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Foreign Mother, Thai Father Any Financial Help From Gov?


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Hi there,

Please, help me with information. I am foreigner, who had a child with Thai man. We are not married, but baby have his registration and last name. All documents are in Thai, so I have no idea to whom baby legally belongs. To make a long story short, my Thai man and I struggling in relationship and I am thinking on leaving him, because he is broke and he cannot support me or baby. His family is helping but that is not a solution. I am not working, and we are hardly surviving. Question is - is there any government association for child support or any financial aid we can apply? Or maybe some foreigner organization? Please, any answer is more than welcome....

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I'm sorry to be the first to reply with no help for you.

I wish there was a safety net available but I think there is none in Thailand.

I certainly wish only the best of luck for both you and your child.

Have you gone to your local Ampure to see if you can get any assistance?

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The baby belongs to you, as you are not married the father can only become the legal father if he goes to court and the court agrees he is the father of the child.

Not aware of any child support in Thailand, I believe there are tax benefits.

Not having enough money can seriously strain a relationship and the only way out is for one of you to find a decent job.


Can you please offer the OP any suggestion as to how she or her "S.O." can find a decent job in Thailand??

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There is no benefits system and unless your partner was legally declared the father in court you are not entitled to child support (yes it does exist and family courts will issue an order for it so long as the father is considered legally the father).

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Those who pay into the government health insurance get 450 baht a month per child under 7 years of age.

My wife is from Issan and she has brothers, sisters and other relatives who have families. The pattern I see is

they will dump the children and babies on a relative who is working on a farm and the husband/wife seek out

work. If there was government money for children, I'm sure they would be collecting.

Since, the mother is from a foreign country maybe her country offers child assistance. Maybe her embassy

can guide and assist her.

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The best you can do for now is to contact your embassy or
consulate to see if your child is able to receive any sort of support. I
know you may not have the funds but you should also get translations of any
Thai documents your child has so as to be sure as to what they say. Your
embassy will most likely want to see the translations. Next you need to
get a passport from your home country for your child so that he/she can be recognized
as a citizen and to give you the option to return home with him/her. The
child must have a passport to go anywhere out of Thailand.

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I am not a Thai Lawyer. Thai support there is none. You can go to a temple and get food. I suggest you go to your embassy. They wont help either but, let you use the phone. Call home ask relative or friend send money for ticket. You and the baby. Go home. Apply for benefits your home country. Sorry I'm telling it like it is.

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Legally, as in "within the laws applicable in Thailand".... Obviously the OP is not sure about the legal status as her baby is born from a relationship involving 2 nationalities, Thai and Foreign, where the mother is the foreigner and as such asking for clarification on said legal status of her child.

Edited by sbk
quoted removed flame taken out
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As mentioned by others, there's a couple of things you could do:

1. Call your embassy and ask if they have information and/or support programs.

2. Contact your local temple and/or Woman/Children Organizations

3. Check your local hospital for information.

Wish you and your baby good luck.

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my understanding ,if you are from the UK and the farther is thai ,you have birth certifecate with both your names ,the baby can have a thai and british passport ,and will need a passport for the baby to leave thailand ,on what visa are you on to stay in thailand ,thailand can be great if you have money ,not so good with out money ,thats the same world over ,only help you can get in thailand is from friends ,but i am sure your local people will help with day to day food ,more than can be said in the west

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I agree with many of the other posts. You need to contact your embassy/consulate and see how/if they can help you...at least call home. I would be happy to translate your baby's birth certificate from Thai to English for free, if that would help. You can contact me at the email address in the attached file. Best of luck to you.EMAIL ADDRESS.txt

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I think it would be quite difficult for the OP to work "legally" in Thailand. Christ, it's hard enough for expats who are skilled to find any kind of work here (which is funny since my company struggles to find Thais willing to work)

I can only suggest OP puts her baby first and head back home (depending OP's home country and her circumstances)

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I think it would be quite difficult for the OP to work "legally" in Thailand. Christ, it's hard enough for expats who are skilled to find any kind of work here (which is funny since my company struggles to find Thais willing to work)

I can only suggest OP puts her baby first and head back home (depending OP's home country and her circumstances)

I wish the best for the baby. It is totally innocent.smile.png

My second best wishes are for the mother. She has at least partially contributed to the situation.sad.png

The response from the members here is quite good, considering the shortage of information provided by OP.clap2.gif

Any more detailed advice depends on information OP is not willing to provide. She states father is Thai. She repeatedly ignores requests to state her nationality. A lot depends on this. I mean she can be from any part of the world. West is best for the baby. Laos, Cambodja, Burma, Thailand - not so good for the baby. I am speaking here solely from the point of view of Social Security support.

What about the Legal position of OP? If she is illegal in Thailand she can be thrown out without the baby born here. If she tries to procure foreign papers for the baby here, in Thailand - she hands in to the father a weapon that could be turned against her taking the baby out. After all, the baby is Thai. The situation is more grim than not having money just nowrolleyes.gif As to the food - any WAT will provide. From this point alone she is better off in Thailand than in the West.

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Thailand - she hands in to the father a weapon that could be turned against her taking the baby out. After all, the baby is Thai.

they are not married, therefore the father has no legal rights to the child.

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Thailand - she hands in to the father a weapon that could be turned against her taking the baby out. After all, the baby is Thai.

they are not married, therefore the father has no legal rights to the child.

Can the baby still get Thai citizenship if the father has no legal rights?

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Thailand - she hands in to the father a weapon that could be turned against her taking the baby out. After all, the baby is Thai.

they are not married, therefore the father has no legal rights to the child.

Can the baby still get Thai citizenship if the father has no legal rights?

To get Thai citizenship it must be established who the father is and that the father is Thai, that would automatically make him the legal father.

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  • 5 months later...

Guys, Thanks for reply, I was just asking if is possible to get any gov help.......but I had a bunch of judging instead......No, I will not discover my nationality, but for those who like to know better, no I am not Asian, or Russian ,,,,,,,,,,,,, who get stuck in situation......Thanks, and please, don't reply.........no 'help' needed....:)

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Thailand - she hands in to the father a weapon that could be turned against her taking the baby out. After all, the baby is Thai.

they are not married, therefore the father has no legal rights to the child.

Can the baby still get Thai citizenship if the father has no legal rights?

It looks like YES

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Thailand - she hands in to the father a weapon that could be turned against her taking the baby out. After all, the baby is Thai.

they are not married, therefore the father has no legal rights to the child.

Can the baby still get Thai citizenship if the father has no legal rights?

It looks like YES

Yes, with a paternity suit the court will establish if he is the father and that will make him the legal father of the child and thus the child will have Thai nationality also, and the father can be required to pay child maintenance.

Him becoming the legal father does not automatically means he will get parental rights, that is a seperate step.

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