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That's good news Chumbles. Still get rid of the passport before applying for a new visa or an entry permit (tourist) as they may reject based on the mention of drugs.

This seems a logical and intelligent action from the Thai Authorities: A sword of Damaclese (bet I spelt that wrong!) hanging over the offender's head - a threat that can and will be actioned on a repeat of the offense or similar. "Come back and enjoy yourself in the future, just don't break our laws again," is what its saying. So take heed.

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"Come back and enjoy yourself in the future, just don't break our laws again," is what its saying. So take heed.

I have taken heed don't worry about that. I will be back and I will behave, the Thai laws are a bit harsh in my view but they are Thai laws so they will be fully respected in the future.

My lawyer told me I wouldn't be black listed after I paid her but she had lied to me a few times so I didn't trut her. Seems she may have actually done a small amount of work for the large amount of money I paid her!

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"Come back and enjoy yourself in the future, just don't break our laws again," is what its saying. So take heed.

I have taken heed don't worry about that. I will be back and I will behave, the Thai laws are a bit harsh in my view but they are Thai laws so they will be fully respected in the future.

My lawyer told me I wouldn't be black listed after I paid her but she had lied to me a few times so I didn't trut her. Seems she may have actually done a small amount of work for the large amount of money I paid her!

And the moral of the story is.....

Get a good Thai lawyer who comes on a first class, personal recommendation. Many Thai lawyers are not only ignorant of the Thai laws themselves, but are also out to screw you any which way they can, and will only tell you what suits their purpose. If that bitch had translated everything for you in the first place and advised yopu properly on your status, (i.e. can you return?) we wouldn't have wasted 9 pages on this thread. :o

But that's a plus - I suppose - is it? :D

Definitely get a new passport, and if you book your next trip at least 12 months hence, I'd say you'll be fine.

Good luck mate. :D

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That is the problem with the argument "I think the drug laws are stupid, so I'm going to ignore them."

One either obeys all laws, or none. One cannot pick and choose, and if one does then one cannot complain when others choose not to obey a law that results in loss or harm to oneself. But then, that's anarchy.

Ahh, from pot-smokers to anarchy... :o

So either you follow all laws or none at all? :D Hhmm.

This kind of simplistic binary thinking defies logic and reality.

Reminds me of the with-us-or-against-us rhetoric.

Newsflash: the world isn't white & black, it consists of shades of grey and plenty of colour, too. :D

So who decides which laws should be obeyed and which are ok to ignore? Me? You? A street mugger? A peadophile?
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I will be back and I will behave, the Thai laws are a bit harsh in my view
Harsh? Really? A small fine and a warning not to do it again. No more than a slap on the wrist.
but they are Thai laws so they will be fully respected in the future.
Good, as a guest in the country it is the least you can do.
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So who decides which laws should be obeyed and which are ok to ignore? Me? You? A street mugger? A peadophile?
I don't think street muggers and pedophiles have any campaigns going at the moment, I also doubt they'd get much sympathy. For activities like having a smoke or ignoring a red traffic light, I'd say it's pretty much an individual decision, bearing in mind the possible consequences.

As mentioned before, the law is a continually evolving thing, and as far as possession of minute quantities of ganja goes, the legal development in Western countries versus several Asian nations has been in opposite directions during the last two decades. :o

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as far as possession of minute quantities of ganja goes, the legal development in Western countries versus several Asian nations has been in opposite directions during the last two decades. :D
And of course, the West is always right! :o
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as far as possession of minute quantities of ganja goes, the legal development in Western countries versus several Asian nations has been in opposite directions during the last two decades.

Actually there's talk of reversing the decision to down-grade weed from class B to C (a decision made a few years back) in the UK. This is in light of the link with violent mental conditions.

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Isn't getting rid of your passport against the law.

Don't want to break the law, remember.

If the translation is correct there is no problem entering Thailand.

It might raise some eyebrows and even a question, nothing more.

A shiny new passport and a note about the case in the computer might be worse.

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