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Bang Sue Locals Stymie Police Attempt To Raid Casino


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I wonder what the qualifications are to be a police commando in this country? Evidently quite low..

Being absolutely spineless seems to be the overriding requirement.

Shouldn't be too hard on them, the 'commandos, they do what they are told to do. It is called chain of command. They have been given their ultimate objective and won't deviate from that until told to do so.

At least that is what normally happens elsewhere.................coffee1.gif

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It speaks volumes regarding the ;police force in Bangkok, 200 police commandos met with a fusillade of assorted domestic waste as missiles and they couldn't arrest anyone they couldn't even face up to the crowd, must have left their nappies and dummies at home I suppose ?

No snatch squads, no cameras available, no security surrounding the planning and briefing of personnel involved in this comedy turn ?

It smacks of corruption and let's be honest it's plain that the police are being paid off so as the influential casino owners can pay the local populace to form a militant domestic terrorist group that is intent on thwarting the implementation of the law such as it is here in Thailand.

Interesting to note the presence of a wanna be Bangkok Governor on the scene,It would seem he is incapable of running an efficient police force indeed we should be thankful he isn't in the governors seat

One would like to know what the dividend share out was like for both the local populace and of course the police too ?

hahahah, he was probably the one that took the payment trying to make up for all the ones he lost while running for governor, poor bastard, he has to get his bank account back up somehow.

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I find the constant mockery and condescension of any local news by members of this forum to be utterly boring and obnoxious. Please let us know the last time any of you tried to shut down people who allow murderers, money launderers and drug pushers to stay in business.

Oh, that's right, none of you ever did anything and you're all complete wastes of space. Carry on.

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"Although we couldn't arrest any gamblers this time, we believe we have sent our message across that we are seriously cracking down on gambling," said Maj-General Suthee Nenkantee, commander of Metropolitan Police Division 2.

The message being they are NOT seriously cracking down on anything, but that the guy who owns the place needs to pay them more so the raids stop for a while.

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I find the constant mockery and condescension of any local news by members of this forum to be utterly boring and obnoxious. Please let us know the last time any of you tried to shut down people who allow murderers, money launderers and drug pushers to stay in business.

Oh, that's right, none of you ever did anything and you're all complete wastes of space. Carry on.

Whilst I agree to a point, the mockery and condescension is generally deserved.

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This after being powerless against the phuket taxi mob, what sort of police force do they run here ? The only action I ever see from the police is one where they are just cash collectors.

These type of mob situations are just not in their training, poor guys those plastic bottles really hurt.

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I did read the article through its entirity, and just feel a bit of sick humor.

A goodly number of police were in the initial raid group. This group took to the rooftops and chopped their way into the casino.

During this journey of officers and patrolmen, two fell off the roof and were injured. Just a coincidence that they were a police major and a police captain . None of the patrolmen fell.

Wonder if anyone else remembers the word ' fragging ' ????


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OxfordWill, on 08 Apr 2013 - 13:07, said:

I find the constant mockery and condescension of any local news by members of this forum to be utterly boring and obnoxious. Please let us know the last time any of you tried to shut down people who allow murderers, money launderers and drug pushers to stay in business.

Oh, that's right, none of you ever did anything and you're all complete wastes of space. Carry on.

You fail to see the humor of a a police raid by 200 commandos on a casino that is not supposed to exist, and the said " commandos" being repelled by bottle throwing locals ??? Wow.....
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I find the constant mockery and condescension of any local news by members of this forum to be utterly boring and obnoxious. Please let us know the last time any of you tried to shut down people who allow murderers, money launderers and drug pushers to stay in business.

Oh, that's right, none of you ever did anything and you're all complete wastes of space. Carry on.

Problem is, those people are known as the BiB.

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I find the constant mockery and condescension of any local news by members of this forum to be utterly boring and obnoxious. Please let us know the last time any of you tried to shut down people who allow murderers, money launderers and drug pushers to stay in business.

Oh, that's right, none of you ever did anything and you're all complete wastes of space. Carry on.

More serious comments would probably be against forum rules or perhaps even downright illegal.

I'm glad for the commandos that Songkran hasn't started yet. I don't want to imagine the carnage if the local residents had already been ready with their high pressure water guns and dirty ice water buckets!

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I find the constant mockery and condescension of any local news by members of this forum to be utterly boring and obnoxious. Please let us know the last time any of you tried to shut down people who allow murderers, money launderers and drug pushers to stay in business.

Oh, that's right, none of you ever did anything and you're all complete wastes of space. Carry on.

Problem is, those people are known as the BiB.

Hahaha nice one. So I guess according to OxfordWill, as a civic duty we should be attempting to shut down the Thai police ??? :-)
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I find the constant mockery and condescension of any local news by members of this forum to be utterly boring and obnoxious. Please let us know the last time any of you tried to shut down people who allow murderers, money launderers and drug pushers to stay in business.

Oh, that's right, none of you ever did anything and you're all complete wastes of space. Carry on.

And your claim to fame is ...................... ? If you're bored there is a very easy solution for you,

A raid executed by 200 police "commandos" is driven off by local residents. This suggests go and no-go areas. Come on, the RTB are armed and there are some very "heavy" guys in their ranks. Someone made the decision to pull back - for whatever reasons, rather than provoke a confrontation. Many police forces would do the same in a similar situation in the pc world of today.

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I did read the article through its entirity, and just feel a bit of sick humor.

A goodly number of police were in the initial raid group. This group took to the rooftops and chopped their way into the casino.

During this journey of officers and patrolmen, two fell off the roof and were injured. Just a coincidence that they were a police major and a police captain . None of the patrolmen fell.

Wonder if anyone else remembers the word ' fragging ' ????


Yep - remember the word. But doubt any patrolmen hear would. It's too hierarchical for any one to show such intiative. wink.png

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the message is sent... maffia is controlling many parts of society

very nice job 200 commandos and cannot catch one person... well... who owns the building? who rented it?

was the BIB interfering ? was there any arrest of the trouble makers ?

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There are quite a few factors here to consider. One is that the public would show this level of disregard for the police. What does that say? I believe it says that the Thai public does not take the police, nor a staged raid of this sort seriously. That they would do an occasional raid, and make a big show of it, means nothing to the public. They consider the police to be hooligans, and a nuisance, and realize the police have little regard for their safety or welfare. The second point, is that there is a level of ineffectiveness, and a lack of talent, on the part of these keystone cops, that is scary. If you can not pull off a small casino raid, what does this say about one of the least effective police forces in the world? Just that.

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As an retired cop I have to say i would have been embarrassed to take part in a press conference like that and say things like " message sent " and " seriously cracking down ". I have no great respect for BIB and although they proved it's easy for them to botch things i have to wonder if there was more to it.

In the force I served in their would have been serious questions asked and repercussions for such a foul up but TIT.

This being Thailand, I suspect the serious questions would have come HAD they arrested someone; that would be bad for future business, both for the casino operators, and the police conspirators.

Your assertion that you wonder if there was 'more to it' is likely completely correct. I truly believe the RTP can get things done, if the will is there. Sadly, the will is often graft instead of true law enforcement, and this story is a case in point.

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If such a large number of the general public could gather in such a short time to actively oppose police enforcing the anti-gambling laws, then it seems like strong indication that these laws are pretty unpopular. Maybe they need to be reformed. Continued enforcement of them is likely to put the police even more offside with the public.

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Am I alone in suffering from Deja Vu? I seem to remember this happening before, but can't recall if it's the same "invisible" casino.

Anyone else have a better memory?

My memory is fine but only goes back so far as the first time I remember reading about failed raids on gambling dens in Bang Sue district was back in the early 1980s and Trink was still being published each week in the Bangkok Post.

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I did read the article through its entirity, and just feel a bit of sick humor.

A goodly number of police were in the initial raid group. This group took to the rooftops and chopped their way into the casino.

During this journey of officers and patrolmen, two fell off the roof and were injured. Just a coincidence that they were a police major and a police captain . None of the patrolmen fell.

Wonder if anyone else remembers the word ' fragging ' ????


I remember fragging, a fast solution to an ongoing problem. This seems more like defenestration, an older but similar solution.

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200 commandos storm the place and not only do they not arrest anyone, but they are pushed back by the people inside with bottles.

Keystone cops at its finest. They honestly need to make a new word for Thai police, because they are the furthest thing from it. Clowns with guns and tight clothes. That's all they are.

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Commando??? Stop using this term if you can't even handle such a simple task. You are ruining the meaning of the word. And don't resent when your senior officer calls you "k- - - ii"!!!

Very good point. I thought that term denoted skill and tactics. How about the goombah squad? Or the 200 stooges? Or the clown patrol? Or the guys who could not. Or the small brain squad. Or the gutless wonders?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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