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Enforcement Of Thai Debts On My Way Out?

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From Post #254 above:

Others believe that the whole concept of property itself is the fundamental crime of modern civilisation - I wouldn't go so far, but it certainly is at the foundation of our destruction of the ecosystem.

Such theories about property are usually advanced by those who do not have any.


But anyone who's mastered Logic 101 knows that proper evaluation of the validity of a position requires ignoring the identity of its advocate, including your opinions as to their motives or "morality".

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I've read all 11 pages of this thread over the course of the day & clicked on two advertising/sponsor's websites. I'm now seriously considering prices of modular homes in Thailand and a holiday in the Phillipines.

HA ! the system works.


Excellent, I think both the topic domains you've cited are well supported by the content generated here.


Geez according to yet another post on another thread the op has caoxed his ex wife to take out a loan using her land as collaterall,all the time telling her he will pay back the interest on the loan


Actually she approached me with the idea nearly a year ago, not of her going along but just offering to pay for the tickets in the interest of the kids getting a better education.

I haven't "caoxed" her into anything, she's a big girl now and pretty darn smart.

If she ends up marrying a wealthy neighbor of my mum's she'll be well ahead - and BTW in that scenario she agrees not to hold me to either repaying the loan nor her salary.

However her younger sister (currently doing very well in Norway thanks very much) tells me she thinks it's all a plot to just get back together with me, that she's never stopped loving me but knows I'd never accept our living together if I knew that was her intention.

Go figure, mai mee krai loo anakot, no one can predict the future, just have to play it out one step at a time.


I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.

I learn by going where I have to go.

-- Theodore Roethke


So youve messed up your own life, kids life is gonna be messed up and now your gonna drag their mothers life down,what a guy you must be so proud of yourself,i bet your poor mother who must be in her 80s to 90s must be looking forward to having you back,what a joke you are a 50+ year old guy messed his life up now you have to go running home to mummy un believeable how some people live there life or dont in this case.

Im really dont believe all this anyway, but its fun to play along

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


From Post #254 above:

Others believe that the whole concept of property itself is the fundamental crime of modern civilisation - I wouldn't go so far, but it certainly is at the foundation of our destruction of the ecosystem.

Such theories about property are usually advanced by those who do not have any.


But anyone who's mastered Logic 101 knows that proper evaluation of the validity of a position requires ignoring the identity of its advocate, including your opinions as to their motives or "morality".

Yes, I'll agree. Theories on the nature of property should properly be evaluated without regards to that they are being advanced by a soon-to-be common crook... So sue me.


I bet your poor mother who must be in her 80s to 90s must be looking forward to having you back


It's true the prospect is causing her great stress, but I will do my best to ensure it works out well for her too.

Having baby grandkids around - in appropriate dosages of course, but they really are perfectly behaved, full of love's light shining from their blessed hearts 24x7 - will IMO be therapeutic more than being an imposition.

And we will be living in a separate poolhouse up the road from her, so only intruding on her privacy when she wants to use the sauna/hot tub.


jesus i to find myself agreeing with mr.w.you have done a lot of criticising of tv members in your short time with us,so knowing what can happen to anyone farang or thai if they do a runner when owing money to a thai someone will have to pay wether you like it or not[more than likely you wont like it] if you do manage to get out of the country unscathed you better not come back.you say you will pay every satang back well dont forget to add the interest,just wonder how many more do you owe money to.people like you make me angry you get married knowing full well it cant last and bring children into this world i just hope your x-wf.finds someone she can trust.so have a good journey home and dont come back.sorry i am being so harsh but you deserve it.


Thanks for your concern and good wishes for my family.

I hadn't planned to get married nor indeed to have more children - I have a first set from nearly forty years ago, my grandkids with that crop are older than my new ones.

But these things happen, and I chose to do the right thing and married my GF when she got pregnant, since she was terrified of the karma/ghost consequences of getting an abortion even though safe ones are easily and cheaply available here.

In fact the ex-wife has agreed to accompany us back home and look after the kids because she's just as concerned for their welfare as I am. We won't be husband and wife anymore but will do our best to live together in harmony as best we can for their sake.

I can't say I'm looking forward to it, but at least I will be able to look for full-time work paying as well as possible - most likely a 90+ minute commute away from my mum's house - rather than being stuck living at home on handouts having no one to look after the kids, trying to make do on online work-from-home or part-time work only while they're in school.

She has matured a lot over the years and has spent many months since we divorced training in the temples learning meditation, so most likely - I'm hoping - she'll be able to control her tendency toward fits of rage and even occasional violence.

Prayers and blessings from those inclined not just now but in the coming months would be most appreciated.

The last four paragraphs in your post read like a disaster waiting to happen. Really.

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Please stop i cant stop laughing i love the way you keep throwing tit bits in to keep the trolling running along, i do feel sorry for trolls its sad life they lead sitting at their laptop all day obviously have no friends living in a fantasy world of there own, as said its quite sad how some individuals lives end up,i honestly think you need to make an appointment with someone in the medical proffession

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


So youve messed up your own life, kids life is gonna be messed up and now your gonna drag their mothers life down,what a guy you must be so proud of yourself,i bet your poor mother who must be in her 80s to 90s must be looking forward to having you back,what a joke you are a 50+ year old guy messed his life up now you have to go running home to mummy un believeable how some people live there life or dont in this case. Im really dont believe all this anyway, but its fun to play along Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

In most of the world's more normal societies, the elderly love to have their children and grand-children living with them.

In Thailand it is the norm for many generations to live in the same home, or at least on the same plot of land.

Our western society is particularly twisted where the elderly are often forced to live alone or in care homes.

It appears to me their uncaring and unloving selfish children are the ones insisting they enjoy that solitary life.

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admit you are a troll otherwise fantasies blow out of proportion


I just showed this topic to my wife an told her to read mainly the posts from FunFon she sat and read them for about 30 mins then stood up walked to the door where she turned looked at me and said "i hope his landlady cuts off his b*lls with a rusty unsharp knife" maybe another post for the cute little things thai girls say thread......



Geekfreaklover, on 14 Apr 2013 - 15:39, said:

FunFon, on 12 Apr 2013 - 10:50, said:

Thanks for your concern and good wishes for my family.

I hadn't planned to get married nor indeed to have more children - I have a first set from nearly forty years ago, my grandkids with that crop are older than my new ones.

But these things happen, and I chose to do the right thing and married my GF when she got pregnant, since she was terrified of the karma/ghost consequences of getting an abortion even though safe ones are easily and cheaply available here.

In fact the ex-wife has agreed to accompany us back home and look after the kids because she's just as concerned for their welfare as I am. We won't be husband and wife anymore but will do our best to live together in harmony as best we can for their sake.

I can't say I'm looking forward to it, but at least I will be able to look for full-time work paying as well as possible - most likely a 90+ minute commute away from my mum's house - rather than being stuck living at home on handouts having no one to look after the kids, trying to make do on online work-from-home or part-time work only while they're in school.

She has matured a lot over the years and has spent many months since we divorced training in the temples learning meditation, so most likely - I'm hoping - she'll be able to control her tendency toward fits of rage and even occasional violence.

Prayers and blessings from those inclined not just now but in the coming months would be most appreciated.

The last four paragraphs in your post read like a disaster waiting to happen. Really.


I appreciate and share your concern, but to be honest the other alternatives are all so grim as to make the risk worthwhile.

The second-best solution - my returning home to live as a single father without any help with the kids - is actually the fallback position of the current plan anyway.

My mum's trying to locate an attorney to help with something like a pre-nup to try to make sure she doesn't end up being able to claim we're de-facto re-married and therefore entitled to custody or alimony down the road. If necessary I'll live in the house with the kids and have their mother only come to the house during the day while I'm at work, but so far it doesn't seem such drastic step would be necessary.

Note that she was only actually physically violent a few times in four years of our living together, the screaming rage-fits in front of the kids were the primary reason I let her go rather than actually fearing for my life.


Please stop i cant stop laughing i love the way you keep throwing tit bits in to keep the trolling running along, i do feel sorry for trolls its sad life they lead sitting at their laptop all day obviously have no friends living in a fantasy world of there own, as said its quite sad how some individuals lives end up,i honestly think you need to make an appointment with someone in the medical proffession Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I'm so happy my life is providing you with entertainment, feel free to enjoy without qualms on me.

But if you think I'm making any of this up think again, I'm afraid it's all as

True as steel, as plantage to the moon,

As sun to day, as turtle to her mate,

As iron to adamant, as earth to the centre.

—William Shakespeare


You really think I'd bother making all this up, maintaining consistency would be pretty hard wouldn't it?


... Wesley Snipes is in the final months of a 4-year jail s

He is out and about now. 2 years served

and currently under house arrest for a few more months... it ain't over yet

I stand corrected - according to Wikipedia, he was released on April 2 - clearly, it was a conditional release. My original point wasnt the actual sentence - it was the fact that he went to jail while other high profile Americans charged with considerably more heinous crimes did not, We all know to whom I refer - one is now dead and the other finally got what was coming to him, so I guess nature served up some justice in the end. Hopefully, Snipes will bounce back - he may not be the world'd finest Thespian but if they can get audiences to watch Arnie and Sly leaping out of helicopters at 65+, surely there's room for a guy who still has his own teeth ;)


AnotherOneAmerican, on 14 Apr 2013 - 15:42, said:

In most of the world's more normal societies, the elderly love to have their children and grand-children living with them.

In Thailand it is the norm for many generations to live in the same home, or at least on the same plot of land.

Our western society is particularly twisted where the elderly are often forced to live alone or in care homes.

It appears to me their uncaring and unloving selfish children are the ones insisting they enjoy that solitary life.


My mum did make me promise when I was a teenager that if she needed me I'd return home to take care of her, she's always had a huge phobia about death, and only a little less so of being institutionalised (which she has been due to mental health issues in the past).

For the past five years she's had nurses living with her 24x7, fortunately my dad (passed away some years ago) had excellent insurance through his union.

At each instance of crisis in the past couple of decades - cancer, strokes etc - I've asked if she wants us to come back and she's declined, I think (hope) mostly from a desire to not inconvenience me (kreng jai), but also I'm sure out of fear of change, what the neighbors will say etc. Plus due to her original culture growing up she's got deep-seated racism issues may also be a factor.

So we'll see, but of course I'll be doing whatever I can to make sure our presence ends up being a net positive for her, do my best to overcome her fears.


Geekfreaklover, on 14 Apr 2013 - 15:39, said:

FunFon, on 12 Apr 2013 - 10:50, said:

Thanks for your concern and good wishes for my family.

I hadn't planned to get married nor indeed to have more children - I have a first set from nearly forty years ago, my grandkids with that crop are older than my new ones.

But these things happen, and I chose to do the right thing and married my GF when she got pregnant, since she was terrified of the karma/ghost consequences of getting an abortion even though safe ones are easily and cheaply available here.

In fact the ex-wife has agreed to accompany us back home and look after the kids because she's just as concerned for their welfare as I am. We won't be husband and wife anymore but will do our best to live together in harmony as best we can for their sake.

I can't say I'm looking forward to it, but at least I will be able to look for full-time work paying as well as possible - most likely a 90+ minute commute away from my mum's house - rather than being stuck living at home on handouts having no one to look after the kids, trying to make do on online work-from-home or part-time work only while they're in school.

She has matured a lot over the years and has spent many months since we divorced training in the temples learning meditation, so most likely - I'm hoping - she'll be able to control her tendency toward fits of rage and even occasional violence.

Prayers and blessings from those inclined not just now but in the coming months would be most appreciated.

The last four paragraphs in your post read like a disaster waiting to happen. Really.


I appreciate and share your concern, but to be honest the other alternatives are all so grim as to make the risk worthwhile.

The second-best solution - my returning home to live as a single father without any help with the kids - is actually the fallback position of the current plan anyway.

My mum's trying to locate an attorney to help with something like a pre-nup to try to make sure she doesn't end up being able to claim we're de-facto re-married and therefore entitled to custody or alimony down the road. If necessary I'll live in the house with the kids and have their mother only come to the house during the day while I'm at work, but so far it doesn't seem such drastic step would be necessary.

Note that she was only actually physically violent a few times in four years of our living together, the screaming rage-fits in front of the kids were the primary reason I let her go rather than actually fearing for my life.

What sort of effect do you think that plan will have on the children?

And what are the ex's true motives?

If I were you I would leave the kids with your nanny in Thailand. Go back and sort yourself out financially and return in a few months to collect them.

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From Post #284: ...maintaining consistency would be pretty hard wouldn't it?

What I find the most consistent is no talk at all of what visa the gent now has. Some guy asked about that at Post #150 and there has been consistently no response. He isn't married, he isn't working, he hasn't mentioned having 400K in the bank for an extension based on his kids, nor traveling to a border for a visa run to get a new 90 days on a multiple-entry tourist visa, and also no talk of having 20K baht to pay for an overstay at BKK when he makes his surreptitious exit.

But the ex-sister-in-law in Norway was certainly a good plot twister.


mad mary, any chance you could troll somewhere else, pls ? We 'narks' are venting our spleens, sure, but how many of us would have allowed ourselves to get in this deep over 12 freaking months ?

(I believe the terms is actually 'narcs', as in narcotics, as in DEA, but I guess you have your own interpretation)

Narks=snitches mate. wink.png

And the bad guys never snitch on each other, right?


To the OP: I don't see anywhere here where you're willing to sacrifice one bit for this lady ... even to the extent of worrying about losing what you yourself describe as junk. Also, you know full well that in the past year you could have easily given your land lady a bit of money .... even a small bit here and there would have at least shown a bit of manhood .... and yet you gave zero.

This also sets a terrible example for your children .... one they're very likely to follow later in life.

What have you been doing for the past year? Hanging out ... or actually making an effort to create a responsible life for your family??? Fortunately life smacks us in the ass sometimes and if we have at least a bit of good in us we can take that opportunity to man up. Sometimes you have to crash hard on the bottom before you can make it to the top. Maybe you can now see what you're really made of. Good luck.


If I were you I would leave the kids with your nanny in Thailand. Go back and sort yourself out financially and return in a few months to collect them.


If I thought things would sort out that quickly, even six months I might consider such a plan, but I'm afraid it may well take a lot longer than that and I'm just not willing to leave them that long - also with the ex-in-laws, the nanny unfortunately isn't really capable of being responsible on her own, even if I thought so she wouldn't be willing to take the responsibility and their mum would certainly take custody of them anyway.

I honestly think her motives are good and as I said she's much more calm and mature now. If things were to break down between us over there, worse case I put her on a plane back here or whatever and at least the kids and I have the continuity together as a solid family unit as we've been since their birth.

And absolute worse case scenario, both their parents hit by a bus at least they're in a civilised country surrounded by supportive infrastructure and relatively wealthy and intelligent family members.

I've also just found out the wife of a good friend of mine - he lives near me over there but left her and his kids over here - might be willing to go over as well now that we're going and would very much like to share the (very large) house with us and help share the caregiving arrangements. Their daughters are the same age range as my kids, and this might very well work out, he's said he'd chip in for the utilities and living expenses maybe even a bit of rent for mum. Plus his wife is 20+ years older than my ex and from a higher class of family, probably be a good influence. Shades of it takes a village. . .


no talk of having 20K baht to pay for an overstay at BKK


I've raise that issue and covered it in a previous incarnation, so no reason irrelevant to address it in this thread.

But I've budgeted for it with my support group.


But the ex-sister-in-law in Norway was certainly a good plot twister.


She's found out she can't have kids, so has kindly offered to adopt them there. I told her she'd have to adopt me too, good for a laugh since she's nearly a third my age thumbsup.gif

She's making 200K THB per month working in a food research lab, and her husband pulls 4x that as manager at a salmon farming outfit, and Norway's right up there at the top of nearly every list of countries by quality of life by every measure, so it's sure nice to have that as a fallback option. Only downside is those very long dark winters. . .


HerbalEd, on 14 Apr 2013 - 18:10, said:

To the OP: I don't see anywhere here where you're willing to sacrifice one bit for this lady ... even to the extent of worrying about losing what you yourself describe as junk. Also, you know full well that in the past year you could have easily given your land lady a bit of money .... even a small bit here and there would have at least shown a bit of manhood .... and yet you gave zero.


I realize it's a lot of reading but it's been at least a half-dozen times I've made it clear here that I've been paying 130% of the nominal rent right on the dot for the past eight months as we agreed once she realized how big the backlog had gotten over the previous three years.

And I've worked for more than twenty different schools and many more private clients for that, some online work editing for translation firms, some webdev work etc etc. Some months have made 60K, others, like the last two less than 20, toward the end have often had less than 5-10K after covering the rent for everything else for a household of 7 - a few months ago was 12 mouths to feed.

So no, haven't been sitting around, except for most recently since I decided to pull the plug and head home.


^ n the OP Waitng for paperwork on the kids

Well FF, you put up with a lot of crap, crap that seems to be noting but trolling, from some posters here in a calm and collected manner. Good luck, and I'll say again , don't let the kids get out of your care.


12 pages, over 48 hours and you still aren't on a plane. Hmm .....


As I've said many times, it'll be at least a month maybe two, can't get a new passport nor take care of the complex issues wrt the ex-wife overnight. . .


Well you put up with a lot of crap from some posters here in a calm and collected manner. Good luck, and I'll say again , don't let the kids get out of your care.


Thanks much, and you're right that has certainly been priority #1 in my book all along.

I plan to get certified English translations of the documents she signed wrt my having sole custody and giving up all parental rights under Thai law, and get her to sign those again before we leave.

I have nightmares about her next husband being one of those real shark divorce/litigation attorneys in my mum's home jurisdiction. She is that intelligent, unfortunately that's a weak part of my taste in SO's. . .


12 pages, over 48 hours and you still aren't on a plane. Hmm .....


As I've said many times, it'll be at least a month maybe two, can't get a new passport nor take care of the complex issues wrt the ex-wife overnight. . .


> Well you put up with a lot of crap from some posters here in a calm and collected manner. Good luck, and I'll say again , don't let the kids get out of your care.


Thanks much, and you're right that has certainly been priority #1 in my book all along.

I plan to get certified English translations of the documents she signed wrt my having sole custody and giving up all parental rights under Thai law, and get her to sign those again before we leave.

I have nightmares about her next husband being one of those real shark divorce/litigation attorneys in my mum's home jurisdiction. She is that intelligent, unfortunately that's a weak part of my taste in SO's. . .

Why are you still here feeding this thread - go out and earn some money to help your family. You aren't making money by feeding the TV barstool warriors...

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