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A Small Humor

The Snark

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A marked police truck parked illegally in front of a hospital.

-The traffic police locked the wheel of the police truck.

--Somebody got a picture of the locked vehicle.

---The picture was published...

----...in a comic book.

-----It won the fail award in a contest.

And the humor is... keep in mind when you head to immigration that all those officials are just another branch of the wonderful Thai police.

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So the cop with the truck has to give the traffic cop 40b to take off the clamp.

Then the one with the truck tells the traffic cop to pay him back the 40b or he will arrest him for (dealing yaba, throwing a cigarette butt on the ground, etc)

A win-win situation, everybody gets their palm crossed. Zero-sum outcome, but shhh...

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I too failed to find the humor at first while my Thai spouse giggled away. But then I sank back to the strange condition of understanding the Thai culture. Farangs make the mistake, quite understandably, of thinking Thais take care of business in a somewhat professional capacity. They fail to realize that isn't even in the Thai agenda. They are emulating real world functionality while going about their lives as they did several hundred years ago. Theo only change is the modern amenities, most of which don't quite work right.

As you find yourself in interminable lines or faced with insurmountable obstructionism while trying to get the simplest thing accomplished, always keep in mind this is the best Thailand can do. The best they have to offer. A farce. A joke in your face. And the most hair pulling ready to scream and throw in the towel messes they create and maintain that drive farangs bats are all part of the small humor. They aren't taking anything seriously. A bunch of kids with authority on a massive collective sugar rush.

The difference is when the Thai gets home from work they chuckle about the chaos while farangs go around kicking the cats and yelling at the kids. Mai pen rai, mai som chai. Get with the program. Can farangs learn Thai? Sure! When you find yourself giggling instead of fighting down the urge to strangle someone you are half way there. And half way to a rubber room if you don't learn to relax and go with the flow.


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