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Enforcement Of Thai Debts On My Way Out?

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If you have two truck loads of stuff, surely something in there must be worth something?


About 12 cubic meters of books, many broken appliances and run down furniture that was very cheap to start with, in theory might be able to raise 10K, not worth taking the time to sell piecemeal and leaving it for the landlord to deal with would be perceived as negative not positive.

I've got a friend happy to store/sell the books, maid's happy to take most of the rest, willing to count it as interest on my remaining back debt to her, which she's said she's happy to wait for until I get a job back home.

She's crying about missing the kids though, I've promised her she'll get to spend some time with them somehow before we go. I told her I'm supposed to give her four month's severance and she said never mind, one's fine, maybe two if I make decent money over there.

And she's reminded me that her daughter's going to be available for marriage in four years, she'd like her to get the chance to go to the US if my ex and I don't end up getting back together! whistling.gif


can you believe this guy , he is posting (today) on how to be cost-effective on postage. well he should know as he is going to do a runner one a sweet lady .


Perhaps the stress is getting to me, but I don't recall commenting about postage recently?

And once again, I'm not running out on the debt, it's going to be paid off faster by my returning home I'm hoping within six months, at the current rate of my overpaying the rent (last eight months arrangement as I said before) the backlog's going to take over 3 years.


Excuse me funfon for being a little offish but what do you mean by "we have established a good relationship of trust over the years,"

In my humble opinion she was the one who established good relationship with you. You on the other hand were manipulating her for a whole long year telling her all kinds of stories while having money for everything else rather then paying rent.

Doesn't sound "good relationship".to me at all.


Excuse me funfon for being a little offish but what do you mean by "we have established a good relationship of trust over the years,"

In my humble opinion she was the one who established good relationship with you. You on the other hand were manipulating her for a whole long year telling her all kinds of stories while having money for everything else rather then paying rent.

Doesn't sound "good relationship".to me at all.


I simply meant that before my financial situation started heading south, we had spend enough time together on a personal level so that (I believe) she knows she can trust me (e.g. to eventually pay off the backlog) and (I believe) I can trust her (e.g.) not to take action blocking me from leaving the country just because I owe her money - which some people are still telling me isn't possible, haven't gotten clarity on that yet.

She's helped me find work occasionally, I tutored some of her neighbor's kids and had them pay her the tuition directly, I've never manipulated nor deceived her either, don't know where you're getting that from.

We still do have a good relationship, not saying close, but friendly and helpful, and in fact I'm pretty sure she'll come and visit us overseas, countryside around my mum's is famous for scenery and we're not far from a major city she's visited many times in the past and only four hours drive from where she went to uni.


You've raise a key issue here - others have recently posted that the landlord does in fact not have the ability to block my leaving the country. Obviously that is at the heart of my OP, exactly the kind of issue I need to nail down in planning my next moves, so clarity on this from those who actually have hard knowledge of this would be most appreciated.

All the rest is pretty extraneous waffling isn't it. . .

I think you have to consider this.

If a landlord could block you leaving the country with a simple phone call, everyone with a grudge would be playing this card.

Dumped gfs, divorced wives, people you has a dispute with down the local bar. "Excuse me Mr. Thai police, I'm a landlord and this guy owes me money"

Blocking someone from leaving the country with a simple phone call or police report from any Thai just isn't a reasonable premise.

They can't do it, even if a legit claim, you would need a court order or warrant issued first.

Anyone with valid contracts that have been breached that are translated into Thai and filed by a competent lawyer with Immigration can bar someone leaving the country. It doesn't mean they are arrested. It just means that there is just cause to stop them leaving and respond to the charges.

We are not all living in your world of "Dumped gfs, divorced wives, people you has a dispute with down the local bar".

This is the real world. Think smart.


Anyone with valid contracts that have been breached that are translated into Thai and filed by a competent lawyer with Immigration can bar someone leaving the country. It doesn't mean they are arrested. It just means that there is just cause to stop them leaving and respond to the charges.

We are not all living in your world of "Dumped gfs, divorced wives, people you has a dispute with down the local bar".

This is the real world. Think smart.

How long do you think that would take?

It won't happen this week, everyone is closed.

I've been in and out of Thailand for a year or more, not found a 'competent lawyer' so far, have dealt with a couple of corrupt ones.

I don't know what world you live in either, but most foreigners I meet, don't live anywhere near the real world.

(PS. I'm not a foreigner)


funfon, pls tell me that the landlady isn't going to inherit your internet bill ..... I know it's a cheaper in Thailand, but then so is rent.


No the budget I've submitted to my "rescue committee" clears all the utilities, in fact all my debts to various friends etc other than the landlord and the maid - and I'm hoping I'll be able to clear the maid completely depends on a few unknown areas like how long I need to stay, passport/translation fees etc.

BTW TrueMove let me go without paying for 17 months, both satellite and high-speed wifi package, before cutting me off about six months ago.

Everyone at the True shop was flabbergasted, the manager when he found out I'm an IT guy, actually asked me if I had a friend on the inside had fiddled with their system, couldn't figure out how it happened. They turned it back for me when I paid around 30% of the total since I didn't have enough for the lot, haven't heard from then since, so maybe I'm just "lucky" that way laugh.png


funfon, pls tell me that the landlady isn't going to inherit your internet bill ..... I know it's a cheaper in Thailand, but then so is rent.

He is still posting on threads and using the Internet.

To be honest, I would not give credibility or take as being factual anything this fool is saying.

He seems to be throwing in the bait and others are taking it.

It is obvious the OP has problems, maybe some mental issues and I`m going to play his games.


funfon, pls tell me that the landlady isn't going to inherit your internet bill ..... I know it's a cheaper in Thailand, but then so is rent.

He is still posting on threads and using the Internet.

To be honest, I would not give credibility or take as being fact anything this fool is saying.

There is just no call for that comment.............take a chill pill....

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funfon, pls tell me that the landlady isn't going to inherit your internet bill ..... I know it's a cheaper in Thailand, but then so is rent.

He is still posting on threads and using the Internet.

To be honest, I would not give credibility or take as being fact anything this fool is saying.


What has one to do with the other?

You want I should just sit in the dark in the meantime?

Never mind, obviously since you've stated you want me to be in jail, the answer is yes.


For the next 5 days I will also be sitting in front of the internet.

Not much else to do unless I want to have water thrown over me.

Cheap entertainment as far as I can see,

today I watched Ep 10 of Spartacus, Ep1 of Da Vinci's Demons and reading a book.

Cost's nothing if you use someone else's wifi.


AnotherOneAmerican, on 13 Apr 2013 - 18:38, said:

DLock, on 13 Apr 2013 - 18:07, said:

Anyone with valid contracts that have been breached that are translated into Thai and filed by a competent lawyer with Immigration can bar someone leaving the country. It doesn't mean they are arrested. It just means that there is just cause to stop them leaving and respond to the charges.

We are not all living in your world of "Dumped gfs, divorced wives, people you has a dispute with down the local bar".

This is the real world. Think smart.

How long do you think that would take?

It won't happen this week, everyone is closed.

I've been in and out of Thailand for a year or more, not found a 'competent lawyer' so far, have dealt with a couple of corrupt ones.

I don't know what world you live in either, but most foreigners I meet, don't live anywhere near the real world.

(PS. I'm not a foreigner)

Amen to that ...

FunFon, on 13 Apr 2013 - 19:10, said:

MrWorldwide, on 13 Apr 2013 - 19:00, said:

funfon, pls tell me that the landlady isn't going to inherit your internet bill ..... I know it's a cheaper in Thailand, but then so is rent.


No the budget I've submitted to my "rescue committee" clears all the utilities, in fact all my debts to various friends etc other than the landlord and the maid - and I'm hoping I'll be able to clear the maid completely depends on a few unknown areas like how long I need to stay, passport/translation fees etc.

BTW TrueMove let me go without paying for 17 months, both satellite and high-speed wifi package, before cutting me off about six months ago.

Everyone at the True shop was flabbergasted, the manager when he found out I'm an IT guy, actually asked me if I had a friend on the inside had fiddled with their system, couldn't figure out how it happened. They turned it back for me when I paid around 30% of the total since I didn't have enough for the lot, haven't heard from then since, so maybe I'm just "lucky" that way laugh.png

Load of crap they show, there's one debtor who deserves a fleecing. MIne got cut off after 2 months. Left it off , about 14 months now no TV , really don't miss it after the first week but I do buy cheap movie CDs.

FF I would leave, asap, and no do not tell her, it is not worth having your children out of your care if you are detained. I bet if she's motivated , such a BOTL notice can be arranged in day or so. The police are open on Songkran But if the kids papers are not in order you have no choice but to wait, leave then though.

Leave quietly,, send her a note of apology, then pay her asap.


Mr FF.

You had more than your 15 minutes of fame here already! Time to call it a day!! whistling.gif

When you first started this thread, I thought you were "brave" to put yourself out there. Live and let live and all that.

Now realizing that you are enjoying all the attention, you are getting, I don't think it is brave, rather borderlining narcicsm.

JUst check the main page on general topics, at any given time 10 of the latest replies are from you. After this thread you can't expect anyone to take your replies seriously, So Johnny, sorry FF time for another username-change!!


FF I would leave, asap, and no do not tell her, it is not worth having your children out of your care if you are detained. I bet if she's motivated , such a BOTL notice can be arranged in day or so. The police are open on Songkran But if the kids papers are not in order you have no choice but to wait, leave then though.

Leave quietly,, send her a note of apology, then pay her asap.


Yes that seems to be the way to go.

Just had a good thought, the place needs a good paint, and that will give me a good reason to move stuff around, get rid of broken things etc so I'm at least leaving it in as good shape as I can without raising suspicions.

If nothing else it may reduce the possible damage assessment, and may reinforce her (justified) trust in my intention to pay the debt along with my carefully composed email sent once I'm safely overseas.


FF I would leave, asap, and no do not tell her, it is not worth having your children out of your care if you are detained. I bet if she's motivated , such a BOTL notice can be arranged in day or so. The police are open on Songkran But if the kids papers are not in order you have no choice but to wait, leave then though.

Leave quietly,, send her a note of apology, then pay her asap.


Yes that seems to be the way to go.

Just had a good thought, the place needs a good paint, and that will give me a good reason to move stuff around, get rid of broken things etc so I'm at least leaving it in as good shape as I can without raising suspicions.

If nothing else it may reduce the possible damage assessment, and may reinforce her (justified) trust in my intention to pay the debt along with my carefully composed email sent once I'm safely overseas.

I might be having a bad day but Isn't this manipulative?

You got me there.


You need to look at what is important here. You are in potentially and dangerous position for you and your family. You need to put survival before pleasantries and honour - leave the stuff you can't carry (as you said its mostly dross anyway) and get your family back home - do it fast, and do it quiet. You can make apologies from the safety of several thousand miles away via email.

I don't wouldn't care what people say (here or anyway) or think, its too important for your family to be safe. I bet everyone in your position would put themselves and their family first before arbitrary morals. It is fair to state that you should not have got to this point in the first place, but its a moot point - you have, so move forward.

//Edit: Typo


Yes you're right, I need to just keep it simple, not give any signs of anything different for the neighbors to comment on.

The meter being taken away is bad enough. . .


Seems the op was asking for opinions on the law, not harsh judgements. It isn't really our business to speculate how he got there.

What exactly do you think anonymous internet forums are for? LOL


Why the hell are we aiding and abetting a fugitive ? I could understand if he had his wallet stolen by a Katoey and was just trying to get home, but this has been a longterm slide into a position which could have seen him hauled into a court in Oz or thrown in jail in UAE. Wesley Snipes is in the final months of a 4-year jail sentence for not paying his taxes - that's the kind of debt you just don't 'let slide', and rent/mortgage is another. The argument that it was a 'month here and there' just doesn't fly with me - how many businesses survive by allowing their debtors to miss periodic payments ? We are staring down the barrel of financial oblivion because Germany signed some 'bad debtors' to a currency agreement, only to realise that we all suffer when nations cant repay their debts.

As I've stated in other threads, when I get down to my last 10K baht (or 900MYR or whatever), its time to checkout permanently - the OP has a family so I wont advocate that option. He should have been at the airport months ago - simple as that.

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I knew a guy same like you, he been with wife and baby send
out of his apartment with a 2 minutes’ notice. He had besides that many dept
with friends, family and local mini store, also with me.

He was drinking every day on other people’s money, and
showing his baby to all and explained that he couldn’t afford diapers for her to
extract money.

No sympathy from me, I hope you find a way to pay her back
bit by bit and sort out your life.


I feel sorry for his mum.

He's going to roll up broke, in debt up to wherever, two kids and a violent ex wife in tow.

All her dreams come true.... for a quiet retirement.

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Is this guy a troll or not ?

This is beside the point.

His disgusting tale is being sponsored in what purports to be an expat forum offering instructive advice on how to live in Thailand.

One group seems to enjoy this tripe immensely

This lot have done more harm to expats in Thailand than any other group.

This lot with their "wind ups" and "taking the piss" began polluting the expat population a few years

after I arrived. Their gobble-swallow pronunciations (quite clearly evolved from their infamously serious dental issues are eclipsed only by their love of warm beer, offal "fry-ups"and and pies and their interminable arguments that one only need shower once a day.

This same waffle-headed pack of ninnies who support this FunFon-goof's current criminal enterprise

are equally guilty of wasting hours and hours "watching the foughbough" "on telly" and complaining about Thai people on this forum.

Must be getting enough showers when "they take the piss" (whatever the hell * that's* supposed to mean)

They appear to hail from one jurisdiction.


I systematically avoid them in the same vein I chose to avoid gaggles of Israeli backpackers.

They know who they are.

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