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Police Check Video After Bystanders Killed In Bangkok Shoot-Out


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Maybe this will help convince you when it comes to gun crimes in Thailand.



Nationmaster gets its intel from Wikipedia and claims according to this page 41.4695 gun violence cases are registered.

I invite you to check wiki's page.. And guess what: Thailand is not in the list!

Get the facts straight first, nationmaster...

Personally i am interested in the REAL numbers but somehow they always seem to have been manipulated or just made up!

This topic came up on a thread a few months ago, and Thailand was certainly on the list on Wikipedia. Then suddenly in the middle of the discussion, Thailand was completely removed from that Wiki list to my astonishment.

After some research I found out that basically anyone can edit a Wiki article, and in fact that is exactly what was done. Forget whether or not Thailand is number one or number sixteen, the real tip off should be that it does not exist on the list of countries.

You are absulutely right Eyeswideopen.

Any other source page that claims this?

Wiki is too unreliable, really..

Ok. This conspiracy thinking is ridiculous. This was explained numerous times before, but to recap;

UN report listed Thailands gun crimes (which include illegal possession) as gun murders, due to a translation error. Wiki used UN as source for its page. Nation master used Wiki as source. UN corrected its mistake, and subsequently Wiki did so as well. Nation master on the other hand did not. Nation master is a crap site with most used sources dating back 10 to 20 years, and never updated.

No conspiracy involved. As Wiki can be edited, someone simply removed Thailand from the list. Lesson learned is to be somewhat careful of Wiki data.

Unless....Thailand has a gun murder rate lower than Switzerland and did not even make it on the list..... LOL

Try to add Thailand to wiki then... Oh no, not possible, because there is no reliable recorded data for gun murders in Thailand. I am certainly not saying it shouldn't be on the list, but putting it on a list without solid data is also stupid. That's why it's not in the list, as are many other countries missing (probably also many who would rate higher than Switzerland). All I am saying is not to cite nation master site with its proven corrupt data.

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What a sorry story to start the day. Insanity. Thai youth and taxi drivers becoming Americanised. TV - educating Thai's.

Odd conclusion.... Spend some time watching the Thai soap operas, where you will see some real gun violence. American TV looks tame by comparison.

Also Thailand has one of the highest gun homicide rates in the world which has been discussed many times on TV. Hey maybe Thailand is a bad influence on America ?? :-)

I'm sure there is some influence from America through films and TV. It would be strange if there wasn't although it's obviously not the only reason and it does happen elsewhere.

RIP to those killed.

Maybe the American influence is the cause of some Thais driving on the right. smile.png

I very much doubt these young 'gang bangers' sit at home and watch violent American TV shows. They spend their time socializing/bonding with their gang. Their world-view is shaped by the needs of the gang to the exclusion of all else, They never consider the harm they do to others; only their status within the gang. These are very selfish people.

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I thought that it was difficult to attain a firearm in Thailand. Everyone bashes America for its ease in getting firearms and yet Thailand has a higher rate of gun-violence with its more restrictive firearms laws. Does this mean that the bad-guys do not follow the laws? Imagine that......

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