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Roundabout Chaweng Need Help!

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how does that stupid system work.

had a confortation with a Thai man today and i have not a clue who was right or wrong.

i think i was right. i was driving from chaweng side and going straight over the roundabout and indcated right then left as i exited

then some thai man in a car beeped his horn coming from the left hand side where the lake is an pu chaweng then nearly drove into me and slammed his brakes on expecting me to stop.

there are signs in the road saying give way. but once you are passed the line then surely you carry on going straight round.

now this man got out of his car and had a go at me then walked off telling me to f my mum in thai.

i was confussed. so i drove back to the point where it happened and watched the signs and the traffic.

i noticed that it was all so random. some cars and bikes stop half way round the roundabout to give way others go straight round. seems to be first cvoe first served or people just stop because they do not know what to do??

i cannot see that i did anything wrong as i was nearly round the roundabout before he nearly drove into me expecting me to stop somwhere in the middle of the roundabout where there are no lines.

if this sounds complicated then it is. Imiagine how the Thais deal with this

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In a normal situation, according to the driving code ( Australia) you are supposed to use your indicators when entering and exiting a roundabout.

That in Thailand is a bit confusing if you are proceeding in a straight line, in particular in Chaweng. I do not use the indicator when proceeding straight, that means I do not have it on entering or exiting, as it will confuse the hell out of them.

The rule is to give way to the right.

The only one that seems to work is in BKK , victory monument.



You can also have a read / chuckle here, plenty of discussions


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The Thais/Burmese on Samui in the main have no idea as to how to use the roundabout. The simple rule on that roundabout is that if you are behind the line, you have to give way to anyone who is already on the roundabout, to your right. But what often happens is that that many give way to any vehicle heading west towards Chaweng Beach regardless of whether said vehicle has entered the roundabout or not. I understand why they do it; self preservation. So that then backs up traffic from the Lake Road. Often when I'm approaching from the Ring Road, I beckon to those waiting ON the roundabout that they have right of way. They probably think that I'm just a lovely, kind hearted foreigner. :)

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They keep adding more signs in Thai and English. All to no avail. I have big car though, and just follow the rules. Makes for interesting situation sometimes though. So Big C, I can relate. Just stubbornly do the right thing, and one day everyone will follow.

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It is particular dangerous for traffic approaching from the direction of tesco lights wanting to turn right onto the lake road. Idiots travelling in the other direction have no idea what "give way to the right" means & usually glare in disgust at what they see as bad driving!

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The roundabout idea was very ill thought out. Rather like giving a kid an Action Man puppet with a real gun and ammunition. Add to that no signs to even ask drivers to give way to the right! It will cause a steady string of accidents until someone sees some common sense, disposes of it or places correct signs and has it policed until local road users understand what its all about

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The roundabout idea was very ill thought out. Rather like giving a kid an Action Man puppet with a real gun and ammunition. Add to that no signs to even ask drivers to give way to the right! It will cause a steady string of accidents until someone sees some common sense, disposes of it or places correct signs and has it policed until local road users understand what its all about

The signs have been there for quite a while but have made no difference.

Edited by evadgib
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thanks for all those comments. i have found out that i was not in the wrong. yet i was threaten by some local who was. I was so confussed when he stopped his car to come out at me that i thought he got out to tell me i had a flat tyre or something.

oh well if i do not reply for a while then look on the new=s for an englishm man with a whole in his head.

or if my spelling improves then u know some has stolen my lap top and i am not me

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In all fairness , as most Thais have never been informed of the rules of roundabouts , you can't blame them for not understanding

What they should do is add a traffic light system in ( similar to the traffic light system in the uk on roundabouts leading to motorways ) but then again most Thais ignore the system

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In all fairness , as most Thais have never been informed of the rules of roundabouts , you can't blame them for not understanding

What they should do is add a traffic light system in ( similar to the traffic light system in the uk on roundabouts leading to motorways ) but then again most Thais ignore the system

But thats just the point!! Were not blaming them. Were just saying they should have been taught how to use it first and it should have been policed thereafter until deemed safe.

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and let us not forget that a lot of Thai drivers cannot read. Signs become irelevant then.whistling.gif

Can't read, or won't bother to read? As literacy in Thailand is close to 95%, I guess it's more likely a case of the latter.

Edit to add; and many must be colorblind, as that explains why so many disregard trafficlights...

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and let us not forget that a lot of Thai drivers cannot read. Signs become irelevant then.whistling.gif

Can't read, or won't bother to read? As literacy in Thailand is close to 95%, I guess it's more likely a case of the latter.

Can't be bothered to read and are not interested in the highway code or abiding to it.

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and let us not forget that a lot of Thai drivers cannot read. Signs become irelevant then.whistling.gif

Can't read, or won't bother to read? As literacy in Thailand is close to 95%, I guess it's more likely a case of the latter.

Can't be bothered to read and are not interested in the highway code or abiding to it.

I fully agree with the part on abiding by it. However, I am of the opinion that most Thais do know the rules. They just prefer their own set if that's more convenient to them.

There are a couple of right of way rules in Thailand that are the opposite of the ones in the UK for example. Most of the near accidents I had was with foreigners here, who haven't bothered to read the Thai Highway Code!

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In all fairness , as most Thais have never been informed of the rules of roundabouts , you can't blame them for not understanding

What they should do is add a traffic light system in ( similar to the traffic light system in the uk on roundabouts leading to motorways ) but then again most Thais ignore the system

unfortutely due to mis understanding one could get hurt.

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A "modern roundabout" is a type of circular junction that was developed by the United Kingdom Transport Research Laboratory in the mid-twentieth century, in which road traffic must travel in one direction around a central island and priority is given to the circulating flow. Signs usually direct traffic entering the circle to slow down and to yield the right of way.

Basically, once you have entered the roundabout you have the right of way. All traffic approaching the roundabout must give way.

However, this rule does not seem to apply to Koh Samui's first and only roundabout. Most locals seem to do the oppersite!

It’s yet another logical system, developed centuries ago by the Europeans and then copied by Thailand.......Most of which end up like spaghetti!

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A "modern roundabout" is a type of circular junction that was developed by the United Kingdom Transport Research Laboratory in the mid-twentieth century, in which road traffic must travel in one direction around a central island and priority is given to the circulating flow. Signs usually direct traffic entering the circle to slow down and to yield the right of way.

Basically, once you have entered the roundabout you have the right of way. All traffic approaching the roundabout must give way.

However, this rule does not seem to apply to Koh Samui's first and only roundabout. Most locals seem to do the oppersite!

It’s yet another logical system, developed centuries ago by the Europeans and then copied by Thailand.......Most of which end up like spaghetti!

So Ogg, which roundabouts do you think have become the most hazardous? Thai. British or Australian? w00t.gif

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This makes me crazy anytime I pass it too. But hey! This is Thailand, many of those people on motorbikes and in cars, have no driving licence, also I think this is the only roundabout on the island, they have no idea how to drive there, so it is absolutely random. Just be careful next time and watch the traffic. My 2 cents.

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A "modern roundabout" is a type of circular junction that was developed by the United Kingdom Transport Research Laboratory in the mid-twentieth century, in which road traffic must travel in one direction around a central island and priority is given to the circulating flow. Signs usually direct traffic entering the circle to slow down and to yield the right of way.

Basically, once you have entered the roundabout you have the right of way. All traffic approaching the roundabout must give way.

However, this rule does not seem to apply to Koh Samui's first and only roundabout. Most locals seem to do the oppersite!

It’s yet another logical system, developed centuries ago by the Europeans and then copied by Thailand.......Most of which end up like spaghetti!

So Ogg, which roundabouts do you think have become the most hazardous? Thai. British or Australian? w00t.gif

Errrrh, now let me think............? Do you know the answer?blink.png Edited by PoorSucker
quote fixed
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In all fairness , as most Thais have never been informed of the rules of roundabouts , you can't blame them for not understanding

What they should do is add a traffic light system in ( similar to the traffic light system in the uk on roundabouts leading to motorways ) but then again most Thais ignore the system

But thats just the point!! Were not blaming them. Were just saying they should have been taught how to use it first and it should have been policed thereafter until deemed safe.

it was the thai government that put the roundabout in. knowing full well that Thais dont even know how to use it. how crazy is that,,

Also when an accident happens then it shall be our fault for " not knowing the thai way to drive" been hit by someone who also has no clue as how to drive. The driving test is a joke. though it does teach some interesting things as to how the way of driving ids different.

funny thing is that i did not have to do the test as i had an international driver lisence they transfered my licenses over. which means i have alicense but the knowledge is still the same as before i walked in,

shouldn;t complain as i was in and out with a new license within an hour whilst the others were working hard i was waiting for my misses the rest of the day in the restaurant down the road

Edited by BigC
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A "modern roundabout" is a type of circular junction that was developed by the United Kingdom Transport Research Laboratory in the mid-twentieth century, in which road traffic must travel in one direction around a central island and priority is given to the circulating flow. Signs usually direct traffic entering the circle to slow down and to yield the right of way.

Basically, once you have entered the roundabout you have the right of way. All traffic approaching the roundabout must give way.

However, this rule does not seem to apply to Koh Samui's first and only roundabout. Most locals seem to do the oppersite!

It’s yet another logical system, developed centuries ago by the Europeans and then copied by Thailand.......Most of which end up like spaghetti!

is that because u r suggesting they are stupid or enuropians are? Too be honest a junction with traffic light thank blink might been better

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A "modern roundabout" is a type of circular junction that was developed by the United Kingdom Transport Research Laboratory in the mid-twentieth century, in which road traffic must travel in one direction around a central island and priority is given to the circulating flow. Signs usually direct traffic entering the circle to slow down and to yield the right of way.

Basically, once you have entered the roundabout you have the right of way. All traffic approaching the roundabout must give way.

However, this rule does not seem to apply to Koh Samui's first and only roundabout. Most locals seem to do the oppersite!

It’s yet another logical system, developed centuries ago by the Europeans and then copied by Thailand.......Most of which end up like spaghetti!

is that because u r suggesting they are stupid or enuropians are? Too be honest a junction with traffic light thank blink might been better

It's not the type of traffic system that is the problem. The Roundabout in Chaweng should work very well and is a big improvement to the old juction.

If accidents occur then it's a combination of driver error and a lack of rule enforcement........The road surface breaking up on the roundabout doesn't help also!

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what u mean it is like giving a kid a hand gun as a toy and him shoting his mates and himself.

nothing wrong with the gun but the mental capisticy of the person holding it.

like this roundabout.

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Considering the Locals can not even read a sign at every Petrol station, all that it is an arrow for enter, an arrow for exit. 95 % of the time I try to enter/exit a PTT some local be using the wrong exit/entrance. So a roundabout must be like Suduko !

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Great thread on something that is a serious problem but I think, by reading all the posts, most of us fully understand how a roundabout works. Give way to the right and once your on the roundabout you then have right of way.

My stomach churns everytime I approach the roundabout, not because I don't know the rules but because I ecounter a near miss on every occasion I use it! It is crazy that they have placed this here as 90% of the drivers are uneducated in driving and schooling and therefor dont understand it and cant read the signs.

It reminds of when in UK the Magic Roundabout was built is Swindon. 5 mini roundabouts around a sixth central one. Lets get one here and see some real fun! clap2.gif

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Great thread on something that is a serious problem but I think, by reading all the posts, most of us fully understand how a roundabout works. Give way to the right and once your on the roundabout you then have right of way.

My stomach churns everytime I approach the roundabout, not because I don't know the rules but because I ecounter a near miss on every occasion I use it! It is crazy that they have placed this here as 90% of the drivers are uneducated in driving and schooling and therefor dont understand it and cant read the signs.

It reminds of when in UK the Magic Roundabout was built is Swindon. 5 mini roundabouts around a sixth central one. Lets get one here and see some real fun! clap2.gif

I don't know why we are knocking the locals so much there needs a look at the expats there are some real dick's around and 1 is a guy driving a old pick up with Russian written on the back I guess he's Russian. Also in Thailand there are plenty of roundabout's as Roo said before, Victory monument and there is a large one in Hatyai they work and Thai's use them ever day.

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