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Living With A Bar Girl In Pattaya


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To answer the OPs original question. No I don't live with a bar girl. But if I did it would be mine and hers business...nobody else's.

In reply to the now hundreds of posters.... gee get a life....this is like going back to the 60's where a man was a hero for shagging multiple women but a girl was a slut.

Let him who has no sin cast the first stone..or some such crap.

OK, Mr Johnny-come-lately.....

If you're going to try to use comparisons at least make them valid. The OP's missus is not shagging around like a girl from the 60's, she's an active pro charging for services... and the OP is living on those proceeds.

Did you miss that?

You can decide on who's sinning, but at least get your facts straight first.

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Since we had the pimp question already somewhere in the middle of this thread and those who come in now didn't seem to bother to read through this thread, I believe we can close this down before we start discussing everything right from scratch all over again.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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