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Enforcement Of Thai Debts On My Way Out?


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That's only 1 though j brain in his reply he says he previously had other handles that implies more than 1 ,I personally think he is using two different names at present

Aye , I reckon it is some kind of boiler room effort , or maybe just an evil genius .

He'll be telling TV next he doesn't actually live in a house after all but has a secret lair in an extinct volcano .

Edited by onionluke
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I have never used more than one handle concurrently.

I haven't accepted any help from TV members other than advice and moral support from a few.

Many more have expressed a strong desire to see harm done to me and mine, and some have implied threats to help with such.

I see nothing wrong with setting up a wager with all those expressing disbelief in my veracity to be paid directly to my landlady, but it seems that's not possible without putting me and my family at further risk.

Therefore I will refrain from compounding my foolishness in exposing myself further in areas that could be used against me.

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I have never used more than one handle concurrently.

I haven't accepted any help from TV members other than advice and moral support from a few.

Many more have expressed a strong desire to see harm done to me and mine, and some have implied threats to help with such.

I see nothing wrong with setting up a wager with all those expressing disbelief in my veracity to be paid directly to my landlady, but it seems that's not possible without putting me and my family at further risk.

Therefore I will refrain from compounding my foolishness in exposing myself further in areas that could be used against me.

How can you setup a wager if you have no rent money, get your priorities right.

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How can you setup a wager if you have no rent money, get your priorities right.


Don't know how, just would like to see all those that can't believe this is all truth stranger than fiction, help contribute to the cause, would be nice irony that's all.

Or those who can't believe the debt will be paid after I've returned home, just to see their (lack of) faith in human nature rewarded.

Wouldn't let these interests interfere though you're right, keep my eye on the prize.

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I would like to apologize to you for a post I made to you for which I received a weeks suspension,which was fair enough the mods decision was correct.I to would like to ask do you have a definate date when you will leave

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I would like to apologize to you for a post I made to you for which I received a weeks suspension,which was fair enough the mods decision was correct.I to would like to ask do you have a definate date when you will leave


All forgiven in fact completely forgotten, water off a duck's back.

No I need to wait for travel documents to be in order, my pro-bono lawyer friend's going to try to get the kids' passports expedited at the embassy, offered free document translations, "post-nup" agreement with the ex regarding my sold custody, etc but he's not back from his holiday for a few more days.

Also ex's finances to be finalized - she's selling a couple of businesses rather than leaving them in employee's hands, as I said current ETD is around a month. Since the current plan is to carry on as normal with the landlord will need to waste another month's rent on current status rather than being able to apply it toward the backlog, but it seems a necessary precaution as hashed over ad nauseum above.

First lot of bridging money's come through from my supporters, so paying off the maid her back rent, electricity's back on will handle other small debts carefully once the passports are in process.

Thanks for your concern, will update here as things progress, to the extent possible given that some have clearly expressed a desire to see harm come to me and mine. . .

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Courtesy SamuiForSale.com :

The post-nuptial concept between husband and wife is in principle NOT recognized or legally binding under Thai law. However, a prenuptial agreement or Thai pre-nup marriage contract made before the marriage can be altered under the section property between husband and wife in the Thailand Civil and Commercial Code during the marriage.

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Courtesy SamuiForSale.com :

The post-nuptial concept between husband and wife is in principle NOT recognized or legally binding under Thai law. However, a prenuptial agreement or Thai pre-nup marriage contract made before the marriage can be altered under the section property between husband and wife in the Thailand Civil and Commercial Code during the marriage.


Why I put it in quotes.

I'm all done and dusted as of four years ago as far as Thailand goes, 100% sole custody, mother's signed away all parental rights under Thai law I can leave the country put them up for adoption whatever without consulting her.

The problem is by taking up residence together in my mum's jurisdiction over time there is a possibility that she may be accruing rights as my de-facto and have the ability to threaten me with legal action there at some point in the future, assuming I will return to solvency and maybe even a comfortable level of wealth down the road.

The lawyer has said he'll work pro bono along with another with specific knowledge of that jurisdiction's family laws, to see if we can come up with something for her to sign along with the certified translation of the Thai documents she's already signed in the past to give me an additional level of comfort and maybe even some real protection.

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Well as you say Pro Bono so at least you're getting your money's worth. If the USA then they would be calling your potential problem 'palimony'.

I think you will find that in most jurisdictions including most likely your mystery jurisdiction that agreements will not be enforced by any court unless their is some quid pro quo. The agreement as you describe above seems to be all in your favor. She has even sold several businesses in Thailand to support your escape repatriation. You might think what she might get out of it all in exchange for signing away significant potential rights per any such agreement as your p-b lawyers might conjure.

Edited by JLCrab
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Well, she's gaining the opportunity to become qualified to get an education and work in a first-world country even become a citizen if she sticks around, not to mention that she's likely to catch a very wealthy husband particularly in that neighborhood.

But somehow I don't think that's wise to put into writing is it. . .

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From what you've posted elsewhere, she already has a 10 year multi-entry Visa to the mystery country and as of today has more money than you do and a wealthy sister in Norway. So on what basis would she sign away rights to your potential estate as you have described?

If she wanted to, she could go to said country tomorrow without you and do just fine without having to tell potential millionaire husbands that Oh, I'm just staying with that guy up the road.

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No, her visa is based on accompanying her children (and therefore me). And she'd never be able to manage on her own anyway as she is at the moment, wouldn't last a week. She'll be fine after a year or two though. . .

I have promised that it will be made clear to everyone there that we're no longer married nor sleeping together. I may even have her sleep in another house wait and see what the situation is when we get there.

As to on what basis, just because she's already promised to not seek anything more from me, she'd just be re-affirming commitments she's already made. I'd also put in writing her compensation arrangements for caretaking the children, with a low stated minimum and later as a percentage of my income up to a generous ceiling as my income rises. Right now she's leaving that part on trust, but would prefer something in writing.

Of course I'd also want a commitment that she'll stick around to help with the kids for at least a couple of years. . .

Edited by FunFon
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My son's currently obsessed with archery, need to find him a cut-down longbox for our assault on New York.

Actually I think Being There's a better fit for my situation. . .

Life. . . is a state of mind.

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From Post #86 Not relevant in our situation, she's got a long-term multi-entry tourist visa, but since she's changed her name will need to get it transferred to a new passport, hoping that will be straightforward.

There is no country that issues a long-term multi-entry tourist visa that is conditioned upon and only valid for entry when accompanied by dependent children who are nationals of said country.

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From Post #86 Not relevant in our situation, she's got a long-term multi-entry tourist visa, but since she's changed her name will need to get it transferred to a new passport, hoping that will be straightforward.

There is no country that issues a long-term multi-entry tourist visa that is conditioned upon and only valid for entry when accompanied by dependent children who are nationals of said country.


You're correct de jure but dead wrong de facto.

More than that I'm afraid I'm not in a position to confirm or deny at this time.

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From Post #86 Not relevant in our situation, she's got a long-term multi-entry tourist visa, but since she's changed her name will need to get it transferred to a new passport, hoping that will be straightforward.

There is no country that issues a long-term multi-entry tourist visa that is conditioned upon and only valid for entry when accompanied by dependent children who are nationals of said country.


You're correct de jure but dead wrong de facto.

More than that I'm afraid I'm not in a position to confirm or deny at this time.

Hahaha....finally you are nailed!!!

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This thread is like a train wreck, but at least train wrecks get cleared eventually - the OP still hasnt caught a taxi to the airport.-Current ETA is 5-8 weeks, so rather than holding your breath, feel free to simply not follow the thread anymore.

Does that mean we get to enjoy 5-8 more weeks of this thread's verbal diarrhea? Oh Joy :)

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FunFon I will like to meet you buy a beer and teach you lesson you deadbeat


You mean the one you keep trying to teach that horse?




Hahaha....finally you are nailed!!!


No idea what you mean?

I'm simply avoiding naming the jurisdiction in which my mum resides, for very good reasons given the many ill intentions expressed by the so-called "community" here.

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Does that mean we get to enjoy 5-8 more weeks of this thread's verbal diarrhea? Oh Joy smile.png


No one's forcing you to punish yourself by constantly clicking on the thread simply refrain.

There's also an ignore facility I've been told for those who would like to skip my pearls of wisdom. .

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