You can't have your cake and it it too, either the army was in control of the shopping mall and firefighters could do their jobs or there were "armed people, throwing bombs" preventing them from doing so.

This of course overlooking the incontrovertible evidence of Red Shirts starting the fires in the first place, the dozens and dozens of other fires they started on that day and their preceding threats to burn down building months in advance to the final act.


Very nice summation.

Thank you.


".............This of course overlooking the incontrovertible evidence of Red Shirts starting the fires in the first place, ............"

No convictions, few arrests, 30,000 troops in the area, ccct everywhere, proper and professional fire precautions taken by building management, security teams in situ........the list goes on.

Do please show your incontrovertible evidence.

I am sure that a lot of red haters would grab at any hope of a conviction, of anybody.

And yet, so far none..............................

Incontrovertible, indeed.

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Incontrovertible, hyped up by UDD leaders and let down by UDD leaders. Showing both (alleged) planning and certain frustration at "go home, it's over". Withdrawing protesters leaving a trail of vandalized bank branches, 7/11's, ATMs, Phone booths and certainly less than 40 burning buildings. True no red-shirt managed to film their success at arson, but you know, enough circumstantial evidence of protesters setting fire to something or another. True no CCTV caught it, but those had been smashed before, or covered. Security forces still battling 'unarmed, peaceful protesters', fire brigade shot at by those lovely protesters.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, 30,000 troops in the area? Wow, mass deployment as means to fight urban terrorists. That's new. Did the troops also spread out nicely and keep the proper step while fighting off terrorists lobbing grenades, shooting, etc., etc.? Or did whole companies march ten abreast along Ratchadamri?

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If only

Muttley, unsurprisingly at no point it the article you linked to it says there were two separate fires, not even that the fire started, without a shred of a doubt by Red Shirts, was completely extinguished at any time; in fact it quite clearly stated that CW firefighters were instructed to go back to stop the ongoing fire and were prevented from doing so by "armed people, throwing bombs", not "soldiers". "armed people, throwing bombs."

At no point in the protests did the army use explosives, not a single instance I'm aware of, the only explosive toting men where the Black Shirts within the Red Shirts.

You can't have your cake and it it too, either the army was in control of the shopping mall and firefighters could do their jobs or there were "armed people, throwing bombs" preventing them from doing so.

This of course overlooking the incontrovertible evidence of Red Shirts starting the fires in the first place, the dozens and dozens of other fires they started on that day and their preceding threats to burn down building months in advance to the final act.


Very nice summation.

Thank you.


".............This of course overlooking the incontrovertible evidence of Red Shirts starting the fires in the first place, ............"

No convictions, few arrests, 30,000 troops in the area, ccct everywhere, proper and professional fire precautions taken by building management, security teams in situ........the list goes on.

Do please show your incontrovertible evidence.

I am sure that a lot of red haters would grab at any hope of a conviction, of anybody.

And yet, so far none..............................

Incontrovertible, indeed.

incontrovertible evidence of Red Shirts leaders urging (demanding) their supporters to burn these places in BKK, not to mention the entire country to the ground.


Never mind Rubi beat me to it.

Edited by metisdead
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".............This of course overlooking the incontrovertible evidence of Red Shirts starting the fires in the first place, ............"

No convictions, few arrests, 30,000 troops in the area, ccct everywhere, proper and professional fire precautions taken by building management, security teams in situ........the list goes on.

Do please show your incontrovertible evidence.

I am sure that a lot of red haters would grab at any hope of a conviction, of anybody.

And yet, so far none..............................

Incontrovertible, indeed.

30,000 troops in the area??? That's like saying there were a million protesters. I missed the photos of the 1.5 kilometer long line of soldiers 20 deep coming down Silom.

Did you forget all the photos of red shirts covering up all the CCTV cameras?

Sent from my Phone.

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Well, at least we know that we don't know. A few fires, non-identified snipers shooting at the fire brigade, the army holding them (i.e. the fire brigade) back.

Obviously the army was involved in the arson.

Now please excuse me, a discussion with Marvin the manically depressive robot seems like a better alternative.

It's not obvious that they were involved in the arson and nor did I say so, but more importantly, bearing in mind the tone of the posts over two years on this subject, amply demonstrated by your sarcastic posts like the one above, it is obvious that the authorities who have done so much to peddle "the red shirts did it" and some forum members to a certain extent, now ought to admit that they don't know who set the fire that was responsible for the burning down of Central World.

How about you tell us what the Arisman video does show?
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Yesterday's headline: cops are thwarted from doing a bust because of angry residents shouting, blocking the way, and throwing things.

May 2010 headline: Firefighters are thwarted from responding to a fire because of angry Red Shirts shouting, blocking the way, and throwing things.

Is it just me who observes anarchy ruling in Thailand? It appears authorities are too easily cowed from doing their duty when some people block their way. Or perhaps all official functions are heavily subjective. In other words, a cop does his duty if he feels right about the general mood at the scene of the crime. If he feels the scene is odd, he turns and goes away. Perhaps that's not too odd, in a country steeped in superstition.

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Yesterday's headline: cops are thwarted from doing a bust because of angry residents shouting, blocking the way, and throwing things.

May 2010 headline: Firefighters are thwarted from responding to a fire because of angry Red Shirts shouting, blocking the way, and throwing things.

Is it just me who observes anarchy ruling in Thailand? It appears authorities are too easily cowed from doing their duty when some people block their way. Or perhaps all official functions are heavily subjective. In other words, a cop does his duty if he feels right about the general mood at the scene of the crime. If he feels the scene is odd, he turns and goes away. Perhaps that's not too odd, in a country steeped in superstition.

Where did the dog go.

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Yesterday's headline: cops are thwarted from doing a bust because of angry residents shouting, blocking the way, and throwing things.

May 2010 headline: Firefighters are thwarted from responding to a fire because of angry Red Shirts shouting, blocking the way, and throwing things.

Is it just me who observes anarchy ruling in Thailand? It appears authorities are too easily cowed from doing their duty when some people block their way. Or perhaps all official functions are heavily subjective. In other words, a cop does his duty if he feels right about the general mood at the scene of the crime. If he feels the scene is odd, he turns and goes away. Perhaps that's not too odd, in a country steeped in superstition.

Where did the dog go.

Don't encourage him, he will be humping your leg soon lol

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Yesterday's headline: cops are thwarted from doing a bust because of angry residents shouting, blocking the way, and throwing things.

May 2010 headline: Firefighters are thwarted from responding to a fire because of angry Red Shirts shouting, blocking the way, and throwing things.

Is it just me who observes anarchy ruling in Thailand? It appears authorities are too easily cowed from doing their duty when some people block their way. Or perhaps all official functions are heavily subjective. In other words, a cop does his duty if he feels right about the general mood at the scene of the crime. If he feels the scene is odd, he turns and goes away. Perhaps that's not too odd, in a country steeped in superstition.

Where did the dog go.

Don't encourage him, he will be humping your leg soon lol


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